Tough Decision Part 2

And then Quick Sand took them to meet the Mayor in Lyrecius Corp's underground facility, where they carried out their operations. There, they met Tekno Boy and the Hacker, who were already with Mayor Lyrecius, waiting for them.

"I believe you've all met our new team member," Mayor Lyrecius said, signaling Quick Sand to remove the power cuffs' neutralizer. With incredible speed, Quick Sand swiftly deactivated the cuffs, leaving the team astonished. His movements were so fast that he could react in an attosecond, effortlessly maneuvering without his opponents even realizing he had already moved. He also returned the Artist's brush to him, demonstrating his agility and precision.

Here's a brief detail/bio about QuickSand and his abilities:

Quick Sand, the super villain speedster, emerged from the depths of tragedy. Once an innocent man robbed and killed in a distant location, his life took an unexpected turn. His body was callously thrown into quicksand, where fate intervened. As lightning struck the treacherous sand, a surge of electricity infused his lifeless form, reanimating him with incredible speed and agility. Transformed by this unnatural event, he became Quick Sand, a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Quick Sand's speed surpassed anything ever witnessed in the realm of fiction. Unlike traditional speedsters, he possessed an overhyped velocity that transcended the limits of imagination. He could traverse distances in the blink of an eye, outracing the swiftest projectiles and bending reality with his sheer momentum. Quick Sand's super speed was so immense that it defied comprehension and left his adversaries in awe.

Prior to his transformation, the innocent man who would become Quick Sand led a mundane life, content in his pursuits of peace and harmony. However, the traumatic event of his robbery and subsequent revival changed him irrevocably. The resurrection imbued him with a hunger for power and vengeance, turning him into a ruthless speedster with a penchant for chaos and destruction.

Velocity, whose alter ego is Felicity Valmond, had an unyielding desire to protect the innocent and maintain order. She gained her extraordinary speed through rigorous training and advanced bio-enhancements, ensuring she could operate at her maximum potential without adverse effects. As the primary protagonist, Velocity was blessed with unparalleled speed, even surpassing Quick Sand's initial abilities.

The encounters between Quick Sand and Velocity were marked by the manipulation of time and alteration of timelines. Quick Sand, wielding his power to move at blistering speeds, discovered the ability to distort temporal sequences. His malevolent actions threatened to destabilize the fabric of reality itself, leading to catastrophic consequences. Velocity, as the guardian of order, fought to counter his disruptive influence and restore balance to the timelines.

Their battles traversed the past, present, and future, with Quick Sand's manipulation of time creating intricate paradoxes and alternate realities. The struggle between these two super-speedsters intensified as they raced through temporal landscapes, attempting to outmaneuver one another and shape the course of history.

A dialogue between Velocity and Quick Sand during their encounters might unfold as follows:

Velocity: Quick Sand, your recklessness is tearing apart the very essence of time. You must stop this madness before it consumes us all!

Quick Sand: (Smirking) Time is but a plaything to me now, Velocity. I've embraced my newfound power, and I will reshape the world as I see fit. Your feeble attempts to stop me are in vain.

Velocity: You've lost sight of everything that matters! Your actions bring only destruction and suffering. I won't let you ruin the lives of innocent people.

Quick Sand: Innocence is a feeble illusion. I've seen the darkness within humanity, and I will expose it to the world. Join me, Velocity, and together we can reshape this flawed existence.

Velocity: I'll never join you, Quick Sand. I'll always fight for what's right, even if it means standing alone. Your speed won't save you from the consequences of your actions.

Quick Sand, driven by his newfound evil nature, spared no effort to ruin Velocity's life and hurt her loved ones. He manipulated time to erase cherished memories and caused irreparable damage to her closest allies. Quick Sand reveled in the pain he inflicted upon Velocity, relishing the despair that gripped her.

But Velocity, resilient and determined, refused to succumb to despair. She drew strength from the love she had for her lost loved ones and the unwavering support of her remaining allies. With each devastating blow, Velocity found the courage to rise again, her resolve growing stronger.

Despite the heartache and anguish, Velocity refused to be consumed by vengeance. She understood that to truly defeat Quick Sand, she had to rise above the pain and focus on protecting those who still needed her. Velocity channeled her grief into a burning determination to bring an end to Quick Sand's reign of terror and restore order to the timelines he had disrupted.

Quick Sand proved to be Velocity's true nemesis, an adversary whose powers and malevolence pushed her to her limits. Their ongoing battles were marked by intense speed clashes and strategic maneuvering through time and space. Quick Sand's attempts to manipulate the timelines and reshape reality tested Velocity's resolve and ingenuity, forcing her to dig deep within herself to find new ways to outsmart him.

