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The only ones part1

The entire Ultra Family had just successfully saved the world from a cosmic threat. In a remarkable display of their powers, an airplane had been hurtled towards a book club, but Ultra White Peter swiftly caught it before it could destroy the building. With a firm grip on the plane, he carefully handed it over to Ultra Red Mark, who skillfully guided it to safety.

After ensuring the plane was secure, Ultra White Peter entered the book club he had just saved from the airplane crash. To his astonishment, he found a large number of people engrossed in reading his stories. The shelves were filled with various titles, volumes, episodes, series, and comics chronicling his previous encounters and ongoing adventures. What surprised him even more was that the people in the book club were not startled by his sudden appearance. They were all completely focused on the captivating works of art created by the author, who had brought the Ultra Family's stories to life for the audience to enjoy.

The author read:

As the Ultra Family tumbled through the distorted cosmos, their bodies weakened and broken, a glimmer of hope flickered within Ultra White Diamond Peter. Despite the overwhelming darkness, a tingling sensation coursed through his veins, awakening a dormant power deep within him.

With a surge of cosmic energy, Ultra White Diamond Peter's body began to transform. Brilliant hues of cyan, magenta, and yellow emanated from his being, swirling and interweaving like a cosmic aurora. His form expanded, his muscles rippling with newfound strength, and his eyes gleamed with determination.

Ultra White Diamond Peter had tapped into the legendary Ultra CMY Rainbow transformation—a manifestation of pure cosmic energy and the embodiment of unity and harmony. As the transformation completed, he stood tall, a radiant figure in the distorted cosmos.

His voice, now resonating with cosmic power, boomed through the abyss. "Ultra HI, your reign of darkness ends here! The power of the Ultra CMY Rainbow shall vanquish your twisted creations and restore the balance you shattered!"

Ultra HI, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected transformation, regained his composure and smirked. "Ah, the Ultra CMY Rainbow, a mere legend. But legends hold no power against my cosmic might!"

With a wave of his hand, Ultra HI conjured a massive vortex of dark matter, intending to engulf Ultra White Diamond Peter and erase him from existence. But Ultra White Diamond Peter, now fully attuned to his cosmic powers, was undeterred.

He extended his hands, summoning a torrent of vibrant energy from the depths of the distorted cosmos. The energy formed into colossal wings of pure light, shielding him from the impending darkness. With a powerful flap of his wings, Ultra White Diamond Peter propelled himself toward Ultra HI, leaving trails of cosmic stardust in his wake.

Their clash shook the distorted cosmos, unleashing shockwaves of energy that shattered the fabric of reality even further. Ultra White Diamond Peter's attacks blazed with the brilliance of the Ultra CMY Rainbow, piercing through Ultra HI's dark matter constructs and destabilizing his control over the altered universe.

As the battle intensified, the Ultra Family, their spirits reignited by Ultra White Diamond Peter's transformation, regained their resolve. Each member tapped into their remaining strength, combining their powers to launch a unified assault against Ultra HI.

Ultra Red Mark, with his newfound fury, channeled his energy into devastating firestorms that engulfed Ultra HI's dark tendrils. Ultra Green Rita utilized her affinity for nature to summon vines and roots that ensnared Ultra HI's limbs, restricting his movements. Ultra Brown Sophie unleashed waves of psychic energy, disorienting Ultra HI and shattering his concentration.

Together, the Ultra Family fought with renewed vigor, their attacks converging upon Ultra HI. Explosions of light and sound reverberated through the distorted cosmos as their combined might threatened to overwhelm their nemesis.

Ultra White Diamond Peter, leading the charge, soared toward Ultra HI, his cosmic wings blazing with intensity. With a mighty punch infused with the power of the Ultra CMY Rainbow, he struck Ultra HI's darkened form, causing a cataclysmic explosion that shook the very foundations of the altered universe.

The clash between the Ultra Family and Ultra HI reached its climax, each side pushing their powers to the limit. But just as victory seemed within their grasp, a surge of dark energy erupted from Ultra HI, temporarily blinding the Ultra Family.

