The Only Ones - Part 4: The great council of Sophies

Sophie McCoy found herself in Trappist-1e - Multiverse - Universe 775S, and it seemed as though something or someone had been expecting her arrival. Confused, she turned to her Ultra AI for answers.

"Where am I?" Sophie McCoy asked her Ultra AI.

"We seem to have landed in another universe, Sophie McCoy," replied the Ultra AI. "This universe appears to be highly organized."

"Indeed, everything seems to be in order here. Hard work and perseverance must have played a significant role in achieving this," replied a voice from behind. It was another version of Sophie McCoy, hailing from Trappist-1e - Multiverse - Universe 775S.

"Welcome, Sophie. We've been expecting you," said Sophie McCoy of that universe.

"Wow!" Sophie McCoy of Earth1A-multiverse-universeX24 whispered to herself in excitement.

To avoid confusion, we'll refer to Sophie McCoy of Trappist-1e - Multiverse - Universe 775S as "Sophie," and Sophie McCoy of Earth1A-multiverse-universeX24 as "Sophie McCoy." Sophie led Sophie McCoy to a secure facility where heroes and allies from different worlds were united. There, Sophie McCoy also came face to face with Killer Rah, also known as Becky Monroe.

"I see you're well acquainted with Becky Monroe," said Sophie to Sophie McCoy. "But there's much to discuss before your time runs out and you're transported elsewhere by the author."

During their discussion, Multiple Man began narrating, and both Sophie's and Killer Rah could hear his voice.

"Not now, Dad!" Killer Rah said with an exhausted look.

"What's that voice?" Sophie McCoy asked. "And where is it coming from?"

Multiple Man continued narrating:

In this universe, Sophie McCoy learns the truth about the impending doom that will end all maniverses. Determined, she decides to seek the councils of Sophies from every timeline in the maniverse(s). Together, they will work to find a solution and save all of existence.

"Multiple Man," replied Sophie.

"She wonders where the source of the voice comes from. She can feel its presence everywhere and nowhere at once. Her curiosity questions the fabric of reality," narrated Multiple Man. "Could this be the voice of the one who knows all things, who sees beyond time itself?"

During Multiple Man's narration, Sophie grabbed him by the arm, pulling him out of thin air and revealing his true identity. Sophie McCoy was surprised by this revelation.

"Wow!" exclaimed the astonished Sophie McCoy.

"You could at least let me have my moment," said Multiple Man.

"I believe you are familiar with Multiple Man," Sophie asked. "He is a time traveler across maniverses, a brilliant scientist who obtained a xentorium core. It is possible that his abilities did not come from the xentorium core but that he found a way to harness and balance it with his duplicity."

"Just like Killer Rah!" Sophie McCoy said.

"Just like me!" added Killer Rah.

"Yes!" Sophie replied.

Sophie McCoy's curiosity was piqued, and she wanted to know more about how Multiple Man obtained his abilities. Sophie proceeded to explain her understanding to Sophie McCoy.

"To make a long story short, Multiple Man experimented on living organisms that possessed the ability to regenerate. From aquatic creatures to land creatures, he conducted research on them. Multiple Man has always been obsessed with immortality, but in a positive way. His goal is to use his inventions and research to fight against deadly diseases like cancer, HIV, AIDS, and more. He seeks to halt aging, wrinkles, and other effects of time."

Although no one volunteered for his crazy experiments, Multiple Man conducted test runs on himself. Surprisingly, they became successful, but with minor side effects that altered his DNA. Whenever he dies, he comes back to life, even from a single drop of blood or none at all. Multiple Man can create copies of himself using DNA samples. A drop of blood can instantly spawn another Multiple Man, and even severing his arm results in the creation of another clone. His death gave birth to multiple versions of himself, leading to authorities becoming involved. They destroyed his research when they couldn't replicate his work, viewing him as a threat. However, one fateful day, he discovered the xentorium core. Studying its power, he harnessed it, gaining the ability to retain memories after death. Disintegration was the only way to kill him until he found the core, but even now, most of his clones have gone rogue, becoming as intelligent as, if not more than, him. To counter this, he created something that could stop both them and himself. After unraveling most of the secrets of the xentorium core, he infused it into his DNA, allowing memories of past, present, and future lives to exist within and throughout timelines. Even when a clone is destroyed, the remaining ones retain their memories after resurrection. Utilizing the xentorium core as a time-traveling tool, he found a way to merge and reunite with his clones, linking minds with them and duplicating at will without alterations.

Multiple Man also created a disintegration gun capable of completely erasing body and soul, thanks to the Ultra Virus. The xentorium virus was upgraded to the Ultra Virus, and Peter's DNA played a crucial role in the process.

"Come with me. I want to show you something," said Sophie, leading Sophie McCoy to a larger room. Initially dark, the room illuminated as they entered, revealing holographic ultra-comms projections of six thousand Sophie McCoys from various timelines and maniverses. They were connecting with each other, discussing the impending doom and how to prevent it.

"Welcome to the Great Council of Sophies," said Sophie. "This is just a small portion of the council; the most superior ones are not present at the moment."

