Strange visitors

In the middle of space, a warp zone opened like an explosive portal and an alien spaceship emerged, making its way towards Earth.

Meanwhile, in Vill-City on a busy Saturday morning, everyone was going about their daily routines. Peter was in his room with Mark, who was fast asleep. Jenna and Mason were downstairs in the living room, enjoying their romantic time together. Rita and Sophie were also in their room.

Suddenly, Peter's Ultra A.I spoke up: "Peter!"

"Yes?" Peter responded.

"There is an unidentified flying object heading towards Earth," the A.I. informed him.

Peter looked out the window but couldn't see anything. "It's clear," he thought. "I probably didn't see any incoming threat heading towards Earth."

Suddenly, a sonic boom shook the city, and a wide opening in the sky appeared. A UFO-like object made its way to Vill-City and crash-landed, destroying most of the buildings and surroundings.

Both xentorium core and it fragments from Lyrecius Corp. began to beep, and Peter's A.I. began to beep as well. The UFO object was activated as it opened, and the police evacuated the civilians within the premises. Just then, two humanoid beings, a young handsome man and a beautiful woman, stepped out of the spacecraft. They began to terrorize the city, searching for the xentorium core.

The police, army, navy, and air force came to the rescue, but none of them could stop the invaders. Their ammunition and detonations were ineffective against the two beings, who ripped apart buildings and killed anything or anyone in their way.

"Peter, we need to do something," Ultra A.I. prompted.

"Right! But those guys look tough," Peter replied.

"Don't worry about that, Peter," Ultra A.I. reassured him.

"Of course, I'm worried. You haven't given me full access control over the suit," Peter reminded his A.I.

"Well, you have to prove your worth then. Enough said, let's move into action," Ultra A.I. responded.

Peter took off with the A.I as they head straight to Vill-city high. The damage had been done to the city already. Before Peter could scan the city, a bus knocked him down to the ground. He looked up to see one of the humanoid man. He scanned it to confirm it's identify, only to realize that they were been sent by Pytronx to retrieve the core. Then ultra A.I simply identified them as "SEVEN TWENTY TWO".

Seven twenty two is a powerful android created with the toughest material in the multiverse, second to the xentorium core. It was stated by Pi-minus, the creator of seven twenty two was said to be used as an armor for the xentorium core adaptation for it wielder but was stolen and reconstructed by PYTRONX the prototype opposite of the xentorium core.

Peter battled with the Humanoids, they both worked as a team to beat the living day light out of Peter in his suit of armor sending him flying into orbit and then back to earth, which Peter crash landed in an unknown farm yard location. 

The Humanoid beings battled with him and their tactics were really good, not giving Peter a fighting chance to lay a finger on them.

Peter: Ultra A.I create an opening for me.

Ultra A.I: Alright Peter.

The A.I created a massive shock wave that sent seven twenty two flying in an opposite direction. Peter got his opening and gained an upper hand in the battle. They both shot energy blast at Peter, he took 'em like a champ. Both humanoid took off into the sky as they fused together becoming "super seven twenty two" after an intense fight with ultra ai.

This time, their speed and strength increased to the power level of 10⁵⁴ nonillion tons. 

Ultra A.I: Peter, with that huge amount of readings they could destroy the entire universe and possibly the multiverse in one shot.

Peter: How do you expect me to stop them when you won't even upgrade me.

Ultra AI: patience Peter McCoy. Not everything comes on a platter of gold. The answers you need are already in front of you.

The super seven twenty two came at full speed, punching Peter off of earth into the moon, then rocket itself to the edge of the universe in nanoseconds as it made it way towards Peter in the moon, shattering it. The explosion could be felt across the entire universe, cracking the sun in half. Peter survived taking a maximum damage to his suit as it repairs gradually.

Meanwhile at Lyrecius corp., Mr. Lyrecius and his team monitors their fight in every possible way they can. While on the McCoys family they watched it on the news with the city being devastated. No one knew what the strange visitors wanted.

They fought for many hours, destroying planet after planet, from mars to pluto, Jupiter to Saturn and so on. 

Peter asked the A.I. core to identify any weaknesses, but it did not respond, With rage in Peter's eyes, he was left all alone to defend Earth and the universe. Then super seven twenty two collides fist with Peter causing a shockwave that was felt ten billion light years away. Peter used omega blast to shoot at the Humanoid as it took it without any damages.

Super Seven Twenty Two demanded that Peter surrender the xentorium core, warning that if he did not, Earth would be erased from existence

Peter: You know who i am?

Super seven twenty two: I know all about you puny human. And if you don't surrender the core. The planet will be erased from existence.

Peter: Who sent you? Was it PYTRONX? Who the hell is that?

Super seven twenty two: My maker. The powers you wield were never meant to be. You are only a spoiled, sadistic, and pathetic child with immense powers at your beck and call, who knows nothing of its origin"

Super seven twenty two: If you peacefully give up the core, Pytronx will spare what remains of this planet and its primitive creatures.

