Lynx then went home as he had things to finish taking care of, a few days pass as Lynx did his usual tasks. As any other day Lynx was out venturing again with Iron 99 by his side, they were walking carefully and steadily as usual as Lynx carried the buckets, two things strapped across his back with a bag. He walked cautiously at a regular pace, it was just like every other day venturing out for materials and food. As he was passing through an area of collapsed building something caught his attention and he immediately hid without a second thought and Iron 99 followed him, Lynx hid behind the wall of a building and slowly peeped from his hiding space, as he saw that it was people from above, the Skylanders passing through the air above he knew he had to keep hiding and avoid them at every cost. After he sensed the air was safer he slowly moved from his hiding, he needed to collect supplies so he decided to continue his journey and try his best not to run into any of the Skylanders, as when people came from above they would pick on them, killing them and causing damage. As he kept walking he somehow stumbled upon the Skylanders again and hid once more, he hid their silently and then he managed to hear peaces of their conversation and what he heard made his heart shudder in fear. The Skylanders were discussing to make their way to a massive garbage that wasn't far from them, Lynx peeped once more and saw that they were taking off, he already knew what would happen if the garbage hill was to collapse and so he rushed from his hiding putting fear behind him and called out to them. Lynx knew that he was facing death but he had to, he couldn't just stay still and watch everything end without trying.
The Skylanders eventually heard him and looked at the boy who was waving to grasp there attention and so they decided to approach him with no good intentions. Lynx saw them approaching him and he knew there was no turning back. The Skylanders reached close to Lynx and dropped their selves to the ground standing a few meters from him, Iron 99 then ran over to Lynx even though he was told to stay put. Iron 99 then started barking at the three people in front of him as he could sense hostility, Lynx knew why Iron 99 was barking as he tried calm him down. The three people looked at Lynx who was wrapped in bandages and looked dirty as usual and the creature that was barking. The Skylanders wore a tight black looking suit that covered from their neck straight to their feet. One of them started walking closer to Lynx and in a giggly mocking voice he started mocking Lynx's and Iron 99 look. Lynx found it offensive not to him but the man mocked Iron 99 looks, but Lynx brushed it in the back of his head and started talking.
"The garbage hill over there I ask you not to bother it", Lynx said as he pointed.
"And why not?" the man asked smiling
"Because if that hill turns over it might damage the community not far from it and not only that Rampagers might live there and you might wake them" Lynx said in a calm voice.
"Rampagers, what are those?" the man asked with a raised eyebrow.
"They're large monsters that destroy anything in their path and will kill people"
With that description the man knew exactly what Lynx was talking about, but on Skyland they were called Core Beast and then the made laughed.
"You hear that guys now we know where the Core Beasts are" the man grinned as he spoke. He then turned from Lynx walking off and then things that looked wire strung from his body and then armor formed from his feet bringing him higher in the air before covering his arm and face. Lynx stood there astonished as he watched the man transform before his eyes as it was his first time seeing someone from Skyland transform. As they were about to take off and make their way to the garbage hill, Lynx snapped back to his senses and shouted at them again telling them to stop, he started following them pleading for them to stop as he shouted desperately, the man now in his Robot form thought of him as an annoying brat and then he turned around only to use his hand to swat Lynx away as his back hit the wall, he could feel the pain as his back hit the wall. Iron 99 then rushed over to Lynx trying to provide support in whatever way he could and the three Robotic people started walking away again. Lynx then took a megaphone from the back of Iron 99 and scream into it pleading once more to them not to bother the garbage hill, he created the megaphone few days ago but he hadn't named it yet. They didn't care about what Lynx was saying, the man who hit Lynx earlier was the same man who was mocking him and the same man who wanted to hit again, but his teammate told him not to waste time and so they left as two of them lifted the other one who didn't have a flying ability.
Lynx knew what would happen and he needed to warn everyone at AE quickly, as he made movement to stand he felt pain all over. The hit he received had dislocated his arm and sprained his ankle and he was feeling a sharp pain in his back. When he got swatted away a few things flew from his bag and he looked around frantically, upon seeing what he was looking for he pointed at it and sent Iron 99 to fetch it, when he got the small square looking object he pressed on a button as he was feeling weak and could lose conscious at any moment, but tried his best to speak.
