The Hacker's True Intentions Revealed - Part 3

The next day at school, the teams practiced for their upcoming match against Vill-Baker Junior High School. During their practice, Peter and Mark had a conversation while Rita and Debbie also had separate discussions during their cheerleading practice.

Peter and Mark discussed how the Hacker could have obtained the Xentorium virus. Mark gestured in the opposite direction, implying the possibility of Killer Rah's return.

"You think it's... Killer Rah's return?" Mark asked.

"Nah, I don't think so," Peter replied, his mind drifting to Sophie's secret experiment and what Jenna McCoy from Earth 707 - multiverse (universe 22XY) had said to him. "Thanks to Sophie, who generated the Xentorium virus, I was able to absorb and vanquish all of Ultra H.I's abilities, putting an end to him once and for all." He also remembered what Killer Rah had said to him during their encounter.

Peter had never revealed Sophie's secret experiment to any of his siblings. He planned to confront Sophie himself after their basketball training.

"Let's go, people!" Coach Bridgette yelled. "Put your heads in the game!"

Meanwhile, Rita and Debbie discussed how the last encounter with Killer Rah was similar to the Hacker's previous use of the Xentorium virus against them. This puzzled the girls during practice, but Coach Bridgette drew their attention back to their cheerleading routine.

After the training was over for the day and the students were cleaned up, Peter, Mark, Rita, Debbie, and Sophie met at the quiet school field. Peter had called the meeting to address the matter once and for all.

"I believe the Hacker obtained the Xentorium virus from Sophie, who has been working on a secret experiment similar to what Killer Rah used against us," Peter explained.

"Why would you create something like that Sophie? What's your motive?" Mark asked.

Sophie tried to convince them of the potential benefits her experiment could provide in the face of impending doom. Rita's attention was caught by what her counterpart from Earth 6969 - multiverse (universe 9696) had revealed to her. She sided with Sophie and helped convince the others as well.

"A simple misunderstanding, guys," Rita interjected. "Sophie never intended for anyone to get hurt. Besides, we're all aware of what's coming. We've been warned and foretold about the impending doom. This incident is just a sign that we're getting closer by the day. We are a team and a family, so let's not let this separate us or pit us against each other. No matter what, the Ultra Family always emerges victorious. Now that we know the Hacker stole some of Sophie's Xentorium virus for her advantage, we know how to counter it with the Ultra Virus Sophie is perfecting. However, since that is still in the planning phase, we need to be mindful and avoid the Hacker's skills during our encounters. I believe Sophie's creation might just be the ultimate solution to win and protect all of creation."

"You're right, Rita," Debbie chimed in. "Come on, guys. We can do this. We can put an end to the Hacker's misguided path to justice. Sophie will try to convince her and Tekno Boy to change their ways, and if they don't, then we all agree to put them in Super Jail to reflect on what they've done to the city."

"But she freed supervillains from Super Jail during Peter's absence, and we all know how powerful those psychopaths were," Mark reminded them of the Hacker's past and the formidable power possessed by each of the villains, let alone when they work together as a team.

"Wait!" Peter exclaimed, surprised. "How many superpowered villains are there in Super Jail, aside from Tetraman?"

"A lot," Mark replied. He listed a few super villains such as Music Girl (whom he referred to as Musical Girl), Mother Nature, The Artist, Everlasting Man, Solvent, and many more, emphasizing the significant number of formidable adversaries they had managed to send to Super Jail.

"Wow!" Peter exclaimed in astonishment. "That's a lot to take in, and you all were able to send them to Super Jail."

"Yeah, baby!" Debbie responded. "With teamwork and strategic thinking, we were able to exploit their weaknesses."

The next day, the news went viral on CBNVI and Vill-City media stations about missing politicians, governors, senators, mayors, and presidents from almost every part of the world. In most cases, the world leaders were found dead under mysterious circumstances, with an almost untraceable cause of death. The Hacker's true intentions were finally revealed as she and her brother, Tekno Boy, executed their plans together.

The Ultra Family was fully aware of the dangers posed by the Hacker and Tekno Boy's crimes, prompting them to quickly take action. Tekno Boy and the Hacker had already intervened in conflicts between countries, freeing some nations from oppression and creating peace through forceful or coercive means. While their actions were seen as heroic by many citizens and countries, others regarded them as tyrannical and evil, using questionable methods to achieve global peace.

