Unidentified Machine

Marsha tried to shake off the feeling of nervousness and approach the door. She answered trying not to sound nervous, but her voice came off a bit shaky and the man noticed. He asked a few questions and Marsha stuttered while answering because she wasn't a good liar. The captain of Squad B noticed and pushed his self in.

"Ma'am I hope you aren't lying", he said with a cold voice and looked at Marsha.

Marsha took a few steps creating a little distance between her and the man.

"No, this is the truth I'm not", before Marsha could add the word lying to her sentence a noise came from the kitchen.

They both turned their heads to the direction of the noise and Marsha tried to come up with a conversation, but she was ignored and the leader of Squad B asked what the noise was. Marsha said it was a cat, but the man went ahead to check, when he saw who was there he held up his weapon and pointed it at Jo. Jo knew what would happen if they caught him, all the memories flashed in his head and so he went closer to the kitchen window that displayed the view outside.

"We ask for your corporation, don't make this hard and simply come with us"

Going back was not an option for Jo it was the last place he wanted to be and so he looked at his wife with soft eyes and then he jumped through the window. Jo was on the Three hundredth floor when he jumped, he wasn't sure if his plan would work but he still jumped. When he jumped his wife's eyes widen and the solider cursed under his breath.

"Shit, squad A and C suspect jumped through the window, form up at squad D", he talked into the little microphone that was attach to his uniform as he took a few steps back.

Marsha thought he was about to leave through the door, but instead the man rushed and also jumped through the window. As he jumped Marsha rushed to the window and saw them falling, Jo enjoyed the drop while free falling and the leader of squad B placed his legs together and his hands by his side and accelerated downwards. Jo's back was facing to the ground and he looked at the man who was heading towards him, tears came from Jo's eyes as he thought about his family and said the words 'I love you' and the picture of his family came to his mind as he smiled. Jo was now at the fifth floor and the leader at the eighth. Within seconds Jo's back hit the ground and with immediate contact his body emitted smoke and he transformed into a Robotic looking machine and bounced off the ground, and flew up. Before the leader of squad B could hit the ground he turn his feet to the ground and hit his shoes together and with the sudden push of air from his boots he flew up and chased Jo.

"Everyone listen, we'll have to resort to our last option and fly, try to hide from populated sites", and everyone gave a response.

All of the squad members were now flying and tried to keep up with Jo who was now wearing a Robot looking suit and much faster than them. Jo wanted to shake them off his trail and so he flew higher in the sky and a few of the squad members followed and the rest stayed below waiting for the moment when he would descend down. Jo flew higher and then two cars came behind them and talked into a megaphone.

"This is the Air Police we ask you to kindly stop and identify yourselves, this speed and height of flying is prohibited and therefore it break the laws of Air flight"

"Jeez, air cops", a member of squad D murmured.

"They're so annoying, can't they just leave us", someone from squad A added

"Well they are doing their job Mike"

"Shut it Kile"

Numerous members were now talking and then they heard leader of squad D telling them to shut up and focus.

"Yes sir", they all responded.

"Marv's always no fun", a female solider of squad C added

"Shhh!" all the solders shushed her.

"Unidentified machine we ask you to stop, this sort of action will land you in jail for more than eight years. If you all don't stop this minute we'll take actions"

The Air police [AP] then contacted their superior at [AFMTA] Air Force Movement and Traveling Agency for permission to shoot and they were granted permission to take them down and Air catchers were sent to the location to catch anything that fell during the shooting so nothing would fall in the city and cause damages or lost of life. Jo and all the squad members ignored the AP and then shooting from the AP started, but they were still ignored. Jo thought of a way to lose all his pursuers and so he went into the clouds but it was not much help his size and speed sliced through the clouds and Marv was getting closer.

