chapter two

The more I inspected the girl on the bed,the more convinced I was that she was clean and I didn't know why,the way she dressed like an amateur,I cleared the strands of hair on her face to see her clearly, closed eyes,small pointed nose and slightly parted lips,the rising and falling of her chest she looked like a cute bunny but the devil never came in black as pretty as she looked she might have killed thousands I got up and turned to leave "should we will kill her boss"one asked and I didn't like the idea I looked at her once more and shook my head and left
I headed straight to my room and took out the blood stained clothes added them into the laundry and stepped into the bathroom the cold water grazed my back and I sighed and washed my hair.I owned one of the most feared mafia groups called black spiders,I wasn't one who went around causing trouble but somehow everyone wanted me out of the game,I wasn't one of the biggest mafs in the world but I was the most feared my name could strike unspeakable fear in the hrt of many that they'd run into big mafs than come across me every one called me 'The Mornarch Of Death' wherever the name was mentioned it meant death.the big maf's considered me a threat the small formed alliance to destroy one man me Noah Moltonore. I came out of the bathroom wore a deep blue shirt and grey joggers beforehand heading to my office I realized I was being followed by my men and I stopped "u're dimissed" and the all left I entered my office and sat down and lit a cigar and poured a drink to keep me busy actually it's been three days since I slept and today was going to make it four,I couldn't sleep, always woke up with nightmares of that day my phone rang distracting me I checked the caller ID and it was Alicia I stared at it till it stopped ringing and started again I downed my drink and picked it
"Babe...I called earlier but u ignored my call"she said immediately and I sighed.

"didn't feel like picking it"I answered the line went silent as I dragged from my cigar "should I pass by tomorrow"she ask softly "I'll be busy"I answered"um...ok love you"she said and I dropped the phone and poured another drink "one of my many problems"I muttered and brought out a file to work.

The sun hit me harshly and turned " close that curtain" I mumbled,i realized I always close the windows aunt jalia would kill me I sat up as I held my head,I looked round foreign environment "where am I"I tried to stand only to fall,'why I'm I so weak lyk I ran a mara...' the scenes flashed back 'i've been kidnapped'' I looked around the furnished room and shook my head 'its highly impossible', maybe I'm dead and in heaven I struggled to my feat Maybe I'm dead and in heaven "let's see" I got up and walked towards the door attempting to pass only to hit my forehead " ouch.." I pinched myself and when I felt the pain I realized I was alive " if this is being kidnapped then I'd gladly stay here forever can you imagine I have my bathroom tub and the size of my room was times five of the storage room I turned into my room I doubt aunt jalia would look for me but maybe Uncle John would it looked lovely as I giggled and bounced on the bed the door clicked and I stood up we're there here to kill me I found a golf stick and picked it the door opened and a man in suit came in and I swung it at him he fell in pain and I stepped back "I'm sorry...I didn't" I ran out but instead of running I started admiring the walls and picture hanged on them I came to a long hallway with an eerie picture of a dead girl and I shuddered and looked away if the hallways were this beautiful what ABO the rooms I opened a double closed door and four pairs of eyes turned to me and I felt nervous
Where there also kidnapped " um..."Hi"

I greeted again and the responded"hi.."the girl with dark brown hair and eyes while the girl with ginger brown smiled"I'm Sarah and she's Clara"she introduced"hi.."Clara greeted"and those two are Joshua and Gideon"she pointed respectively and I nodded"hello"the waved "so since ur new u should taste my pasta first"Sarah said dragging me with her"go ahead.." she said and I picked the fork I saw the others wave at me not to and I stood confused Sara turned to them and the all got busy"don't mind them..go ahead"she said and I tasted the pasta and virgin...Mary i understood why they said I shouldn't the pasta was barely soft and was very salty and the pepper"how is it" she asked expectantly and I couldn't dissapoint her "great.."her face lit up "see..told u it wasn't gonna be bad"she told them " u want more..go ahead help urself"she said kindly " ur my new best friend"she said smiling sweetly and I stiffened I never had a best friend through out my high school days and now I have one just like that I looked at her to be sure " u don't wanna be my Best friend"she asked and I shook my head and she smiled 'see.. I told you I wasn't kidnapped'
"What's ur name bestie"and the others looked ready to hear me talk"katalyna"I answered " that's a nice name" the guy with wavy black said and I looked at him like an alien " Gideon"and I nodded "thanks"I said"it's a rare name over here"Clara said"unique"Joshua said and Clara gave him a glare"well... not more than yours"he said immediately as Sarah and Gideon laughed and I smiled
"Miss u have to come with me" the guy I broke his nose said and the place fell silent ' did I hit him that bad' he came forward to hold me and I hid behind behind Gideon muscled body to shield me "don't let him take me plss"I begged "what's wrong Felix"Sarah asked " the boss wants her"and Sarah looked at me with wide eyes "what happened"Clara asked and I felt like I was dragging them into my own trouble " I don't know,"