(11) Aftertaste

"Aaron, we are going to be late!"

You're in his living room, wearing a shirt with a plunging neckline, dark jeans, rocking your favorite brogues.

Finally, he comes out of the bedroom. "Do we really have to go?"

You roll your eyes: "It will be fun. It's our first time going out with the team after your dramatic exit."

"Dramatic?" He raises his eyebrow.

You grin at him and grab the back of his neck: "A little." You whisper before you press your lips on his.

"You look hot." He murmurs into your ear when you let go of him. His hands wander up your sides. You grab them: "I know what you're doing."

Hotch gives you an innocent smile: "I don't know what you're talking about."

You let him get away with it for now.

"Come on." Kissing the side of your neck, he admits: "I'm kind of nervous."

You grab his chin gently: "You'll be fine. Try to enjoy a night at the bar with your girlfriend." Hotch sighs: "Fine."

"You look hot too, by the way." You whisper when you get into the taxi.

Paying the driver, you get out of the car. Hotch is already standing on the sidewalk, hands in his pockets. It makes you grin, it's out of character for him to be this insecure. You put your arm around his waist, and he his around your shoulder. You walk into the bar like this and look for the team.

"Over here!" Emily's voice makes you turn around and let go of each other.

You push Hotch to walk in front of you and sit down first. Everyone is here except Rossi. "Did Dave really cancel?" You ask.

Morgan rolls his eyes: "He said something about the drinks not being expensive enough."

He waves the waitress over to order. Before you can say something, Hotch orders Singapore Slings for you two. You smile like an idiot and look around the bar. At the far end is a dance floor. Oh, this will be fun.

When your drinks arrive, you and Hotch clink glasses first, then raise them at the others.

"How many drinks until you tell us more?" Emily yells over the table, gesturing at you and Hotch. He lets out a chuckle and you flip Emily off once again.

"How many though?" Morgan repeats.

You turn you head to Hotch and whisper: "Should we fuck with them?" He nods, his face deadpan. "What do you want to know?" You ask.

Everyone looks at each other, obviously not expecting to get this far.

"Now you seem like you need shots." You tease them. On cue, Morgan orders some for the table. Everyone except Reid downs one. You repeat your question, adding: "Everyone gets to ask one question."

"So, choose wisely." Hotch comments, still showing off his stern face. Under the table, however, he puts his hand on your thigh.

"How long have you been two together?" JJ goes first.

"Two years." You answer with a calm voice. That causes Morgan to choke on his drink: "What?"

"I said, two years. And you just used your question. Emily?"

She tilts her head, overthinking her question: "Where did you meet?"

"At the gym." Hotch answers.

Garcia narrows her eyes: "Is that why she joined the team?"

Clearing your voice, you answer: "Yes."

The others turn to Reid, expecting him to ask something. He grins and takes a sip of his coke. Then he asks: "Was any of that true?"

"No." Hotch and you answer in union and start laughing.

"You said you would answer our questions!" Emily protests.

"Yeah. But we didn't say we would answer truthfully." Hotch retorts.

"Unbelievable." Morgan shakes his head.

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Aaron is in the bathroom when the DJ starts to blast music. Empty glasses crowd the table, everyone is at least a little tipsy.

"Twenty bucks I can get Hotch to dance with me." You declare.

"No way in hell!" Morgan objects.

"Well, put your money where your mouth is."

You look at the others. Everyone gets out twenty dollar, even Reid. You put it in a neat pile in the middle of the table. "Watch me." You grin at them and get up.

Hotch walks back in your direction; you meet him halfway. Without a word, you grab his hand and put it around your waist. He looks surprised, but lets you continue. Together, you stroll to the now crowded dance floor. You grab his hand and make him turn around under it. He grins at you and puts his hand on the small of your back.

Knowing very well that the others are observing you, you press you body against his and kiss his neck. Slowly, you start to move to the rhythm of the music. At one point you turn around and lean against Aaron's chest, sliding down until your head is leveled with his hips. You hear someone whistle, presumably Morgan. His hands on your shoulders, you get back up, grinding your ass into his crotch for a second.

When you turn around, you see Aaron's flushed cheeks. You pull him further into the crowd. He grabs your hips and pulls you against him, moving your bodies impossibly close to each other. Grabbing his shoulders, you tilt you head up. Hotch gets the hint and leans down to kiss you. You feel incredibly content and lucky, being here with him.

He smiles against your lips and shouts over the music: "It's a bet, isn't it?"

You grab his ass: "I just earned us a hundred bucks." Hotch shakes his head but doesn't stop smiling.

A few minutes later, you walk back to the table, foreheads a little sweaty. "Pay up, bitches." You smirk and open your hand. Emily sighs and hands you the money.

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When Aaron keeps continuously rubbing your thigh, you nod towards the door.

"Yes, please." He whispers.

"We're leaving." You declare.

"I'll come with you." Reid sounds relieved. JJ and Emily get up as well.

"Looks like it's just us two now, Baby Girl." Morgan grins at Garcia. She answers something rather vulgar you choose not to listen to.

