Protagonist Anik Arvish
General Liam
His assistant Austin
Two brother Jake and mike
General Dr daughter Sophia
Scavenging team friend Holden
Colonel Michael
Bjj friend Jonathan
The final opponent ace
Ace friend luna
Boss drake
1 hentch man Henry
General Seth
Captain Cain
[{Infinity inventory
Description:-You can store any singular, similar, unalive substances(container stored things are allowed) in the inventory permanently saved as a data to make into infinite amount. You have 5 slots only in level one.If you upgrade it, you can increase the slots. Once you put any one thing in your any slot, it will permanently store there, and it's duplicate(same) thing can be taken out of the inventory indefinitely.However, you will be unable to remove set things ever once you put anything in that slot. So choose your thing carefully.}]