Jo has only been in this form flying for about six minutes, but he was now feeling tired and he was getting slower. Only two of the solider were following Jo since the others stayed back to slow down the APs. Jo was feeling dizzy and weak but, he pushed forward and kept flying, then out of nowhere an Air police vehicle hit Jo's Robotic suit knocking him from his tracks. The squad members were holding back the AP, but the AP used a super speed and caught up to Jo. The super speed could only be used once so the APs waited for the perfect opening. The Air police car could only handle one super speed, since multiply pressure from the super speed destroyed the engines and with a result the car would fall from the sky.

As the Air police car hit the machine Jo inhabited he fell unconscious and was now falling from the sky.

"Air catchers object falling, head to north east Maslin Street 87 within three minutes, object will reach ground proximally three minute"

"Yes sir"

The Air Catchers [AC] rushed to the area and after the minutes passed they saw the object falling and they fixed into position. There were five Air Catchers that held something looking like a big net, it was elastic looking and also sticky so anything that was caught in it would stick and the only way to get it off was by using the liquid that the ACs carried with them, this net was great with the help of capturing Sky Criminals.

As the machine that Jo was in came closer to the ACs they could see that it was really big.

"It's huge"

"Can we catch it?"

"Spread out guys and stretch", the female leader shouted and they all did as told expanding the net as they hovered in the sky by the help of hover boots. They expanded the net as far as it possibly could, but as soon as the machine reached in it, it pulled them to the ground and they all fell in the back ally way. The Air Catchers hissed and growled in pain and looked around and noticed the thing they caught was now human.

The squad members who were chasing Jo reached the scene and stood close to him instead of checking if anyone was injured. Soon after the APs from earlier also reached the scene and the squad members that stayed on the ground blocked the two openings from civilians and even at the roof, Jo was completely surrounded again and was now getting to his feet. Marv the leader of squad B noticed him and held his shoulders, and Jo shivered with the placing of his hand.

"We're done here, everyone let's move out"

"What you mean we're done here, you all will have to head back to AFMTA with us, don't retaliate we were order to shoot", a man said who looked as if he was in his forty's.

"Now let me cuff your hands, please corporate", a younger man said as he pulled out the handcuffs.

All the squad members stood their position not even shifting a little.

"So you think you're a big guy huh? we'll see how you keep this up when we send you all to headquarters", the man with the handcuffs said. "I think we'll need backup to carry you all".

"This is AP, Marcus Bill unit 13 vehicle T73 requesting"

Before Marcus could finish his sentence a hand landed on his left shoulder and he felt a little squeeze and he pressed a button on AP phone that was strapped to one of his ear. Instead of using hand held walkie talkie they used a small phone looking object that was strung to one of their ear with only two buttons that were used to call and hang up.

"Marcus don't, cancel the request"

"Sir Albrid?" Marcus said with the puzzlement in his voice.

The man in his forty's looked up at Marv signaling Marcus to look and when he did Marv stared down at them with a straight and serious face. Sir Albrid looked Marv up and down and then his eyes landed on the black badge engraved with golden writings and Sir Albert squeeze Marcus shoulder tighter and took a step back.

"Cancel the request Marcus", he said again with a straight face and more serious tone.

"AP Marcus Bill cancelling request"

"We're done here, head back", Marv then said again as he turned around holding Jo who was in daze ever since Marv held his shoulder.

Marv stepped off dragging Jo on the floor and the squad members who were ceiling of the entrance stepped aside and made way for Marv to pass and out nowhere a hover car stopped in front of them and they went in. The other squad member instantly left as if they vanished into thin air, the APs or ACs didn't notice when they left and they looked around even at the building top and they were all gone.

"Sir why did you let them leave?", Marcus asked since he didn't understand.

"Yea, Sir Albrid who were they", a female from the AC team asked.

"Trust me you would rather be dead that seeing those people or witnessing what happened. Who are they you asked? someone you don't want you mess with. I advise you all to forget what just happen, keep what happened here to yourselves if you value life, I'll handle everything back at headquarters", Albert said with a serious tone and turned to his vehicle.

Everyone was lost with words and just stood there processing what they heard.

"Let's move out", Albert ordered and snapped them from their thoughts.