The start of something new


Amy: Pushing Ian back against the window as I'd started to take off her bra as she'd done the same to mines as well as I'd suck on her nipple as my other hand gropped her breast flicking her nipples with my tongue and finger I'd heard her release an elicited moan while she gropped my boobs making me moan.

Ianthe: Leaning my head against the window while I'd enjoy Amy sucking and playing with my nipples causing me to moan as she'd had stopped capturing my lips again while I layed her on the seat while I slide my hand down in to her pants playing with her cliteris .

Making her moan breaking our kiss "AHH.." I moved down sucking her nipple as I'd started to pick up the pace of moving my fingers over her clit causing her to moan louder and arch a little.

Feeling how wet she was getting, I stopped and went to take off her pants along with her underwear putting my head in between her legs I lick in between her lips having her lift her legs and putting her hand on my head as she was pulling me closer while I'd continue licking having her let out more elicit moans.

Amy: Feeling her licking my pussy I started to play with her hair as I'd pulled her closer as I'd started moaning until I had felt like electricity was going down my back feeling her tongue going inside me having me yell "AHHH...." while I was arching my back I felt her tongue moving around inside me thrashing around as she was increasing the speed.

Ianthe: Feeling Amy starting to twitch while she had moaned I take my tongue out that'd her trying to regulate her breathing I'd pulled my pants and underwear off I'd leaned down to kiss her again before I'd put my dick in to her having her moan in to my mouth as i had broken the kiss while i'd moved down to her nipple sucking an licking her nipple.

Amy: Wrapping my arms around Ian pulling her closer to me as I'm panting as I'd tried to match her rhythm I started to fell her throb as I had started to moan louder and louder she'd sped up while I was trying to match her pace as we cum together.

Ianthe: Pushing in as I could as I'm also holding her I felt her twitching as my dick also twitched inside of her, we'd stay like this while we try to regulate our breathing panting in each other ear.

Amy: Catching our breath I feel Ian give me a kiss on my cheek turning my head I smiled as i'd given her a kiss back but on the lips.


Ianthe: Waking up, to be in the back seat by myself I toss my hair back with my hand as I'd held it there before I had gotten up to put on my clothes before i'd opened the door to see that everyone is around the fire getting food from mom.

Closing the door, I walked towards the fire pit to get some food when Amy walked over to me carrying my plate and her's while she had smiled at me as I'd looked surprised before smiling to her.

Taking my plate "thank you babe as I'd follow her to sit with the others to see that they're all smiling while some of them are smirking at me."

Carol: Sitting with Sophia as we eat "hey girls did you both have an good sleep last night" smiling while I take a spoonful of growl."

Amy: Blushing, "hey Carol good morning did you sleep well last night as well."

Carol: Looking at Sophie "Mhmm...but not as well as the two of you" smiling at them.

Ianthe: Clearing my thtoat, making Amy look away embarrassed while Carol just chuckled I bend down to sit "so Sophia how are you this morning? did you sleep last night."

Sophia: "Hi Ianthe and yes I did" as I'm just pushing the food around.

Ianthe: Placing my plate on the ground I get up and walk over to Sophia as I gently take her plate and put it down I take her hand so I could have her stand hugging her while I'd let her rest her face against my abdominal "It's ok it's ok's ok to be sad he is still you father even if he was an douche bag that you still loved him you can mourn him."

Sophia: With the tears leave my eye's turning my face in to her stomach I hug her back as I start crying tighting my grip on her shirt as we fall to the ground on our knees while I'd was screaming "AHHHA....AHHHA...AHHHA!"

Ianthe: Closing my eye's I started to run my hand through her hair as I gently patted her head before I'd started rubbing it.

When I felt an tugg in my shirt I opened my left eye to see Sophia looking up at me with her watery eyes.

Sophia: Ianthe...will you protect us from now on...can you take us somewhere safe again so we can have some where away from the walkers...snif.

Ianthe: Looking into Sophia watery eye's "yes I can take us somewhere safe that we can call home as I will protect you and the others from the walkers you will always be safe with me around how about from now on you will be my little sister just like Duane over there how about you after you finish eating I go and introduce you to him so you can play with him an Carl how does that sound? mhmm...Sophia as I look at her again."

Sophia: Looking back up to her before I'd look back at mom seeing her smile and nod at me.

The start to flow again I'd looked back up at Ianthe nodding my head at her "I want to be able to have an big sister like you will you really be my big sister and protect me an the others.

Amy: And walking over "Of course she would Ianthe may come off as flamboyant but she love the people that is important to her even if their not her family by blood."

Ianthe: "So let's eat our food an let's go to him so you can bond with your new brothers ok?"

(10 minutes later)

Ianthe: Hey! Duane and Carl come here while I gesture for them to come over to us with her standing in front of me while I rest my hands on her shoulders while she stands there with her head lowered do from her being nervous to talk to them."