[Bonus Chapter] Dancing in the Dark

Jessica emerged from the washroom, her gaze falling upon David comfortably seated on the sofa. With a gentle stride, she approached and settled herself, her legs finding rest on David's lap while the edge of the sofa served as a cushion.

David reached out and retrieved the abandoned remote, effortlessly switching on the TV. The screen flickered to life, resuming the romantic movie they had been watching earlier.

However, his focus shifted to Jessica's legs she had placed on his lap, piquing his curiosity.

"Oh I can feel your dick" commented Jessica as she playfully brushed her legs against David's jeans.

With Jessica teasingly playing with David's bulge, it gradually began to harden beneath his jeans.

"Looks like your little brother is waking up from his sleep," Jessica chuckled, still caught in the haze of her hangover.

In response, David took hold of her leg in his hand and tenderly kissed her big toe.

"Ohhh," Jessica exclaimed, her laughter escaping her lips as David's kisses tickled her toes.

Undeterred, David continued his gentle kisses, slowly moving his way upward from her toes towards her ankle. With a gentle touch, he pushed aside the black glistening fabric of her dress, exposing her smooth, white thigh.

The soft press of his lips against her skin sent shivers of pleasure through her body, as he continued to lavish her thigh with his affectionate kisses.

David attempted to slide Jessica's body-hugging dress forward, but it stubbornly clung to her curves, refusing to budge. Aware of the delicate nature of the fabric, he didn't want to risk damaging it by trying to spread her legs.

With a momentary pause, David withdrew his hands from the thigh he had been kissing, his mind working on an alternative approach.

Moving closer to Jessica, David's lips met hers in a passionate kiss, their mouths intertwining as their desire ignited. Amidst their fervent embrace, David skillfully began unfastening the chain that held her dress in place.

As their lips moved together, he could still detect a lingering hint of alcohol on her tongue.

His fingers delicately traced the chain that adorned Jessica's back, their touch gentle and purposeful. As he pulled the chain, the dress gradually loosened its grip, revealing the tantalizing sight beneath.

Carefully, David set the dress aside, unveiling Jessica clad in matching black panties and a black bra that perfectly complemented her attire. It was evident that she had put thought into her ensemble, acquiring them from the same place as her dress.

A shiver of anticipation coursed through David's body as he took in the sight of Jessica's revealed form. The combination of her alluring lingerie, her exposed skin, and the air of readiness she exuded sent a surge of desire surging through him.

The thought of wine lingered in David's mind, a notion that sparked curiosity in his eyes.

Breaking their kiss for a moment, he inquired, "Do you have any wine?"

Jessica's response came swiftly, her voice filled with a mix of anticipation and invitation, "Check in the kitchen or my bedroom."

Driven by both his longing for Jessica's touch and the allure of the wine, David kissed her once more, their connection momentarily interrupted. "Wait a minute," he murmured, tearing himself away from her lips as he headed towards the kitchen.

Leaving Jessica lying on the sofa, her alluring figure adorned in black panties and bra, David embarked on a mission to locate any available wine or alcohol.

He ventured into the kitchen, his eyes scanning the countertops and shelves, hoping for a glimpse of the booze, Disappointingly, his search yielded no results.

Determined not to give up, he hurriedly opened the refrigerator, only to find it devoid of any alcoholic treasures or only empty bottles.

Driven by an increasing sense of urgency, David's footsteps hastened towards Jessica's closed bedroom door. With a flick of his wrist, the door swung open, granting him entry into her private sanctuary.

Casting his gaze upon the neatly arranged bed, at least the bed was neatly kept.

Undeterred, David opened the closet, his eyes widening at the vast collection of clothes, bras, and panties meticulously stored within the drawers.

"Ha Ha Ha Haa" laughed David at the scene.

Amongst them, his attention was caught by a sight that evoked a mischievous smirk—a collection of condoms and various types of toys, including dildos and a butt plug were kept inside.

Closing the closet, David's gaze returned to his primary objective: finding the coveted alcohol.

His eyes scanned the top shelf of a nearby closed cabinet, and there it was—several bottles of rum and wine, beckoning to be enjoyed. Without hesitation, he grabbed the bottle and tossed it onto the bed.

With Jessica sprawled on the bed, still feeling the lingering effects of her excessive alcohol consumption, she appeared indifferent to David's activities as he rummaged through the closet.

Consumed by her anticipation of the impending Sex, her focus remained solely on the forthcoming encounter.

Sensing the discomfort of the sofa, David voiced his suggestion, "It's not very comfortable here. Shall we move inside?"

"Ok" Jessica replied.

Taking charge, he gently lifted Jessica into his arms, cradling her with both hands and carried her to the bedroom. Tenderly laying her down on the bed, he ensured she was positioned properly.