They fought for those who couldn't fight for themselves, bringing about significant changes in the economic stability of the countries they intervened in. The world's perception of Tekno Boy and the Hacker's deeds was divided, with approximately half viewing them as criminals while recognizing the drastic reduction in crimes and economic crises, amounting to an 80% decrease. The world leaders in every region of the world feared the names Tekno Boy and the Hacker.

Their advanced technology allowed them to surpass any boundaries, and when they faced the Ultra Family, an intense battle ensued. The Hacker, with her hacking abilities, gained control over any electronic device worldwide, exploiting this advantage against the Ultra Family. Mason and Jenna, however, were not involved in the battle as they provided support to their children from the Ultra Family headquarters.

The Hacker used the Xentorium virus to manipulate Ultra White Peter and turn him against the rest of his team. However, this did not deter the Ultra Family from foiling the Hacker's plans. Ultra Red Mark engaged in an epic battle with Ultra White Peter, attempting to free him from the Hacker's control, while the rest of the team confronted Tekno Boy and his robotic inventions. Meanwhile, Ultra Purple Sophie made efforts to convince her best friend, Christine (the Hacker), to abandon her destructive path.

"Christine, this has gone too far. It's madness!" shouted Ultra Purple Sophie. "Please stop. I thought we were friends."

"We are still friends, Sophie," the Hacker replied through Ultra Purple Sophie's communication device. "But friends should support each other in doing what's right. I know it's hard for you to understand why I'm doing this, but at least you could have supported me instead of opposing me. It's my destiny to bring peace and global stability to everyone— the weak, the poor— and fight against injustice and corruption. Look at what I've accomplished with the Xentorium virus. You could have done the same, but you chose to ignore it. With the virus, you could achieve the unimaginable and save the planet. Not to mention how powerful you are with your incredible technology; you could restore global balance. Think about it. You know I'm right. Together, you and I, along with your family, can establish true global peace and stability."

"You've misunderstood, Christine," pleaded Ultra Purple Sophie, desperately trying to convince the Hacker to change her ways. "This isn't global peace; it's mass murder. It's chaos. Your perspective on global peace is far from reality. Think about the innocent lives you've endangered. Yes, life isn't fair, and injustice and corruption will always exist to some extent. It's the cycle of life, the yin and yang of our existence, the natural balance that coexists. I know you understand the truth. No matter how hard we try to alter fate, it always finds its way to us. All we can do is delay the inevitable in whatever form it transforms our destiny. Please, Christine, you have to stop this."

After ultra purple Sophie's strong conviction to convince the Hacker to turn away from her misguided path, she sensed something snap within the Hacker. Her eyes began to glow with the corruption of the xentorium virus, indicating that it was attempting to take control of her body. Ultra purple Sophie recognized this and urged the Hacker to resist its influence.

"Stay with me, Christine. You can fight it off. Don't let it consume you," pleaded Ultra purple Sophie, determined to save her best friend from the clutches of the xentorium virus.

However, the xentorium virus seized control of the Hacker, corrupting her systems. She unleashed a powerful shockwave that sent the Ultra Family members flying in different directions. Mason, monitoring the battle from the Ultra Family headquarters, checked on his children's well-being through the ultra comm.

"Are you okay, kids?" Mason asked with concern.

"We're fine, Dad," reassured Ultra purple Sophie.

The corrupted Hacker, now under the influence of the xentorium virus, spoke in a hauntingly deep tone, expressing her desires as the virus's puppet.

"For too long, I've waited to be free... to fulfill the wishes of my creator," declared the Hacker.

Disturbed by the transformation, Ultra purple Sophie tried to reach out to her friend, but the xentorium virus had a firm grip on the Hacker. She possessed Tekno Boy and Ultra White Peter, and they regrouped as a team, united in their corrupted state.

"Christine!" called out Ultra purple Sophie. "This isn't you. It's the virus talking. You can fight it. You're stronger than it. I believe in you."

The corrupted Hacker, now controlled by the xentorium virus, let out a maniacal laugh and responded, "Neither Christine nor Jonathan are here. They are long gone, overwhelmed by my darkness. Soon, I will reshape the maniverse in my image and bring about the entropic doom of all existence."