"You all have to leave the area, get as far away from AE as possible or else you'll all die", Lynx said as he released the button.
Lynx then placed the recorder in Iron 99's color and told him to give it to Ave or someone else and he should hurry. Iron 99 didn't want to leave Lynx especially since he was hurt, but Lynx told him to go shouting demandingly and so he obeyed. Iron 99 left but the robotic people was at the garbage hill trying to come up with a plan as to how they shout pull it apart, one of the man just decided to hit it over and the Core Beast will just show itself. Iron 99 was flying to AE as fast as he could but time was shorten with dodging obstacles as he could only fly about ten feet's from the ground, after few minutes Iron 99 reached the community and rushed to building where Ave was normally at and the started barking continuously upon entering. Ave was not so far and heard the noise and recognized it belonged to Iron 99 and so she walked towards it. When Iron 99 saw her he stopped barking and pointed at his color, it took Ave a few seconds to figure out what he was doing but when she realized something was attacked to his collar she carefully pull it out. She looked at the hand size object that she was holding and her eyes focused on the two buttons that displayed on hit, she touched one and as she did she got started as she heard should coming from it, when she heard her name she could tell it was Lynx's voice but before her curiosity could roam she heard the message, she was shook about the news and even stunned by Lynx's new invention. Knowing Lynx the message he sent was no trick and so she needed to take immediate action.
While at Lynx he was fighting his mind not to fall asleep as he slowly started moving, making his way AE. The Robotic people at the Garbage Hill then decided to knock down the hill and get there job over with and hoped a Core Beast was there. Ave ran to their emergency room and sounded the emergency alarm which made everyone felt panicked as they never used the emergency alarm and the sound was loud enough to attract monsters. Leader Mitt then burst in to find whoever sounded the alarm, upon seeing his daughter he was surprised, but knowing his daughter it must have been for great reasons, but before he could ask she started explaining everything without taking a breath and his eyes widen upon hearing the news. They rushed out to warn everyone but it was far too late, everyone heard the loud noise that pounded in the air and they all looked to the direction silently as fear pierced their hearts. Before anything could be done the saw this coming from the sky,
"Run!" Leader Mitt shouted on top of his lung, he shouted so loud he felt his throat splitting
Everyone was more panicked than before and started running around wildly and mindlessly, they started screaming and shouting, while others only stood frozen on spot. They started running in the opposite direction hoping to escape death, while others that could transform tried helping others, but not much people could transform and a few of them was away on a mission which meant they had to defend for themselves. People were being squashed, flattened by the raining objects and received instant death. Seconds after they felt shaking beneath their feet's and one of the Robotic people who was standing as he couldn't fly like the other two grinned excitingly. Even Lynx could feel the shaking and he was scared for everyone in AE, in his state he would be no help but he would keep heading there. The shaking then became more violent causing others to lose their balance, Leader Mitt couldn't transform as he did so earlier and didn't have enough energy to, everything was in chaos and the gates were still closed as the people who were responsible for opening it died and some fell off, everyone only had the option to climb over the barrier. Ave was being carrier by her father as he held onto her hand but then something dropped on him separating his body from the hand Ave was holding and started bleeding beneath the object, her eyes widen as he held her father's separated hand and his blood splashed her, his head wasn't squashed and Ave started crying, screaming for her father as she tried pushing the metal wall from her father.
"Ave run" he said and then died. Ave was heartbroken as her father died before her eyes, but she was a strong girl. She wiped her tears even though they kept flowing and continued making her way to the barrier. During those seconds a large Metallic creature burst from beneath and made a loud piercing, screeching noise. The sound reached Lynx and it made him shiver from fear, but despite knowing the danger he kept moving. The creature gashed up from beneath destroying the ground as it caused an earthquake that reached AE splitting the ground and a few people fell in. The Robotic people were laughing enjoying their big find and they were sure they could defeat the creature, but before that they decided to enjoy something first. Because of the noise and the large number of Cores in one place the monster charged in the direction and the Robotic people were enjoying everything, but as they watched the creature it seemed as if it was growing, but nonetheless they were sure they could defeat it. The creature rampaged through AE destroying everything and flattening the once peaceful community.