Sciencist at the CDC pt3

Ianthe: Returning back to my and Amy room I'd kicked off my flipper's as i layed in the bed while i moved the covers from up and under me getting under them i moved next to Amy holding her when she'd gone to switche sides to face me holding me back as she snuggled in to me.

(Next morning)

Ianthe: Waking up from an kiss from Amy to see her leaning on her elbow smiling at me as I'd return her smile before leaning up to give her a kiss before i had "good morning to her."

Amy: Smiling after Ian gives me a kiss I get up "good morning to you too babe, what's the plan for today?"

Ianthe: Laying on my back as I'd put my hand behind my head "well we really should talk to Candace today to see if she's going to come with us even though she'd made it seem that she would knowing her she'll probably be up to planning something before she'd agreed too really come with us.

Yesterday that was her just getting started with her scheme."

Amy: Looking at Ian with an shock look on my face I ask "are you saying that she'd did that on purpose of letting us know of Maggie and what your past relationships with her was just to make things hard for you."

Ianthe: me coming here with you was me coming her asking for permission or more of me asking her does she think that'll i have the right for me to try and pursue Mags. By coming here showing that i've accepted who I am an that was her way of testing me to see if i'd really did it...come to terms with who I am as well to test if I was loyal to you as well that you really do have my heart.

Getting up and walking over to her as i wrapp my hands around her waist i give her an kiss on her lips "Which I don't regret doing at all you are the best thing that has happened to me i was always afraid of people finding out an causing my partner to suffer because of me that i always used it as an excuse but you have caused me to see that i shouldn't have let who i am be the reason that i don't be who i am or be with the one's that care about and love me."

Amy: "That's good but don't think that by you having me buttered up that you tried to have me distract with what you said" smiling at her as i'd gave her an kiss.

Ianthe: "Mhmm?, did I subjest something" as i winkin at her before i'd turned heading off to the bathroom.

(30 minutes later)

Candace: Seeing Ian and her lover enter the room as they'd got their plates "Ianthe i take it as we will be having our talk after we have all ate our breakfast" smirking at her.

Ianthe: Sighing...i see that you're still just as mischievous as always "but I guess I brought this upon myself being that I came here so I'd have your permission to go forward with what I had wanted to do."

Candace: That is right "you knew that I would tested you when you decided to come here to get me to join you in your plan as well as my thoughts on how you changed to see if you really have come to terms with who you are so that you won't hurt your lover,Mags, or yourself."

Andrea: Wait does that mean that by what'd you did last night was meant to give trouble too Ian!

Ianthe: That's right it wasn't only you that had been in the hallway waiting for me so was she so that she could see how i would handle the situation.

"If you didn't notice she'd already knew what room to put me in with Amy last night if I had avoided the subject when she'd brought it up last night i would've failed her test in general due to that meaning i was trying to hide what i had planned from Amy an the others.

Mine and Amy room is bugged so that she'd be able to listen in to what me an Amy were talking about which was the second part of her plan of testing me."

Rick: So Ianthe the real reason that you had brought us here was for you to make an point to the 3 of us by revealing yourself to us by having Amy with you.

Ianthe: " was even if i say it wasn't it was always part of my plan to come and have Ace join us it just that some parts of the plan changed" grabbing Amy hand and smiling to her "it worked out for me coming here with all of you being that it would be the only way to show that even if we stumble we can always find our way to the one's that are meant for us."

Rick: Looking at Lori to see her look back at me i grab her hand an smile "yes...yes...that is right even though it won't be easy but we're here now we'll make the best of it right as i'd looked at Shane."

Shane: That's right...we're here now we'll just make the best of it move forward as i'd raised my cup to him smiling while he raise his back doing the same.

But Ian if you had this planned what if it had back fired on you.

Ianthe: It could have but "this wasn't meant to be something to help you,dad, and mom it's just one of the added bonuses it was really meant for me to see if i still meet Candace's expectations of me to see that if I have what it takes to be able to be what she always knew that i am capable of being."

Candace: Depending on how she handles this talk after we've had breakfast it will be her final test as she knows as well time is of the essence so this will be what will determine if i am and my husband will be coming with you and to take part in what Ianthe has planned.