Date with Sophia

As the conversation between Sophia and David flowed comfortably, they continued to chat and get to know each other better.

David made sure to follow all the scenarios and respond with the best choices to earn relationship points.

At that moment, he had accumulated +90 first scenario points, eagerly anticipating the completion of his first task so he could ask Sophia out on a date.

His hopes were soon realized as a system message appeared before his eyes, presenting him with three new scenarios. David's heart raced with anticipation as he carefully read through the options, considering which one would be the most suitable to further develop their connection.

He knew that his next choice would play a crucial role in the progression of their relationship as he needed only +10 points for the completion of the first task.


[System Notification: Story Mode Scenario]

You have reached a critical point in your interaction with Sophia. Choose one of the following scenarios to proceed:

Scenario 1: Ask her out for a date (+10)

Scenario 2: Leave the cafe saying goodbye (-20)

Scenario 3: Continue as friends (+5)

Note: Remember, your choice will determine the direction of your relationship with Sophia.


With a mixture of excitement and nervousness, David selected the scenario that he believed would create the perfect opportunity for a memorable and enjoyable date with Sophia.

David's heart pounded in his chest as he mustered up the courage to ask Sophia the question he had been waiting for.

With a mix of nervousness and excitement, he leaned closer and said, "Sophia, would you go on a date with me?"

Time seemed to stand still as they locked eyes, waiting for her response. Sophia's thoughtful pause only added to the suspense.

Finally, a genuine smile spread across her face as she replied, "Yes, I'd love to go on a date with you."

As David asked Sophia out on a date, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement when she responded with a "yes."

It was a small victory for him in his quest to win her over. They agreed to meet the next day for their date, and David couldn't wait for the opportunity to spend more time with her since he needed to complete this quest.


[ System Message: Congratulations! You have completed the first task of the quest. ]

[ System Message: Your charm stat has been upgraded with +5 stat points. Your charm will be more effective]

[ System Message: You have received a Stamina Potion ]

[ System Message: As an additional reward, upon completion of this quest, You will receive the chance to participate in Main Story Quest. ]

As David read the last system message about receiving the chance to participate in the Main Story Quest, he couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion.

Weren't the quests he had been receiving so far considered the main quests? And what did it mean by "chance to participate"? Wasn't he the only one with the system?

These thoughts occupied his mind, causing him to momentarily forget his surroundings.

Unbeknownst to David, Sophia had extended her hand in front of his eyes, since was lost in thoughts in the middle of a conversation, as she waved her hand trying to bring him back to the present moment.

Startled, he snapped out of his thoughts and realized his lapse in attention. "Oh, I'm sorry," he quickly apologized, realizing he had been lost in his own world.

Gathering himself, he replied, "I was thinking, I feel lucky to have met you today." It was a white lie to divert her attention and keep the conversation flowing smoothly.

"So where should we meet tomorrow?" asked Sophia.

David, not being well-versed in social activities and unsure of how teenagers prefer their dates, responded, "Oh, can you choose the destination? I'm not quite sure what would be the best place."

Sophia pondered for a moment and then suggested, "Let's meet at Phoenix Mall. They have plenty of places we can explore inside. We can start by having lunch at the restaurant there."

David nodded, appreciating her choice. "That sounds like a good plan," he replied.

Suddenly, an idea struck David's mind. "Oh, and since we'll be at the mall, why don't we catch a movie at AMC? There's a new release I've been wanting to watch."

He hoped that by suggesting both a date and a movie, he could fulfill two tasks from the quest and potentially create an opportunity to ask her out for Sex at night if the system creates the opportunity.

Sophia smiled and agreed, "Sure, that sounds like a fun idea. Let's meet at Phoenix Mall tomorrow, have lunch, and enjoy a movie together."

They had spent quite a lot of time at the cafe, engrossed in their conversation. Hours flew by in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, Sophia checked the time and realized she needed to leave.

She quickly grabbed her purse and said, "I need to go. My friends from college are meeting nearby, so I should join them. Goodbye!"

With that, she hurriedly left the place, leaving David alone in the cafe.

Feeling content with the outcome, David decided it was time for him to leave the cafe as well and head back to his room.

As he stepped outside, he tried out the skill Status Analyzer he had received and started using it, checking the various statuses of the people he encountered along the way.

Though he found it interesting, a slight disappointment crept in.

"Sigh," he thought to himself, "If only I had the option to download their videos, it would have been such a great time."

With that fleeting thought, he entered his apartment, ready to reflect on the events of the day and eagerly anticipating the upcoming date with Sophia