Outside, you hand Reid his twenty bucks back: "For your cab." Hesitantly, he takes it and gets into the first you wave down. Emily and JJ get a little too touchy while waiting. You wish them a good night and walk away, down the street.

Hotch puts his arm around you again, this time his hand settles just above your ass. Casually, you let your hand swing to the side and brush his cock. The sudden sensation causes him to stumble. When you walk past a barely lit alley, you take Aaron's hand and pull him inside.

You let him push you against the wall, trapping you between it and his chest. Starting to kiss your neck, he murmurs: "We should go out more often, if you do that to me every time."

Leaning forwards, you bite his earlobe. "I told you it will be fun." Before he can reply, you palm his dick, and he lets out a groan.

Grabbing his half-hard cock roughly, you push his dress shirt a little to the side to nibble on his collarbone. Hotch starts to protest: "I…We can't-" You pick up the speed. "Oh god." He moans. You look around: you're pretty far down the alley, hidden in a dark spot. Someone would have to walk up close to see you.

Making quick work of your own jeans, you open his belt and push his pants down before he can object. His hand wanders into your shirt, palming your tits. You let out a hum and lift your leg to press it to his side.

"We could get arrested for public indecency." Hotch whispers, nevertheless, palming his dick now. You bite his chest: "We better be quick then."

With a groan, Aaron gives in and bends his knees to press his cock against your entrance. Slipping just the tip inside, you both let out a stifled moan. "Fuck, you're wet." He comments and pushes his hips forward.

You let your head fall back when he fully is inside you, filling you up. Hotch leans his head against you shoulder and starts thrusting into you, clawing into your side. Just the thought of someone walking by, seeing you fuck makes you moan again. It would be kind of hot, having to explain to the director of the FBI why you two were arrested.

Aaron's fingers find your clit and he starts to draw circles over it. You open your eyes and see him marvel at you. Staring back, your mouth falls open. "Harder." You command. Hotch starts to roll his hips at a quicker pace and makes your eyes flutter shut again. With the stimulation of your clit, the brick wall rubbing against your back, Aaron letting out delicious little moans, you are not far away from your orgasm.

Letting go of his shoulders, you clutch your hands around his face and pull him to you until your lips touch. You feel his legs tremble. "I love your cock almost as much as I love you." You manage to breathe out between moans. "Fucking hell…I-" Hotch tries to reply but gets carried away. Pulling almost out of you completely, he plows back into you with hard truths, smashing you against the wall while tirelessly working on your clit.

The last thrust hits your g-spot just right and you clench around him, sending euphoria through your whole body. You snake your leg around him and hold him against you. Silencing your obscene moan by biting into his chest, you hold onto your orgasm as long as you can.

You feel Hotch's hot breath against the side of your neck and his body spasm. It takes you both a minute to calm down. For another minute you just stand there in silence, leaning against the others forehead.

Slowly, you let your leg down while Hotch pulls out of you. Your thoughts clearing up a little, you quickly put your clothes back on properly. Aaron turns around, leaning against the wall next to you. You take his hand and press a kiss at the back of it.

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Aaron's eyes are still glazed when you climb into the back of the taxi. You give the driver your address and lean back. You arrive at your apartment and Hotch still hasn't said a word, he just held your hand in the taxi.

You push open the door to your apartment and quickly freshen up in the bathroom. When you come back to the living room, you sit down on the sofa next to Hotch.

"Are you okay?" You ask him and take his hands.

He lets out a laugh and rubs his hand over his face: "Yeah I am."

You put your legs over his and curl into his side.

"In fact," he adds, "I never felt better."

That makes you laugh: "Fucking in an alley is the happiest moment of your life?"

He turns to look at you and answers deadpan: "No, that was when you winked at me on the jet."

That little joke makes your heart flutter, and you wait for him to continue. "But this just made me realize how lucky I am. I never in a million years thought someone would want to do such a thing with me."

You start to caress the back of his head, ruffling through his hair: "You know, only you can romanticize what we just did."

"Is that weird?" He furrows his eyebrows.

You shake your head: "No, it's just very you."

Hotch lets out a chuckle and kisses your cheek: "I love you too, by the way." He murmurs against your skin. You let out a happy sigh and pull him closer to you.

After a moment you get up and grab his hand, walking to the bedroom. You hand him the sweatpants he sleeps in and strip to put on a t-shirt and a fresh pair of boxers. Then you crawl onto the bed, scooting backwards and putting the pillows under your back. Aaron follows you, not quite sure what you're up to.

You take his hand and guide him towards you: "Turn around." You tell him and grab his shoulders. Opening your legs, you let him lay down between your thighs, his head on your stomach. Aaron tilts his head to look up at you.

"Relax." You smile at him and start to play with his hair. With a sigh he closes his eyes, and you feel his back sink into your thighs.

You grab the book that's on your nightstand and start to read to him: "The Catcher in the Rye. A novel by J. D. Salinger."

You see him smile, listening to your voice intently.