But Velocity, armed with her enhanced speed and unwavering determination, refused to back down. She embraced her role as the guardian of order and justice, steadfast in her mission to stop Quick Sand and protect the innocent. Their rivalry intensified with each encounter, each one bringing them closer to the ultimate showdown that would determine the fate of not only their own lives but the entire fabric of existence.

In the face of devastation and loss, Velocity found the strength to move forward, honoring the memories of her loved ones while dedicating herself to preserving the integrity of the timelines. She became a beacon of hope, a symbol of resilience in the face of unimaginable challenges. And as she faced Quick Sand, her true nemesis, Velocity knew that the battle ahead would be her greatest test yet—a test she was determined to pass, for the sake of all those she held dear and for the future of the world.


Hypersonic Speed: Quick Sand possesses speed that transcends the limits of almost every known speedsters. He can move at hypersonic velocities, far surpassing the speed of light. Quick Sand's extraordinary speed allows him to traverse vast distances in an instant and outrun any adversary, even those with superhuman speed.

Time Mastery: Quick Sand's connection to speed grants him unparalleled control over time. He can manipulate and alter temporal sequences with precision, creating and navigating multiple timelines simultaneously. His mastery of time enables him to foresee and counter the actions of his adversaries, making him a formidable strategist in battles.

Molecular Vibration: Quick Sand has the ability to vibrate his molecules at an atomic level. This power allows him to pass through solid objects effortlessly and manipulate the molecular structure of matter. By vibrating his molecules, he can phase through barriers, destabilize structures, or deliver devastating blows by disrupting his opponents' molecular cohesion.

Curtechyian Force Transcendence: Quick Sand has surpassed the limitations of the Curtechyian Force itself. He has gained complete control and mastery over this cosmic energy source, channeling its limitless power to enhance his speed and access unique abilities. Quick Sand's speed is not merely reliant on the Curtechyian Force; he has become a living embodiment of speed itself.

Speed Immunity: Quick Sand possesses the unique ability of speed immunity, rendering him impervious to any attempts to manipulate or affect his speed. This immunity shields him from external influences such as speed stealing, time manipulation, or any other abilities that could directly impact his velocity. It grants him an unshakable advantage in battles against adversaries who rely on speed-based attacks or abilities.

Nigh Absolute Speed Regeneration: Quick Sand has an extraordinary ability to regenerate his speed at an incredible rate. Even if his speed is temporarily diminished or disrupted, his body automatically regenerates and restores his velocity to its peak state within a remarkably short period. This nigh absolute speed regeneration ensures that Quick Sand can quickly rebound from any setbacks and maintain his unparalleled speed throughout battles and encounters.

With these enhancements, Quick Sand becomes an even more formidable speedster. His speed immunity protects him from any attempts to interfere with his velocity, making it extremely challenging for adversaries to diminish or control his speed. Additionally, his nigh absolute speed regeneration allows him to recover his maximum speed quickly, ensuring he remains an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.

These abilities, combined with Quick Sand's already awe-inspiring speed, solidify him as a true force to be reckoned with and establish him as an even greater nemesis for almost any speedsters.

"So, you're the mysterious blur that moved faster than the eye could process," Mother Nature remarked.

"News about something faster than sound and light is spreading throughout the city," Musical Girl added.

"Are you a Curtechyian?" Tetraman asked skeptically. "Because I don't sense that connection in you."

"The Curtechyians are gone, merged as one with the Council of Speed System," Quick Sand replied. "They have chosen their emissaries to carry out their bidding. But this universe is yet to witness something truly extraordinary, even you, Tetraman. I am your destiny—the past, present, and future. I have something in store for you, an instruction given to me by my master, who is one with the Council of Speed System known as the Curtechyian Force."

Quick Sand approached Tetraman, channeling an immense surge of power that empowered him further. Tetraman could feel the intense flow of cosmic energy coursing through him, causing his eyes to glow brighter than any celestial body.

"A courtesy of Tachyon, my creator," Quick Sand explained. "You will know when to utilize this power when the time is right, as it is time to reclaim what was stolen from you."

"Why are you here?" Tekno Boy inquired. "Tachyon came here for a different purpose and was stopped by her sister, Current. Based on my experience and calculations about speedsters, they are usually after something or running away from something."

"Creation or destruction, balance or disunity—these are the sole purposes of every speedster, based on my observations," The Hacker chimed in. Quick Sand glanced at both of them with a sinister smirk.