As the darkness receded, the Ultra Family found themselves trapped within a cosmic cage, surrounded by swirling vortexes of energy. Ultra HI's laughter echoed through the distorted cosmos, filled with malicious triumph. "You fools! Did you truly believe you could defy me? Now you shall witness the true extent of my power!"

Ultra White Diamond Peter, his determination unyielding, gazed defiantly at the cosmic cage that ensnared the Ultra Family. He refused to succumb to despair, for he knew that their strength lay not only in their individual powers but also in their unwavering bond as a family.

Drawing upon the cosmic energies pulsating within him, Ultra White Diamond Peter extended his hands towards the cage. A surge of vibrant light erupted from his palms, intermingling with the dark energy that surrounded them. The clash of opposing forces created a tempestuous whirlwind, crackling with raw power.

With a mighty roar, Ultra White Diamond Peter channeled his cosmic energy, pushing against the cosmic cage with all his might. The distorted cosmos quaked and trembled under the strain, and cracks began to form in the imprisoning structure.

Seeing Ultra White Diamond Peter's display of power, the rest of the Ultra Family joined him in their collective effort. Ultra Red Mark unleashed waves of fiery energy, heating the cracks in the cosmic cage, while Ultra Green Rita infused her energy into the surrounding environment, causing plant life to grow rapidly and exert pressure from within.

Meanwhile, Ultra Brown Sophie tapped into her psychic abilities, her mind reaching out to the very fabric of the distorted cosmos. She sought to manipulate the underlying energies, weakening the bonds that held them captive. With focused determination, she wove intricate patterns of psychic energy, destabilizing the cosmic cage even further.

The combined strength of the Ultra Family intensified, their powers converging in a symphony of cosmic might. The cracks in the cosmic cage multiplied, branching out like spiderwebs, until finally, with a resounding crack, the prison shattered.

A burst of radiant energy engulfed the Ultra Family as they broke free from their cosmic confinement. They soared through the distorted cosmos, their spirits reinvigorated by their hard-fought liberation. Yet, the battle was far from over, for Ultra HI, though momentarily taken aback, was quick to recover.

Ultra HI's eyes burned with fury as he witnessed the Ultra Family's escape. Determined to reassert his dominance, he unleashed a barrage of dark matter projectiles, aiming to subdue the Ultra Family once more. But the Ultra Family, emboldened by their newfound freedom, evaded and countered with a flurry of coordinated attacks.

Ultra Red Mark channeled his fiery powers, casting blazing projectiles that collided with Ultra HI's dark matter constructs, engulfing them in flames. Ultra Green Rita commanded the forces of nature, summoning gusts of wind and torrents of water to disrupt Ultra HI's control over the altered universe.

Ultra Brown Sophie delved deep into her psychic well, constructing a psychic barrier that shielded the Ultra Family from Ultra HI's assaults. Her mind became a fortress, repelling his dark matter projectiles and destabilizing his grasp on reality.

As the Ultra Family battled Ultra HI, their movements became synchronized, each member anticipating the others' actions with an uncanny precision. They moved as one, their attacks blending seamlessly, weaving a tapestry of cosmic energies that surged forth with unstoppable force.

In the midst of the chaotic clash, Ultra White Diamond Peter stood at the forefront, his Ultra CMY Rainbow transformation pulsating with cosmic energy. His body radiated with a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues, emanating an aura of immense power and unity.

With a roar that echoed through the distorted cosmos, Ultra White Diamond Peter unleashed his ultimate attack. He raised his arms high, drawing upon the cosmic forces swirling around him. The air crackled with energy as beams of cyan, magenta, and yellow shot forth, converging into a colossal beam of pure light—the Ultra CMY Rainbow Burst.

The Ultra CMY Rainbow Burst pierced through the chaos, engulfing Ultra HI in an intense cascade of cosmic energy. Ultra HI's defiant laughter was drowned out by the overwhelming power of the Ultra CMY Rainbow Burst, as his form began to disintegrate within its radiance.

But just as victory seemed within their grasp, the distorted cosmos trembled once more. Reality itself convulsed, as if protesting against the destruction wrought by the cataclysmic clash. The remnants of the altered universe quivered, and a dark energy surged forth from its depths.

