
At its core, federalism operates through a dual machinery of government. Generally, federalism involves two levels of government: a central authority that handles major national affairs, and local governments that oversee the day-to-day functioning and activities of specific regions.

For instance, according to the Indian Constitution, India is also a federal country. We have two levels of parliament: the Union government at the center and individual State governments at the state level.

Mrs. Anju asked Indu if she knew about the features of federalism.

Indu responded, "Yes, ma'am."

Mrs. Anju then asked Indu to explain the features. Indu began her explanation.

Features of Federalism:

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the federal system, it is important to familiarize ourselves with its key features. These characteristics collectively capture the essence of federalism. Let us examine them.

The fundamental feature of federalism is the existence of at least two levels of governance in the country. It is possible to have more levels, but the crucial aspect is that power is not concentrated solely in one government.

All levels of governance govern the same citizens, but their jurisdiction differs. This means that each level of government possesses specific powers to create and enforce laws. Both levels have clearly defined areas of jurisdiction, rather than one level acting as a mere figurehead government.

Another important feature is that the federal system must be guaranteed by the constitution. The powers and responsibilities of all governments must be outlined in the country's constitution, thereby ensuring a federal system of governance.

While the federalism of a country is prescribed by the constitution, it is equally important that unilateral changes or amendments to the essential provisions of the constitution cannot be made by just one level of government. Such changes must be approved by all levels of government.

In a federal state where there are two levels of government with separate jurisdictions and duties, conflicts may arise. In such situations, it is the role of the courts or judiciary to resolve these conflicts. The courts must have the authority to intervene and reach a resolution.

Power sharing between the two levels of government should be accompanied by a system of revenue sharing. Each level of government should have its own independent revenue sources. If one level of government relies on the other for funds to carry out its functions, it cannot be truly autonomous in nature.

India is a federal country characterized by the presence of at least two levels of governance. While there can be more than two levels, the concentration of power does not rest solely with one government. It is worth noting that the Indian constitution does not explicitly use the term "federation" but instead refers to India as a "Union of States." Many historians consider India to be a quasi-federal country, combining elements of federalism and a unitary government. The constitution clearly outlines legislative powers and jurisdictions.

Impressed by Indu's knowledge, the political science teacher instructed her to take her seat and proceeded to explain the chapter. Rani missed her opportunity to humiliate Indu.