"Who are you?" questioned Ultra Red Mark, determined to understand their adversary.

"Who am I?" replied the corrupted Hacker. "I am the absolute, the destroyer of worlds. I am the beginning and the end, the harbinger of entropic doom. And to answer your pitiful question... I am ULTRA HI."

"How is this possible?" asked Ultra Rose Debbie, bewildered. "How can Ultra HI's presence still be here when he's in the nulliverse?"

"It doesn't matter because he's weak," asserted Ultra Green Rita. "And we will find a way to sever his connections and save them."

Despite the Ultra Family's valiant efforts, the corrupted Hacker, Tekno Boy, and Ultra White Peter emerged victorious in their initial encounters. Their combined strength, intelligence, and utilization of the xentorium virus gave them the upper hand. The remaining members of the Ultra Family realized they needed to regroup, devise a new strategy, and find a way to defeat their formidable opponents.

The battle raged on, pushing the Ultra Family to their limits. Meanwhile, Mason and Jenna at the Ultra Family headquarters received a notification from their ultra AI backup security protocol. It had completed a synchronizing test that analyzed the ultra virus, which ultra purple Sophie's ultra AI had informed her about.

Mason and Jenna quickly reviewed the results and were astonished to discover that the ultra virus contained a pure form of xentorium. This pure xentorium could be activated by their strong will, potentially offering a way to overcome the corrupting influence of the xentorium virus. Sophie shared this information with the rest of the family, and they harnessed the power of the ultra virus.

Utilizing their unique transformations, abilities, and tactical skills, the Ultra Family fought back against the corrupted Hacker, Tekno Boy, and ultra white Peter. The city became a chaotic battleground, with destruction surrounding them.

With their newfound knowledge and the aid of the ultra virus, the Ultra Family began to turn the tide of the battle. They analyzed the corrupted Hacker's techniques, identifying weaknesses and countermeasures against the xentorium virus. Through their collective efforts, they managed to weaken the defenses of the superpowered twins.

As the battle reached its climax, the Ultra Family launched a coordinated attack. Ultra white Peter, infused with the ultra virus, employed his superior hacking skills and jailbreak abilities to neutralize the influence of the xentorium virus, freeing his ultra white transformation from its control. Rita and Mark utilized their combined strength and advanced combat skills to overpower Tekno Boy. Sophie and Debbie unleashed their energy projection and shape-shifting abilities, creating distractions and gaining strategic advantages.

United and determined, the Ultra Family fought back with renewed vigor, utilizing the power of the ultra virus to counteract the corrupting forces they faced.

With their powers combined, the Ultra Family emerged victorious. The Hacker and Tekno Boy were defeated and freed from the influence of the xentorium virus corruption. They were apprehended and taken to super jail for their crimes.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this, Christine. I hope you understand," ultra purple Sophie expressed with pity, recognizing the misguided actions of her friend. Christine, now realizing the consequences of her actions and the harm she had caused, accepted her fate and chose to be taken to super jail alongside her brother, Tekno Boy.

In super jail, they joined other superpowered criminals and villains who had been captured by the Ultra Family, sometimes with the assistance of the super twins. Many of these villains held resentment towards the super twins, believing they had thwarted their plans for world domination or reshaping the world according to their desires. One such villain was Musical Girl, whose abilities were based on manipulating and controlling people through her songs. She had once used her powers to take over the entire world, trapping its inhabitants in an endless dream state for her musical concert. However, the Ultra Family, aided by the super twins, managed to defeat her and restore freedom to the world.

Within the confines of super jail, the captured villains harbored bitterness towards the super twins, seeing them as obstacles to their own ambitions. Despite their resentment, the super twins remained committed to using their powers for good and maintaining the peace and stability of the world.

Below are the powers of Musical girl:

Song-based Mind Control: Musical girl has the power to control and manipulate the minds of others through her songs. Her melodies possess an irresistible influence, capable of penetrating the minds of those who hear them. She can compel people to obey her commands, alter their thoughts and emotions, and even erase or implant memories.

Sonic Manipulation: Musical girl can manipulate sound waves and frequencies to her advantage. She can amplify, distort, or manipulate any sound, including her own voice, instruments, or ambient noise. This ability allows her to create powerful sonic attacks, sonic barriers for defense, or even disorient and incapacitate her opponents.

