Chapter 6: A proper gun??

[Anik 2 hours have passed, let's go.]

'Fine, but first let's check what things do those guys have in their body.'

Anik thought while going through their bodies. He found a city map, a lighter and some unnecessary things. First, he kept lighter in his bag and looked at the map. There was one weapon which was carried by the Mike guy, who had a pipe rod.

'Chickasaw city, what a weird name. So back of the house has a forest with is called Eightmile Creek, resident houses in front, right and left side.'

Anik said in his mind while looking at the map and thinking about how to search all residents for guns without alerting anyone.

Now he was preparing for going outside.

He slowly get out of the house from the back side with forest surrounding.

'Should I go through the forest for camouflage, but I don't know where the forest ends so let first search other residents close to this house.'

Anik said to himself and also carrying the pipe rod he took from the one fallen guy.

He slowly walks towards the left house which has only ground floor . The left one floor house was 5 meters away from this house while carefully checking the area.

After reaching the back door of the house, first try to listen if any were there. There was movement in the house and someone was groaning.

'Nope!not going next house.'

Anik said, after slowly going to the next house and when try to peek from the window to see where the sound was coming from, he saw two zombies and was going to leave, but he saw a bloody gun.

'Come on man now I have to go to the house '

Anik said while making painful face holding his right hand.

'Well beggars can't be choosers, I guess '

He said sarcastically.

He first looks at the front of the house carefully to find death bodies with bullet holes and the front door was also broken. There were no 'alive' zombies outside, so he went to the back side.

First he goes back to the previous house and puts some thin blankets plus some bedsheets and pillow in his bag as much as he can and the rest carried in his left hand. Then he put the heavy bag and blankets in the forest.

Then he collected some small stones and goes to the backdoor. Then he slowly opened the door and throw a small stone at the front door.

The zombies that were in the house heard that and started to go there.

Now that the room where the gun was empty. He slowly crouches and moved towards the room. After that, he collected the gun and some bullets on the ground, and he slowly moves outside and went deep in the forest.

'Wow!! That was scary.'Anik said.

[Oh, you have gotten a superb handgun.]

'Really what gun it is, and it's advantage then?'

Anik asked curiously to Aafia.

[It is a Glock 19 which trigger pull is fairly lightweight, with a positive and short reset that makes shooting the weapon easy. It's large enough to be easy to control, and its 9 mm rounds aren't known for their excessive recoil. Hey let test it. If it is not broken, you can put it in your inventory for your infinite guns wish.]

'I also want to test. How far can a handgun be heard?'

Anik nodded and agreed with her.

[A 1.5 km]

'Umm, so I have to go more than a mile inside the forest to test it. Then let's go.'

He said, while carrying the heavy bag, moving deeper into the forest after keeping the gun inside the bag and also carrying blankets.

After walking more than  2 km, he was finally surrounded by big trees, and he couldn't see any man made structures.

'Summon '

He first searches for a suitable flat camping place and after finding a flat surface. He started to cut some thin trees and make a makeshift tent from tree as support, used bedsheets as rope by making it like rope thanks to the knife he summoned from the inventory, binding the wooden stick with it and covering it with one blanket.

'Now let test the gun if it is going.....'

To be continued...