Where am I

It was morning, and the sun shone brightly, almost like it was the afternoon. When I woke up, I found myself in a completely new place. Instead of cement walls, the room had wooden walls, giving it a fancy and old-fashioned look. It was much bigger than the room I had slept in the night before, resembling a grand mansion.

I got off the bed and notice a bright yellow bracelet on my arm. It covered my wrist and half of my forearm. The bracelet had a red gem in the middle, like a magical weapon that shoots beams or helps with magic. The stunning red gem shined brightly with its deep crimson color and enchanting sparkle.

I was so captivated by the bracelet's design that I inspected every aspect of it, touching and closely observing each detail.

Soon enough, my fascination led me to playing with it. I extended my hands pretending that I burst out some flames from within.

"Shoot!" I said, expecting something cool to happen. But, nothing happened.

"Blast!" nothing.

"Burn!" but, no luck.

After a few attempts, I gave up because nothing happened. I decided to look around the room instead. There wasn't anything interesting to see, just an empty room with furniture.

I walked out of the room and entered the hallway. Right in the middle, there was a staircase. The room had a rectangular shape and had two doors on each side. There was also a door at the end, facing the window, which led to a staircase going downstairs. My door was near the window.

Out of nowhere, the door next to me suddenly swung open and quickly closed again.

"Hey, is someone there?" I asked, but there was no reply.

I felt a need to figure out what was going on, so I decided to investigate. I went inside the room and looked around, but there was nobody there.

"Weird. I thought I saw someone," I mumbled to myself.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" I called out. Suddenly, I heard a noise coming from under the bed.

"Hey, it's okay. You can come out. I won't hurt you,"

Slowly, a kid crawled out from under the bed. He was much smaller than me, with short blonde hair and big, cute eyes.

"Hey, kid. Do you have any idea where we are?" I asked.

"To be honest, I have no clue either. One minute, I was sleeping in my bed, and the next, I woke up here," he replied.

"The same thing happened to me. Anyway, we should try to find someone who knows what's going on," I suggested.

I knelt down in front of him and gave him a friendly pat on the back.

"Don't worry, there's no need to be scared. I'm sure nobody here will harm us. By the way, what's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Oliver Nather," he said.

I was surprised when he told me his name.

"Do you go to school?" I asked.

"Yeah, I used to go to school in my old place," Oliver replied.

"Have you heard of a guy named Philip?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's my friend," Oliver said.

I paused for a moment, trying to process the information.

"It's me, Philip," I said.

Oliver stood there, stunned for a moment, taken aback by the straightforwardness of my statement.

"Huh!?" he exclaimed, clearly surprised.

"I'm serious, it's really me, Philip. If you want, I can provide details about what happened yesterday, like the bullies who came to take your food and money...."

"Alright, alright, but how did you end up here!?" Oliver asked, still trying to make sense of the situation.

"I could ask you the same thing," I replied.

"You look so different, much more handsome than before," Oliver remarked, seemingly caught off guard.

"Wait, what?"

I quickly turned towards a mirror on the side and was amazed. I looked completely different, but in a good way, like a handsome stranger.

"Anyway, that doesn't change the fact that you look like a 6-year-old even though you're 14," I teased Oliver.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Oliver admitted, a bit embarrassed by his youthful appearance. "I kind of had a feeling something was off when I managed to hide under the bed and the way you reacted to me."

"Anyway, we should find the person who owns this place," I said.

"Yeah, we definitely need to do that," Oliver agreed.

With determination, Oliver and I made our way out of the room and headed down the stairs.

As we made our way down the stairs, we heard the sound of glass clinking together. We couldn't see who was making the noise, so we decided to be cautious and take it slow. We looked in the direction it came from and saw a woman sitting there, sipping her tea.

She was wearing a white nightgown and had her legs crossed. She looked like she was in her twenties and had beautiful black hair. But what really caught our attention were the horns on the sides of her head, pointing forward.

As our eyes met for a brief moment, she spoke to us in a friendly tone.

"Please come have a seat with me" she said.

Despite feeling a bit scared, Oliver and I couldn't resist her friendly invitation. We thought she might be dressed up in a costume or something, so we decided to join her.

Without saying a word, we took our seats next to her.

"Are you guys hungry?" she asked.

"Not really," Oliver and I replied simultaneously.

"In that case, I suppose you're curious about why you're here," she continued.

"Yeah, we were kind of wondering," I said.

"Have either of you ever heard of the Soul Breaker before?"

"Nope, never," I replied.

"I see. Well, let me introduce myself first."

"I'm the Soul Breaker. Sometimes I can play different roles like a player, a mother, or even a flirt. And sometimes, I can be like a killer too," she revealed, sounding mysterious.

"But don't worry, I won't actually hurt you. However, there are things that might mess with your mind. This whole place is under my control, and I can change it however I want," she explained, emphasizing her power over the surroundings.

Suddenly, we felt like we were floating, as if there was no gravity. While her seat remained steady, ours started moving away.

"What the heck is happening?!" I blurted out, completely confused by the sudden change in our reality.

Out of nowhere, my chair suddenly spun around, forcing me to gaze downward. A rush of scorching heat blew over me, making me shudder. And there it was, right below me—a floor made entirely of blazing lava. It was like a river of pure red molten rock, stretching as far as I could see, without a trace of solid ground.

But that was just the start of the nightmare. The room around us began to transform, shifting from one terrifying scene to another. First, we were swallowed by a crowd of people, jostling and pushing, completely lost. Then, in the blink of an eye, we were transported to the edge of a dam. The wall holding back the water gave way, and a monstrous wave came crashing toward us. Strangely, though, it passed through us without any effect. We felt nothing as the torrential water surged past.

Suddenly, everything changed again. We found ourselves in a place of execution, where something unimaginable happened. I couldn't believe my eyes as I witnessed a man's head being brutally chopped off, landing right in front of Oliver on the table. It was horrifying, the kind of sight that turns your stomach.

And the horror just kept coming. Blood splattered everywhere, and terrifying creatures appeared, their sole purpose seemingly to kill and feast. The screams grew louder and louder, echoing in my ears, making it harder and harder to bear.

It was all too much for us to handle. We were just ordinary teenagers caught up in this never-ending nightmare, unable to comprehend the horrors that surrounded us.

Oliver was clearly not handling the situation well. Each horrifying image the woman showed us only fueled his frustration further. It was as if he was reaching his breaking point, unable to bear the continuous onslaught of terror. And then, finally, he couldn't hold it in any longer. He let out a piercing scream that reverberated through the room.


The sudden outburst brought the rapid transitions to an abrupt halt. Something had struck the woman, causing her head to jerk forward unexpectedly.

"You... How did you activate it?" she demanded, her face twisted with frustration. In that moment, everything around me turned pitch black, and I couldn't see a thing.