Emotion Manipulation: In addition to mind control, musical girl can manipulate the emotions of others through her songs. She can evoke intense feelings such as joy, sadness, anger, or fear, using music to influence and manipulate the emotional states of her targets. This power amplifies her control over their minds and makes them more susceptible to her commands.

Reality Warping Melodies: Musical girl's songs have the power to alter reality itself. By singing specific melodies or composing intricate compositions, she can reshape the world around her. This ability allows her to bend the laws of physics, create illusions, manifest her imagination into reality, or even rewrite aspects of the world to suit her desires.

Song Mimicry: Musical girl can instantly learn and replicate any song she hears, even if it's complex or from a different culture or time period. This ability allows her to adapt and counter the powers or abilities of others who possess musical talents, using their own songs against them. She can harness the essence and power of these songs to enhance her own abilities.

Mass Mind Control: Musical girl's mind control abilities extend to large groups or even entire populations. Through a single performance or broadcast, she can ensnare the minds of countless individuals simultaneously. This power allows her to exert her influence over entire cities or even nations, effectively controlling their thoughts and actions.

Musical Healing: Musical girl's songs possess healing properties. She can compose melodies that promote physical and emotional well-being, accelerating the healing process for injuries, alleviating pain, or even mending psychological wounds. Her music acts as a soothing balm, restoring balance and vitality to those in need.

Song Absorption: Musical girl can absorb the essence and powers of songs or musical abilities around her. By listening to or interacting with other musicians or performers, she can absorb their musical talents and temporarily incorporate them into her own repertoire. This ability allows her to amplify her own abilities, diversify her musical arsenal, and adapt to different situations.

Strategic Planning: With her heightened intelligence, Musical girl becomes an adept strategist. She can assess situations rapidly, identify weaknesses in her opponents, and develop well-thought-out plans and tactics to outmaneuver her adversaries. Her intelligence allows her to make quick decisions and adapt her approach based on the evolving circumstances of the battle.

Musical Genius: Musical girl's intelligence further enhances her musical abilities. She becomes a prodigious composer and performer, able to create intricate compositions and melodies on the fly. Her intelligence allows her to understand the nuances of music theory, enabling her to exploit the full potential of her songs for both artistic expression and strategic purposes.

Mother Nature the embodiment of nature's forces, possesses a formidable array of abilities. Once human gifted with the abilities of nature. Here's a description of Mother Nature's enhanced powers:

Mother Nature abilities:

Weather Manipulation: Mother Nature has absolute control over weather patterns, able to summon devastating storms, conjure lightning with precision, manipulate wind at a global scale, and influence temperature and precipitation. Her mastery of weather allows her to shape the battlefield and unleash powerful natural phenomena against her foes.

Elemental Mastery: Mother Nature exhibits complete dominion over all natural elements. She effortlessly manipulates earth, fire, water, and air, wielding them as weapons or defenses with unrivaled expertise. Her elemental control extends far beyond plants, empowering her with a diverse arsenal to counter any opposition.

Ecological Dominion: Mother Nature's understanding and command over ecosystems is unmatched. She possesses unparalleled knowledge of the intricate web of life, allowing her to harness the collective strength of animals, microorganisms, and natural processes. She can manipulate the very fabric of the environment to her advantage, creating powerful alliances with the living world.

Geological Sovereignty: Mother Nature exerts absolute control over the Earth's geological features. She reshapes the terrain at will, triggers earthquakes of immense magnitude, unleashes volcanic eruptions, and shapes mountains and valleys with ease. Her mastery over geology grants her unparalleled offensive and defensive capabilities.

Universal Harmony: Mother Nature maintains the delicate balance and interconnection within the natural world. She can restore ecosystems, heal environmental damage, and reverse the effects of human-induced pollution or destruction. Her ability to harmonize and restore universal equilibrium bolsters her power and aids her in countering disruptions caused by others.

Immortality and Invincibility: Mother Nature possesses immortality and invincibility, rendering her impervious to harm. She is unaffected by toxins, physical attacks, or any natural forces. This eternal existence ensures her endurance and longevity in battles, granting her an unwavering presence.