The Great Council of Sophies was delighted to meet Sophie McCoy of Earth1A-multiverse-universeX24. Each of them began introducing themselves and their respective worlds. Here are a few examples of the different worlds represented within the council:

Earth 716 - Multiverse - Universe 22XYH, Earth D21 - Multiverse - Universe 69654, Earth 6Z - Multiverse - Universe CCG, Earth 1AA - Multiverse - Universe X34, Earth 6979 - Multiverse - Universe 9706, Earth 43 - Multiverse - Universe 3010, Earth 717 - Multiverse - Universe 22XYI, Earth D22 - Multiverse - Universe 69655, Earth 6AB - Multiverse - Universe CCH, Earth 1AC - Multiverse - Universe X35, Earth 6980 - Multiverse - Universe 9707, Earth 44 - Multiverse - Universe 3011, Earth 718 - Multiverse - Universe 22XYJ, Earth D23 - Multiverse - Universe 69656, Earth 6AD - Multiverse - Universe CCI, Earth 1AE - Multiverse - Universe X36, Earth 6981 - Multiverse - Universe 9708, Earth 45 - Multiverse - Universe 3012, Earth 719 - Multiverse - Universe 22XYK, Earth D24 - Multiverse - Universe 69657, Earth 6AF - Multiverse - Universe CCJ, Earth 1AG - Multiverse - Universe X37, Earth 6982 - Multiverse - Universe 9709, Earth 46 - Multiverse - Universe 3013, Earth 720 - Multiverse - Universe 22XYL, Earth D25 - Multiverse - Universe 69658, Earth 6AH - Multiverse - Universe CCK, Earth 1AI - Multiverse - Universe X38, Earth 6983 - Multiverse - Universe 9710, Earth 47 - Multiverse - Universe 3014, Earth 721 - Multiverse - Universe 22XYM, Earth D26 - Multiverse - Universe 69659, Earth 6AJ - Multiverse - Universe CCL, Earth 1AK - Multiverse - Universe X39, Earth 6984 - Multiverse - Universe 9711, Earth 48 - Multiverse - Universe 3015, Earth 722 - Multiverse - Universe 22XYN, Earth D27 - Multiverse - Universe 69660, Earth 6AL - Multiverse - Universe CCM, Earth 1AM - Multiverse - Universe X40, Earth 6985 - Multiverse - Universe 9712, Earth 49 - Multiverse - Universe 3016, Earth 723 - Multiverse - Universe 22XYO, Earth D28 - Multiverse - Universe 69661, Earth 6V - Multiverse - Universe CCE, Earth 6AN - Multiverse - Universe CCN, Earth 1AO - Multiverse - Universe X41, Earth 6986 - Multiverse - Universe 9713, Earth 50 - Multiverse - Universe 3017, Earth 724 - Multiverse - Universe 22XYP, Earth D29 - Multiverse - Universe 69662, Earth 6AP - Multiverse - Universe CCO, Earth 1AQ - Multiverse - Universe X42, Earth 6987 - Multiverse - Universe 9714, Earth 51 - Multiverse - Universe 3018, Earth 725 - Multiverse - Universe 22XYQ, Earth D30 - Multiverse - Universe 69663, Earth 6AR - Multiverse - Universe CCP, Earth 1AS - Multiverse - Universe X43, Earth 6988 - Multiverse - Universe 9715, Earth 52 - Multiverse - Universe 3019, Earth 726 - Multiverse - Universe 22XYR, Earth D31 - Multiverse - Universe 69664, Earth 6AT - Multiverse - Universe CCQ, Earth 1AU - Multiverse - Universe X44, Earth 6989 - Multiverse - Universe 9716, Earth 53 - Multiverse - Universe 3020, Earth 727 - Multiverse - Universe 22XYS, Earth D32 - Multiverse - Universe 69665, Earth 6AV - Multiverse - Universe CCR, Earth 1AW - Multiverse - Universe X45, Earth 6990 - Multiverse - Universe 9717, Earth 54 - Multiverse - Universe 3021, Earth 728 - Multiverse - Universe 22XYT, Earth D33 - Multiverse - Universe 69666, Earth 6AX - Multiverse - Universe CCS, Earth 1AY - Multiverse - Universe X46, Earth 6991 - Multiverse - Universe 9718, Earth 55 - Multiverse - Universe 3022, Earth 729 - Multiverse - Universe 22XYU, Earth D34 - Multiverse - Universe 69667, Earth 6AZ - Multiverse - Universe CCT, Earth 1BA - Multiverse - Universe X47, Earth 6992 - Multiverse - Universe 9719, Earth 56 - Multiverse - Universe 3023, Earth 730 - Multiverse - Universe 22XYV.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Sophie McCoy of Earth1A-multiverse-universeX24," said Sophie of Earth 1AA - Multiverse - Universe X34 and Earth 1AC - Multiverse - Universe X35. "I've been looking forward to seeing you in person after our last communication. How is your Peter doing, by the way?"