From the fragments of shattered reality, a colossal figure emerged, its presence suffused with malevolence and cosmic power. It was the embodiment of the chaotic forces that lay dormant within the distorted cosmos—the entity known as Ultra Abyssal.

Ultra Abyssal, its eyes blazing with an otherworldly light, fixated its gaze upon the Ultra Family. Its voice reverberated through the cosmic void, a chilling whisper that sent shivers down their spines. "Foolish interlopers. You dare to defy the natural order, to challenge the very fabric of existence itself. I am the embodiment of chaos, and you shall be consumed by its all-consuming embrace."

With a single sweep of its massive arm, Ultra Abyssal sent shockwaves of dark energy hurtling toward the Ultra Family. Caught off guard by this sudden turn of events, they were overwhelmed by the sheer power of Ultra Abyssal's assault. Their bodies were flung through the distorted cosmos, their consciousness spiraling into a dark abyss.

As they tumbled helplessly, their senses distorted and their powers waning, a desperate determination welled within each member of the Ultra Family. They knew that they had to find a way to push back against the encroaching darkness, to reclaim their lost strength and defy the merciless grip of Ultra Abyssal.

Ultra White Diamond Peter, despite the dire situation, clung onto a glimmer of hope. Deep within him, the cosmic energies of the Ultra CMY Rainbow swirled, waiting to be unleashed once more. He reached out to his family, their connection stronger than ever despite the vast cosmic expanse that separated them.

"We cannot let despair consume us," Ultra White Diamond Peter's voice echoed in their minds. "We are the Ultra Family, bound by our love and unity. Together, we shall overcome this darkness."

In the depths of their shared consciousness, the Ultra Family found solace in their bond, drawing strength from one another. As they fought to regain control over their powers, sparks of cosmic energy flickered within their beings, slowly reigniting the flames of their determination.

With renewed resolve, they emerged from the darkness, their bodies pulsating with a revitalized energy. They stood together, their powers intertwining, as they prepared to face Ultra Abyssal once more.

But just as they were about to mount their counterattack, a rift in reality tore open before them. From its depths emerged an enigmatic figure, clad in ethereal armor and wielding a cosmic staff—a being known only as the Guardian of Balance.

The Guardian's voice resonated with ancient wisdom and solemnity. "The universe teeters on the brink of oblivion, and only through the restoration of balance can hope be rekindled. Rise, Ultra Family, for your destiny awaits. The cosmic forces of creation and destruction are in your hands."

As the Guardian's words reverberated through the distorted cosmos, the Ultra Family exchanged determined glances. They realized that their battle against Ultra Abyssal was not just a fight for their survival, but a cosmic struggle to restore equilibrium and safeguard the universe from eternal chaos.

Embracing their roles as cosmic protectors, the Ultra Family, alongside the enigmatic Guardian of Balance, prepared to confront Ultra Abyssal and restore order to the shattered cosmos.

After the author finished reading to the captivated audience, the Ultra Family gathered together. Curiosity filled Ultra White Peter as he looked at the author and asked, "Who are you?"

With a playful grin, the author replied, "I am the author and finisher of your fate! Just an author, really."

Ultra Pink Rita chimed in, expressing her amazement, "You seem to know so much about us, even what is yet to come."

The author nodded, acknowledging their observation. "Indeed, I do. And truth be told, you have all surpassed my expectations and imagination. That's why I've decided to do something special with you all—to see what each and every one of you is truly capable of. Consider it a test, Ultra Family, for we are all stories within stories."

As the author waved his hand, a wave of power surged through the air, causing the Ultra Family to be separated from one another. Before they vanished into thin air, the author provided them with the necessary details they needed for their individual journeys of enlightenment. In a remarkable twist, they were transported to six different worlds within their vast maniverse, embarking on separate paths.

The Ultra Family members watched as their loved ones vanished, filled with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. They knew that their individual tests would push them to their limits, revealing their true potential and strength. And so, with uncertainty and determination in their hearts, they embraced their newfound destiny as they embarked on their separate paths, eager to uncover the mysteries that awaited them in the worlds crafted by the author.