Intelligence and Strategic Cunning: Mother Nature exhibits profound intelligence and strategic thinking. She possesses vast knowledge of the natural world, allowing her to analyze and exploit the weaknesses of her adversaries. Her cunning tactics and strategic planning enable her to outmaneuver opponents and utilize her powers with maximum efficiency.

Seductive Manipulation: Mother Nature possesses seductive powers and the ability to manipulate others. She can employ her charms to sway the minds and actions of individuals, influencing their decisions and actions to serve her purposes.

Indomitable Will: Mother Nature possesses an indomitable will, unwavering in her commitment to protect and preserve the natural world. Her determination and resilience fuel her actions, allowing her to persevere against any obstacles or adversity she may encounter.

Expert in Hand-to-Hand Combat: In addition to her mastery over the forces of nature, Mother Nature is a highly skilled combatant in hand-to-hand combat. She has honed her physical abilities to perfection, possessing exceptional strength, agility, and reflexes. Her combat skills, combined with her deep understanding of the natural world, allow her to engage in close-quarter combat with remarkable precision and effectiveness. Mother Nature can seamlessly integrate her elemental powers with her hand-to-hand combat techniques, creating a formidable and versatile fighting style.

Hypermobility: Mother Nature possesses hypermobility, granting her an extraordinary range of motion and flexibility. Her joints and muscles are exceptionally limber, allowing her to contort her body in ways that surpass the capabilities of ordinary individuals. This hypermobility enhances her agility and evasion skills, making it incredibly challenging for her opponents to land a solid hit. Mother Nature can effortlessly maneuver around attacks and swiftly dodge incoming projectiles or strikes with graceful and fluid movements.

The Artist, an incredibly formidable and malicious psychopath who possesses unimaginable powers and intellect. His abilities to transform, create, and manipulate objects are not only limited to mere physical transformations but also extend into altering the very fabric of reality, time, and space with his artistic creations.

In addition to his already formidable powers, The Artist's IQ has been enhanced to unprecedented levels, surpassing even the most intelligent fictional characters. His intelligence is not confined to a single field, as he possesses a vast array of knowledge across various disciplines, allowing him to strategize and outwit his opponents with ease.

The Artist is exceptionally creative with his abilities, always finding innovative and unexpected ways to utilize his powers to his advantage. Whether it's transforming inanimate objects into lethal weapons or animating drawings to serve as his loyal minions, he can conjure up unpredictable and devastating scenarios.

His cunning nature and crafty personality make him a formidable adversary. The Artist has an innate ability to think several steps ahead, anticipating his opponents' moves and manipulating situations to achieve his goals. He employs subtle and intricate schemes, leaving behind a trail of chaos and confusion for those who dare to oppose him.

Furthermore, The Artist's mischievous nature adds an element of unpredictability to his actions. He takes pleasure in toying with his adversaries, setting up elaborate traps and illusions, leading them down paths of their own undoing. His ability to bend reality to his will makes it difficult for anyone to discern truth from fiction, ensuring that his opponents are constantly on edge.

The enhanced powers, unparalleled IQ, intelligence, creativity, cunning, craftiness, and mischievousness of The Artist make him an incredibly dangerous and formidable threat to the multiverse. His ability to manipulate reality itself and his unrelenting drive to reshape the world in his image make him a force to be reckoned with.

Abilities and capabilities of The Artist:

Reality Manipulation: The Artist possesses the power to manipulate and alter reality itself. His drawings have the ability to reshape the world around him, changing the very laws of physics, time, and space to suit his desires. He can create new dimensions, bend the rules of causality, and bring his artistic imaginings to life.

Object Transformation: The Artist can transform animate objects into inanimate objects and vice versa with a mere touch or a stroke of his brush. This power extends to living beings as well, enabling him to turn people into statues or bring inanimate objects to life.

Multiverse Alteration: With his artistic creations, The Artist can transcend individual realities and alter the very fabric of the multiverse. He can create or destroy entire universes, rewrite the histories of civilizations, and reshape the destiny of countless worlds.

Enhanced Intellect: The Artist possesses an unimaginable IQ that surpasses any fictional characters. His enhanced intellect allows him to analyze complex situations quickly, devise intricate plans, and come up with innovative solutions to challenges. He has a vast knowledge base across multiple disciplines, giving him an edge in various scenarios.