Sophie of Trappist-1e - Multiverse - Universe 775S then explained the purpose of the Great Council's gathering, discussing the impending doom. Together, they brainstormed ideas and strategies to address the situation at hand.

Sophie of Earth 1AE - Multiverse - Universe X36 shared her wisdom about containing all of creation within an ultra Crystal, cautioning about the potential dangers such an action could bring. "However, I suggest we seek guidance from JASSEDG for further instructions," she added.

"Who is JASSEDG?" Sophie McCoy of Earth1A-multiverse-universeX24 inquired.

"JASSEDG is one of the most powerful beings in the maniverses, a mortal who was blessed with the powers of a God and eventually became a God," replied Sophie of Trappist-1e - Multiverse - Universe 775S. "He possesses the ability to enter the Omnipotent realm, the Omni-omnipotent realm, and the ultra realm. These realms encompass all cosmic and abstract entities, ranging from the lowest to the highest beings and points within all of creation. JASSEDG is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, but even Gods have their limits in all realms except for those within the ultra realms, where JASSEDG resides."

During their discussion, Sophie of Earth 48 - Multiverse - Universe 3015 mentioned that Bore is the ultimate doom that will bring an end to all existence, as a result of Ultra HI's ability to free it from its restraints and allow it to reach its full power. Suddenly, Sophie of Earth 47 - Multiverse - Universe 3014 drew their attention to the ultraverse, which was growing stronger by the second. She explained that the ultraverse is fueled by the negative and positive energies and emotions, influenced by each decision left unattended. "In short, the ultraverse represents the shadow selves of every ULTRA AI in the maniverses, regardless of who or what possesses the xentorium core."

"Didn't your Peter destroy your universe?" Sophie of Earth 48 - Multiverse - Universe 3015 asked Sophie of Earth 47 - Multiverse - Universe 3014.

"No!" replied Sophie of Earth 47 - Multiverse - Universe 3014. "He became good, and we thwarted the universal destruction."

"Hmm," Sophie of Earth 48 - Multiverse - Universe 3015 wondered to herself. "Because I'm pretty sure I heard and felt the destruction of your universe from ours. Being that we are partners, even if it's extremely far away, I was sure I felt the shockwave."

"Well, it didn't," replied Sophie of Earth 47 - Multiverse - Universe 3014.

"My Peter almost destroyed our universe, but we stopped him," said Sophie of Earth 1AE - Multiverse - Universe X36.

"And how did you stop him?" Sophie of Earth 1AC - Multiverse - Universe X35 asked when she saw the sad looks on Sophie of Earth 1AE - Multiverse - Universe X36's face as she understood.

Most of the Sophie councils began arguing about their versions of Peter McCoy turning evil or remaining good. Their arguments were later hushed by the presence of an elderly retired Sophie from the Great Council of Sophies. She appeared in physical form, seated in an advanced tech wheelchair. She was old and wise, surpassing others in the room in terms of age and experience.

Sophie of Trappist-1e - Multiverse - Universe 775S introduced the elderly Sophie from Gliese 667Cc - Multiverse Universe 776E. During her appearance in the council room, a vibrant teenage Sophie of Earth 50 - Multiverse - Universe 3017 chuckled a bit and whispered upon seeing the way the elderly Sophie walked into the room. The vibrant teenage Sophie whispered, "She should have retained her immortality," which was heard by another Sophie of Earth 724 - Multiverse - Universe 22XYP. Sophie of Earth 724 hushed her for her rude manner.

"The elderly Sophie of Gliese 667Cc - Multiverse Universe 776E shared her wisdom that stunned the entire council room, including the future Sophie McCoy, who was among them. She revealed a secret about the future Earth, having witnessed its end herself, which left the council silent and solemn.

She spoke of the altered future and the impending arrival of the banished Tetronians, who would pose a threat to all maniverses. Her words unveiled a shocking revelation about the ultimate fate of creation, which would give birth to a new world. The elderly Sophie approved of Sophie of Earth 1AE - Multiverse - Universe X36's ideas, as they were deemed necessary to save all of creation. She foretold the arrival of new threats before the end, and the need for all heroes and villains to unite as one.

"What will happen to our world?" Sophie of Earth D29 - Multiverse - Universe 69662 asked.

"We will all return to the ONE," replied future Sophie McCoy of Earth1A-multiverse-universeX24. "Creation is experiencing itself through all things and will continue to experience itself in every possible way it can imagine." The elderly Sophie nodded in agreement.

After the discussions concluded, the great council of Sophies retired for the day, with each member going offline, except for the future Sophie who sensed that her present timeline required answers to many questions. With a smile, she reassured herself, saying, "Yes, we will always find a way," before going offline.

As Sophie of Trappist-1e - Multiverse - Universe 775S and Sophie McCoy made their way out, they encountered Anje, who was thrilled to see Sophie McCoy. They exchanged warm greetings before attending to the elderly Sophie. Before Sophie McCoy departed, she asked Sophie of Trappist-1e about the maniverse they both originated from, learning that it was maniverse 101. Sophie McCoy expressed gratitude for the enlightenment and vanished with a smile on her face."