Finding Sex Partner at Comic Con

As the anticipation for the Comic-Con event grew, David found himself contemplating his cosplay choice. With only 10 hours remaining until the event's 7 PM start time, he pondered over which character to dress up as.

Time was ticking, and he had a quest to complete within the next 30 hours, aware that failure to do so would result in a penalty.

David's mind raced with various cosplay ideas, trying to find the perfect character that would captivate and impress. He weighed different options, considering the characters he admired and those that resonated with him the most. T

The pressure to make a decision intensified as the clock continued to tick away.

David muttered to himself, "Who should I dress up as?

"I need to find the right character and complete the quest before time runs out." David thought.

"Idea! I've got it. I'll go with this character for my cosplay. I already have all the clothes I need, so that's sorted." David muttered to himself.

The only thing left is to get a perfect haircut to nail the look. Time to head to the barbershop.

As time ticked away, David hurriedly changed into his cosplay attire. With his taller stature and the fresh haircut and beard shaping, he truly felt like the character was brought to life.

He carefully selected a black shirt and paired it with a maroon tie and maroon suit, matching the color scheme of the character's outfit.

David stood in front of the mirror, admiring his reflection. A wide smile formed on his face as he muttered the character's iconic phrases

"Nami Swan," "Robin chwwaaaan," "Vivi chwaaan." He couldn't help but chuckle, feeling a sense of satisfaction and excitement coursing through him.

The transformation was complete, and he was ready to embrace the role with enthusiasm as he cosplayed Sanji from One Piece.

David booked an Uber to take him to the Comic-Con location. As he sat in the car, a realization struck him.

"These past few days, relying on taxis has been draining my finances, If I want to attract women and add them to my Harem collection, I need to get a new car. But the truth is, I'm already struggling financially. I'll have to find a way to improve my situation. "

After a long journey, David finally arrived at the Comic-Con location. The sight that greeted him was a mesmerizing one. Numerous people were streaming into the venue, each adorned in the attire of their beloved characters.

He noticed a multitude of anime characters, ranging from the iconic Naruto to the adorable fluffy creatures. Game characters from popular titles like Genshin Impact also made their appearance. The vibrant atmosphere was filled with the presence of characters like Eren Yeager, Koro-sensei, and the quirky cast of Gintama, among many others.

"He He He He" smirkingly laughed David as he saw many female cosplayers entering the event.

"Let's start my hunt now" David as a Sanji jumped into his pervy world to find a perfect character for his role-playing sex.

[ Master! calm down, you are showing too much lust and horniness. ]

"You know I am dressed as a Sanji right?" I am just playing a character, replied David with a smirk on his face.

He entered the Comic-con and started approaching multiple girls, casually playing his character.

" Nami Swannn " he rushed to one of the cosplayers, After talking for some time he did not find her good for his roleplay.

"Let's explore the area a bit more, " David thought to himself confidently, David was confident in his physique and after his first sex, he was more ready than ever.

" Ohhh Sexxxy, Look at her boobs popping out " He saw one of the cosplayers dressed as "Love Hashira".

I have only 18 hours left before my quest will end, I have to find the perfect one.

He walked through many cosplayers, sometimes he would try to snuff their ass, and sometime he would go and start just Sanji things, Since he was more handsome than ever, and with Cosplay on, No girl turned David down.

"Ohhhhh, Look at her" Exclaimed David, "I think I found my tonight's role-play model" as he started walking towards her.

As David approached her, each step bringing him closer, he couldn't help but be captivated by her enchanting beauty. The girl was flawlessly embodying her chosen character in her cosplay.

Her loose hair, One side of her gown was cut off, revealing her waist and accentuating her perfect thighs. Adorning her ears was a long, golden earpiece, complementing her overall look.

In her hand, she held a snake, completing the cosplay with impeccable attention to detail. As she truly dressed as a Hancock.

As David approached the Hancock cosplayer, a message prompt appeared before him, presenting two options to choose from.


[ Second Quest: Role Play ]

Option 1: Give her a compliment (+20)

Option 2: Ask her out/sex (-10)

[ Select one of the best options]


David paused for a moment, considering his choices. He wanted to make a positive impression, so he decided to go with the first option and give her a compliment.

"Did you use Mero Mero Mellow on me?" David asked, referencing Hancock's ability in the One Piece series.

"What?" the Hancock cosplayer responded, clearly puzzled.

David smirked and replied, "Because you've already turned my heart into stone."

[ Ohhh That was a nice one, master ] system's voice buzzed inside David's head.

[ Goddess of Sex is surprised by your flirting skills ]