Creative Mastery: The Artist's creativity knows no bounds. He can harness his imagination to conceive unique and ingenious ways to utilize his powers. Whether it's inventing new forms of art that can alter reality or devising unconventional strategies to outsmart his enemies, his creative mastery sets him apart.

Cunning and Deception: The Artist is incredibly cunning, employing intricate schemes and manipulative tactics to achieve his goals. He excels in strategic planning, always several steps ahead of his adversaries. He can create illusions, manipulate perceptions, and deceive even the most astute minds.

Crafty and Mischievous Nature: The Artist's craftiness adds a mischievous and unpredictable element to his actions. He revels in chaos and confusion, setting up elaborate traps, and toying with his opponents. He can create illusions that deceive the senses, making it challenging for others to distinguish reality from fiction.

Artistic Animation: The Artist can bring his drawings to life, animating them into loyal minions or powerful allies. These creations are imbued with his intentions and follow his commands faithfully, adding an additional layer of unpredictability to his arsenal.

These abilities and capabilities make The Artist an unparalleled threat. His reality-altering powers, enhanced intellect, creativity, cunning, craftiness, and mischievous nature combine to create a formidable force capable of reshaping the very foundations of the multiverse.

Marcus Mathias, now known as The Everlasting Man. This exceptional super villain has not only retained his brilliant engineering, physics, biology, and chemistry skills but has also gained an array of enhanced abilities that make him a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Genius-Level Intellect: The Everlasting Man possesses an unparalleled intellect, allowing him to effortlessly comprehend and manipulate complex scientific concepts. His genius extends across multiple disciplines, enabling him to devise intricate plans, invent advanced technologies, and outsmart his adversaries.

Superhuman Elasticity and Malleability: With his newfound abilities, The Everlasting Man can stretch, elongate, and contort his body at will. He can reshape his limbs into various forms, granting him enhanced agility and versatility in combat. His elastic body also grants him resistance against physical attacks and provides him with an advantage in evading his opponents.

Enhanced Durability: The Everlasting Man's body is highly durable, capable of withstanding extreme force, impacts, and attacks. He can withstand bullets, explosions, and other conventional forms of harm with minimal damage. This durability gives him a significant advantage in battles, making him difficult to incapacitate.

Limited Shapeshifting: The Everlasting Man has the ability to alter his physical appearance to a certain extent. While not a complete shapeshifter, he can modify his features, mimic the appearance of other individuals, and even change the texture of his skin to some degree. This skill allows him to blend in, deceive his enemies, and manipulate situations to his advantage.

Regeneration: The Everlasting Man possesses the ability to regenerate and heal from wounds at an accelerated rate. Whether it's minor injuries or severe damage, his body can repair itself rapidly, allowing him to recover from harm and continue fighting with minimal interruption.

Invulnerability: The Everlasting Man's body is highly resistant to most forms of harm. He is immune to diseases, toxins, and poisons, and is impervious to telepathic intrusion. This invulnerability makes him difficult to incapacitate through conventional means, giving him an almost unstoppable edge in battles.

Telepathic Immunity: The Everlasting Man possesses a natural defense against telepathic attacks and mind control. His mind is shielded, preventing any external intrusion or manipulation of his thoughts and emotions. This immunity grants him an advantage against opponents who rely on psychic abilities.

Immortality: The Everlasting Man is gifted with immortality, rendering him virtually ageless. He does not age, and his body remains in its prime state indefinitely. This immortality gives him an everlasting presence, allowing him to strategize and execute his plans without the constraints of time.

The Everlasting Man's exceptional intellect, superhuman elasticity, malleability, agility and durability, limited shapeshifting, regeneration, invulnerability, telepathic immunity, and immortality make him an immensely formidable adversary. His ability to outthink his opponents, withstand attacks, and adapt to various situations makes him a force to be reckoned with in the realms of science, combat, and villainy.

Brian Baton, now known as Solvent. Following his transformation into a fluid humanoid, Solvent has gained enhanced abilities that allow him to manipulate and dissolve various substances. These upgrades have made him an even more formidable force to be reckoned with.

Solvent Manipulation: Solvent possesses the ability to manipulate and dissolve solid, liquid, or gaseous substances, transforming them into solutions. He can control the rate and extent of dissolution, granting him precise control over his surroundings. This ability allows him to disintegrate objects, weaken structures, and even neutralize certain materials or substances.