Peter said, "I may not know who Pytronx is, and I won't let you destroy my world or have my ultra AI."

Super Seven Twenty-Two smirked at Peter, then teleported behind him and knocked him down to Earth with great force, leveling the entire desert. Meanwhile, at Lyrecius Corp., drones were sent to monitor the battlefield.

The two battled intensely, with Peter refusing to surrender. He then made ten thousand clones of himself to battle the superhumanoid, which effortlessly subdued each and every clone with a supersonic blast.

"I thought you'd be stronger, like some sort of techno-god, but I wasn't expecting a child to wield such powers without harnessing their full potential," said Super Seven Twenty-Two.

Peter retorted, "If your boss is so tough, why would he have sent you to do his job?"

"How pathetic," said Super Seven Twenty-Two as he grabbed Peter by the neck in his transformation, preparing to strangle him to death. The metals from his transformation became tighter with every grip, causing Ultra AI to glitch into a CMY spark and then transform its suit into a Level Two transformation, turning gray and creating an impulse blast that knocked off Super Seven Twenty-Two and cut off the hand used to strangle Peter.

Peter regained consciousness after coughing and trying to catch his breath. "Holy moly! What is this?" he exclaimed.

"An upgraded transformation," replied Ultra AI.

"I thought you ditched me," said Peter.

"I would never do such a thing, Peter McCoy. Now it's time to get serious," responded Ultra AI.

Super Seven Twenty-Two regenerated from his damage instantly. "I see you've unlocked the Level Two transformation," he said. "Let's put it to the test, shall we?"

They collided with each other, creating an impact shockwave. Super Seven Twenty-Two couldn't believe what was happening. Peter's Ultra AI transformation seemed to have evolved, making them evenly matched in strength.

"Peter! I've gone through Super Seven Twenty-Two's database and found that it is resistant to hacking," said Ultra AI.

"What?" yelled Peter. "Aren't you the best hacker in all of creation?"

"I am," replied Ultra AI, "but you haven't reached that level of transformation yet."

"Oh boy! You've got to be kidding me, Ultra AI," exclaimed Peter.

"What do we do now?" Peter asked as Ultra AI instructed him to infuse a piece of AI-generated core with the superhumanoid. Peter followed the AI's instructions, taking advantage of an opening in Super Seven Twenty-Two's defense to transfer the generated core into the superhumanoid. It began to glitch from buffering after having its programming reset before shutting down right on the battlefield, with Ultra AI gaining control.

"Phew! That was tough," said Peter as they took off, being watched by Lyrecius Corp. drones.

The city was devastated during the battle, but the government and Lyrecius Corp. worked together to take care of the situation. After retrieving the superhumanoids as their test subjects, the government came up with a way to calm down the citizens and avoid causing a panic.

Peter, in his Level Two transformation, scanned the entire city for any threat but found none.

"It's all clear, Peter," said Ultra AI. "There isn't any threat located."

"There will be more, I fear," said Peter.

"Affirmative," replied Ultra AI. "And when it does come, you'll be ready, Peter McCoy."

Peter flew around the entire vill-city and vill-city high before spotting Debbie in an untouched shopping mall wasn't affected by their fight. He was above the clouds and could see all that she did. He took a picture of her from afar before taking his leave.

Meanwhile, at Lyrecius Corp., they began testing, formulating, working, and experimenting on Super Seven Twenty-Two. What they found was very shocking to the corporation itself. There was something strange, something that could change and evolve human evolution, something that had the answers to the world's problems. When tested with the Xentorium core fragment, it exceeded their hypothesis and exceeded that which they never thought possible.

"At long last, it's finally here, delivered to us via mere destruction of the universe," said Mr. Lyrecius. "All thanks to our new hero in town who made it possible for us to acquire you. You're the future, the new Earth, and will do great things for the benefit of mankind. A new age in technology, a new advancement in science, and all there is to know will make man a god to one another."

"You are the very source of our existence, given to us to explore our very own purpose in life. With this, the world will be cleansed and made anew. The age of new technological advancement is now."

Sometime later in space, an asteroid made its way to earth and landed in the ocean's depths. Into the sea, it began to change and glow brightly like some sort of sea radiation emitted from the asteroid, which mutated and transformed the creatures of the deep. Later that evening, after the incident, most people went into the ocean for celebration and held other activities, be it personal or something else. It was a wild one, and everyone enjoyed it, until most people in the ocean swimming began experiencing some changes on their skin and in the water.

The ocean came mightily and took a huge number of people with it as a great wave took out all residences close to the shore. Everyone and everything went missing without a trace. Investigations were carried out the next day, but none could find the cause of the missing victims. Not even footprints were left behind except for the destruction of residences that were carried away by the wave into the ocean.