chapter nine

When entering what I didn't expect was him so calm, not wearing a shirt as usual and I smiled and dropped the Food as I sat down,he opened it and looked at me, i felt my soul being dragged by his green eyes "katalyna..u"I cut him off"look I know it was very.. inappropriate for me to barge in without knocking..I'm very sorry.."I stopped when he stood up and bent to my sitting level "I'm very won't happen again"I stuttered when I smelt lavender strongly,as his minty breath fanned my face "shhhh"his finger placed on my lips and I gulped and nodded.maybe my imagination but he was leaning closer as his finger left my lips,my heart raced as I my eyes started fluttering close,when the door burst opened "bloody hell"he cursed and I stood up nervously and looked at a speechless carlos,""he pulled his lips together "do I have to teach u to knock"he asked "I didn't Know..u were busy boss"he said smirking at me "whatever it is can wait.."and he nodded and smiled knowingly at me before closing the door. " Ur still wearing Alicia's clothes"and I turned to him "yes..I told u..."he smiled slightly "I'll get u yours today"he promised,i sat down "like shopping? and you"and he nodded "me and you"he answered "no...I didn't mean me and u,i meant you and's the same thing..not me and as one .but together to go shopping"I rambled,he let out a soft laughed and nodded,I smiled widely "thanks.."and he nodded "eat must be cold"he smirked "I'm not hungry" I blinked at him "but u asked Carlos.."I trailed off "I wanted to talk to u since you've been running from me"heat rushed to my cheeks "I wasn't running from u" he leaned closer "hiding then" and I gulped at the closeness" no..I was..just busy" and he nodded like he believed me, which I could tell he didn't"


"Is it true.."Clara asked once I entered my room "what.."I asked "common princess..that you were kissing sir Noah"my eyes widened like saucers.

"What.."I yelled as I covered my face "who said this.. it's Carlos,that blabber mouth"I said,Clara covered her mouth "it's true"she said in a whisper "it's not true,we weren't kissing"Sarah nodded at Clara "alright.we believe u"I gave them a glare "seriously girls we didn't"I protested and the nodded"but u wanted it"Sara asked playing with Clara's hair,I rolled my eyes and sat down "she's not denying"Clara whispered to Sara "girls.."I sat up and the looked at me "I need a good dress to go out"they frowned and looked at each other "girl..we are never let out of this house except we are going to a market"Sara said softly and I sighed "I know.. it's u remember I told u Noah wanted to get me my own clothes"and they nodded "well it's today"I whispered,I looked at their blank faces "well...girls say something"the let out a Peirce scream,I was totally taken about "I told you he has a thing for her, he's taking her shopping personally.. isn't that amazing"they both goshed "princess.."I turned to Carlos,I got up and attacked him "how dare u"I yelled,he held my hands "I'm won't happen again"and I rolled my eyes "he says 5pm"and Sara and Clara screamed softly before he ran out "he's such a blabber mouth"I muttered "it's 3:39,u need to look breathtaking, beautiful..gosh... let's get this"together the got up


I yawned "try this on" and I sighed and got up as I entered the bathroom and came out"it's not it"and I sighed looked at the clock "it's 4:15, we'll we ever find a suitable dress"I asked "found it"she pulled out a checked spaghetti hand dress,and must I add all or Alicia's clothes we're terribly skimpy, including this one,"it'snt it abit..."and Sara chuckled "go take a bath princess,sir Noah is going to see the most beautiful lady ever"and they both giggled


"Princess u looking amazing"and I nodded barely recognizing myself, Sara was a good makeup artist "ur ready.."and I got up "thanks"and they high five

And I smiled.

"Let's go downstairs,he must be waiting"Clara clapped as I wore a Nike sneaker."where are you going princess"Josh asked coming from the other stairs with Gideon "she's going out with Noah"Carlos butt in slinging an arm over Joshua "really man.."Gideon asked and he nodded "and I caught them being all mushy and kiss on the cheek in Noah's office and I pulled my hair back as a heat crept my cheeks "Carlos.."and the burst out laughing "going on a date looking like this"Josh asked checking me out "it's not a date"I protested "u look hot.."Gideon complimented and I blushed "where's Noah"I asked "must be in his office"and I nodded"I'll look for him"and the laughed as Carlos made a compliment.


I knocked and opened the door but there was no one inside "what are u looking for"I turned to a breathtaking Noah in all black "I thought u we're in there"and he nodded "u look.. nice"his eyes raked over me "u look good"he said and looked away and I did too "let's go"and I nodded and followed behind him.

My feet Started feeling heavy from walking from stair to stair,"o didn't want you to face all of them..we're almost there"he said softly when he opened the door and waited till I passed, for the first time since I arrived I saw the world again,it was beautiful, different flower paths,a large field and the only thing planted was lavender,a shiny black SUV was packed there,the stiff guy handed him the keys as he opened the door for me,I nodded and entered,he entered and turned the car on "why are the only flowers in the field lavender"I asked "it belongs to someone.. someone important"and I nodded though I felt troubled that this important person was Alicia "are u okay"and I forced a smile.

We drove for hours yet all I saw was trees,no house, nobody, just trees "are u going to kill me"I asked and he laughed "No..we just have our house Abit in.. security reasons trust me"and I nodded


"Farlon.."the stiff body guard nodded "make sure she gets whatever she wants"he stepped aside "yes boss"I turned to him "u aren't coming"and h nodded,I closed the door "I thought it was u and me"I admitted "it's not my type of place"and I frowned "what ur saying is ur not coming"and he nodded " not going in there if ur not"he raised a brow at me.fifteen minutes passed yet we didn't make a move ,he sighed and dropped his phone "fine.. let's go..if I scare someone it's ur fault"I smiled and stepped out "I bet u won't"


Each time I looked at this place I felt like I didn't fit in, Noah was getting lots of stared from the ladies around,one even stripped in front of him,but he didn't catch her letting her fall,it was a good laugh "the clothes here are the most expensive..I might not get anything at this rate"a lady said to another who laughed, curious I checked the price tags and my jaw dropped,as if sensing it, Noah came behind me "is that all u need"and I nodded,he looked at the few clothes I had taken,he shook his head."I'm not sure".