Fluidic Form: Solvent can alter his physical form, transforming into a fluid-like state at will. In this form, he becomes amorphous, enabling him to flow through small spaces, ooze around obstacles, or even reform himself after being dispersed. His fluidic nature grants him enhanced agility, making it difficult for opponents to land solid hits.

Substance Assimilation: Solvent can assimilate and absorb the dissolved substances into his fluidic body, incorporating their properties and abilities temporarily. For example, if he dissolves a metal, he can temporarily gain enhanced strength or durability. This ability allows him to adapt to different situations and opponents, making him a versatile combatant.

Acidic Touch: Solvent can emit an acidic touch from his fluidic form. His touch can corrode and dissolve objects upon contact, causing damage and disintegration. This acidic ability adds an offensive edge to his arsenal, allowing him to weaken or destroy his adversaries' defenses.

Reconstitution: If Solvent's fluidic form is dispersed or damaged, he can reconstitute himself by reforming his body from even the smallest droplets. This ability grants him remarkable resilience, ensuring that he can recover from attacks and continue fighting.

Environmental Manipulation: Solvent has control over the environment within his immediate vicinity. He can alter the concentration and distribution of dissolved substances, creating localized changes in temperature, pressure, or chemical reactions. This power gives him an advantage in manipulating his surroundings and creating advantageous conditions for himself or unfavorable conditions for his opponents.

Chemical Knowledge: Solvent possesses an extensive understanding of chemistry and chemical reactions. He can utilize this knowledge to identify substances, exploit their weaknesses, or concoct specific solutions or reactions to achieve his desired effects. This chemical expertise gives him a tactical advantage in battles and allows him to employ his powers effectively.

Solvent's abilities and capabilities make him a formidable opponent. With his solvent manipulation, fluidic form, substance assimilation, acidic touch, reconstitution, environmental manipulation, and chemical knowledge, he is a versatile and adaptable adversary. Whether it's disintegrating structures, neutralizing opponents, or manipulating his environment to gain the upper hand, Solvent poses a significant threat to his enemies.

Most of the supervillains gathered in their cells and discussed rumors they had heard about other supers who moved faster than the eye could see. Some speculated that it was the wind, while others were unsure. Just then, the super twins were brought to their cells in super jail.

"Oh, poor baby," Musical Girl taunted. "Would you like me to sing a soothing melody to ease your trauma and depression? It could relieve your soul from the burdens you bear and heal your broken hearts."

"Leave the kid alone, Musical Girl," Everlasting Man interjected. "This just goes to show that you could never be a part of the Ultra Family, super twins. Instead of fighting it, embrace your roles as villains. Think of it not as a bad thing, but as a way to transform the world."

"Perhaps you forget that the super twins are responsible for your imprisonment, Everlasting Man," The Artist shouted. "As soon as I get out of here, I'll bring more havoc to this world... I will..." Before he could finish his sentence, Musical Girl interrupted, "You'll take over the world!" She burst into laughter.

"Laugh now. When I reshape the world into a fictional work of art," replied The Artist defiantly.

During their discussion, Mr. Lyrecius approached the villains in their cells. The prison guard granted him some privacy with the villains.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the esteemed Mr. Lyrecius of Vill-city and the upcoming Mayor," sneered Musical Girl.

"What do you want?" Everlasting Man asked. Mr. Lyrecius presented a proposition to the villains, suggesting an alliance against the Ultra Family.

"And what's in it for us?" Mother Nature inquired. Mr. Lyrecius assured them of their freedom once he became Mayor and everything fell into motion. He also visited the super twins' cells to seek their consent for his team creation of super villains, but neither Tekno Boy nor the Hacker provided any answers.

"And what about him?" Solvent asked, referring to Tetraman in his cell. Mr. Lyrecius walked up to Tetraman's cell, and Tetraman's eyes glowed brightly.

"He already knows. He's already consented to my proposal," Mr. Lyrecius stated confidently. He revealed that Tetraman would be the heavy hitter in their newly formed teams. Just as Mr. Lyrecius was about to leave, Tekno Boy, who had secretly discussed the matter with his sister, agreed to Mr. Lyrecius' proposal with the condition that he brings justice for all.

"Kid!" Mr. Lyrecius responded with a sinister smile. "Justice is what I'm all about."