peace before the storm pt2

Ianthe: Waking up when I feel Amy starting to move I open my eyes to see her snuggling up against me to get more comfortable as she is wrapping her arms around me.

Smiling, I kiss her forehead making her rub her head on my arm before she had opened her eye's looking up at me while she smiled at me.

Hugging her as she hugged me back I had placed my head on top of hers when I heard my mom call me from outside of my tent "hey Ianthe are you and Amy up your father and the others are back from their scouting".

Lori: Opening the tent I saw Ianthe and Amy looking at me while i smiled at Ianthe before leaving "baby girl make your way to the fire pit the others are already there so after you and Amy get dressed and have came we will see what they have found out."

Amy: Blushing, I hide my face in the crook of her neck while smiling.

Ianthe: Kissing Amy on the lips "let's get up baby it seems that what I said last night has spooked them but it seems to be true and for me to keep you and the rest of our family safe i will need to give up more of what I have in mind for us."

Amy: Ok, giving her a smooch on the cheek before we get up.

(5 minutes later)

Ianthe: Holding Amy hand we reach the fire pit to see that dad,mom,Andrea,Shane, and Morgan are already there as everyone else are doing their chores.

Walking up to them Andrea and mom turns to us as they noticed us I see an smile on their face clearing my throat as I knew that Amy is starting to get embarrassed because she had hidden her face in the crook of my neck while she had still held my hand.

After I had cleared my throat I had opened my eye's "so dad what did you and Shane find while you all were out there."

Rick: Smirking I look to Shane gesturing for him to start when our gazes meet he looks back to the others.

Shane: "Ok everyone let's get to it then" while I gesture for Glen to give me the map before bending down and placing it on the ground as the others gathered around me "when out in the woods we had broken off into 4 groups of 2 and when we had regrouped each reported that there was more than usual but not only is there more than usual if they keep growing at the rate they're growing as they keep coming in our direction they will become a herd of an mass that will wash over this place.

The group of walkers are coming from these directions west,east,and south" as I pointed to the direction on the map before looking up at them.

We have enough weapons for the people that are here buts that the problem.

Andrea: With the weapons we have now do to Ianthe and Rick we could waste bullets an lose the weapons and still have weapons to spear.

Rick: So with that an the rate and speed that they're growing along with the time they're going to be here is 1 or 2 days it won't be an enough time for us to set up the defense that we would need.

Morgan: Why don't we try to draw them way with the cars we have more then enough to do it.

Dale: I don't think it would work being that it would be hard to pinpoint the sound with us being in this valley and them already being in the woods close to the camp.

Daryl: Isn't it time to tell us your big brain plan now Ianthe you're the one that said that they will be coming here after leaving the city.

Amy: That's right babe placing my hand on the top of her hand "so what is the plan for us to be able to make it out of this."

Ianthe: Looking at Amy seeing the looks that are in her eyes expecting ness,pleading,trust and support ness.

Sighing...I kiss Amy before I had looked at the others "I told you guys that the threat that the walkers leaving the city will be as they've wonder in to the woods I didn't think that they would increase to become a herd but now it's even more important that we leave here now we don't have the man power or means to try to protect this place."

We need to pack up now, if we don't want to lose anyone and we head to the CDC to be able to rest a little bit before leaving with the person there and moving on to the next place and meeting a friend of mines before moving on to the next place.

Shane: we still have 1 or 2 days maxs right? now let's just secure the camp perimeter and make sure that the rv is able to be up an running before make any decisions ok? as I look at Ianthe.

Ianthe: Sighing, I get up "I'm going to go for an walk baby I'm going to borrow your basket to collect some herbs and berries I'll back in a hour or 2.

Amy: Looking at the others to see that their all looking at Ianthe I get up and chase after her as I saw her entering the woods.

Ianthe: Walking through the woods I heard someone yelling out my name "IANTHE... IANTHE" making me turn around to look at them.

Seeing that it was Amy I stop walking as i had soften the glint in my eye's an open my arms for an hug she had ran into them hugging me back.

Amy: Don't be made at the others they just want to make sure that they're looking over all of their options before we just up and leave the camp.

Ianthe: Placing my head against her's "baby we don't really have the time to keep trying to run through our options i know how my uncle is but moving away from Amy i want to keep you,mom,dad,Carl,uncle Shane,Andrea,and Morgan's family safe as well as the others but if we keep going on at this pace choices will have to be made.

And when they are people will start to show who they really are and I don't want to put you in that kind of danger when we could have prevented it what if we end losing people do to us staying her baby.