"Indeed, your observations are correct," Quick Sand responded. "My purpose is to fulfill the work of my master, just as we all have our own masters. This timeline is still intact, yet to experience the full power of the Curtechyian Force, which serves as the driving engine behind all creations across every timeline, universe, multiverse, outerverse, hyperverse, macroverse, microverse, omniverse, megaverse, tetraverse, ultraverse, metaverse, and every maniverse that exists. The Curtechyian Force is only in partnership with the metaverse, solidifying creation into material existence for all inhabitants. It is an incorruptible force with an infinite source of energy. It is the very essence that gives speedsters their abilities, granting them limitless and boundless speed—unending acceleration flowing through my bones and marrow. My entire body is saturated with it, regardless of the universe speedsters inhabit or the names bestowed upon the Curtechyian Force. It remains the origin of their abilities and the driving force behind all motion in creation, be it living or non-living."

"But the guardian of the Curtechyian Force in this universe has yet to fulfill her destiny," Quick Sand stated. "I, on the other hand, am here to expedite the inevitable and prevent the chosen one from fulfilling her destiny. If the guardian fulfills her purpose, an even stronger emissary of speed known as 'Time Loop' will emerge from the Curtechyian Force. Their responsibility will be to maintain balance and harmony across the Curtechyian Force and all timelines."

The next day at Vill City Senior High School, during lectures, the McCoy family, including Debbie, received an alert from their Ultra AI about a city-level threat. Mason and Jenna, in their respective workplaces, also received the alert and created holographic decoys of themselves while the real Ultra Family went to save the city. Felicity noticed something peculiar about Mark's decoy, sensing that the real Mark had left the school premises with his family. While classes were ongoing, Felicity created a clone of herself, ensuring that the original remained unnoticed as they went to assist in saving the city.

The Ultra Family swiftly mobilized to protect the cities and keep a vigilant eye on their surroundings. A loud explosion caught their attention, and upon arrival, they encountered a group of aspiring superheroes.

"Hello, Ultra Family! How nice of you to finally show up," Musical Girl greeted cheerfully and playfully.

"Musical Girl!" Ultra Rose Debbie responded with a hint of seriousness in her tone.

"Oh! I want that one... I want that one!" Musical Girl exclaimed, pointing her finger at Ultra Rose Debbie while jumping and clapping in excitement. "I claimed Ultra Rose first, so nobody touches her. She's all mine!" she added, addressing her team of supervillains in a playful and cheerful manner.

"This time, it's over," The Artist declared as Quick Sand swiftly placed power cuff neutralizers on the Ultra Family, almost revealing their true identities. However, another speedster who had sided with the Ultra Family instantly removed the neutralizers, preventing their exposure.

"Velocity! Nice of you to join us," Quick Sand remarked. "Aren't you a bit late for the inevitable?"

"I'm taking you down, Quick Sand," Velocity responded. "This time, you won't escape the imprisonment of the Curtechyian Force."

"Oh, Velocity, look around you. You and I are from this universe, and despite our past adventures together, we both know the rules. There's nothing you can do to stop me. Time Loop isn't here," Quick Sand responded while locking eyes with Ultra Orange Sophie. "Very well, then. Shall we begin?" he added, his tone deep and horrifyingly serious. Quick Sand and Velocity took off in an instant, engaging in a fierce battle, while the super villains confronted the Ultra Family.

Meanwhile, Tekno Boy and The Hacker remained with Mayor Lyrecius in Lyrecius Corp. Mayor Lyrecius assigned Tekno Boy and some of his agencies to retrieve Carbon Copy 2.0, while The Hacker acted as Mayor Lyrecius' personal super escort to his mayoral residential office. Unbeknownst to Mayor Lyrecius, The Hacker secretly shared information about his plans with her best friend, Ultra Orange Sophie.

Back to the battle between the super villains and the Ultra Family, Musical Girl expressed her desire to fight against Ultra Rose Debbie. As they clashed, Musical Girl informed Ultra Rose Debbie about her recent upgrades, courtesy of Tekno Boy. These upgrades would amplify her powers to the next level. With a polite bow, Musical Girl demonstrated her newfound abilities.

This time, Musical Girl was able to trap Ultra Rose Debbie within her MUSIC DIMENSION. The Music Dimension was a realm filled with various music genres, where imaginary crowds made entirely of music populated the space. It was described as a musical fortress, with flying musical notes, lyrics, and a vast array of instruments filling the air. Every conceivable song could be found within the Music Dimension.

Within the Music Dimension, Ultra Rose Debbie appeared in her physical form, enhanced by the abilities of her Ultra AI. She wore a pink and lovely outfit that reflected the extent of her transformation within the musical realm. Meanwhile, in the physical world, both Ultra Rose Debbie and Musical Girl remained motionless within a protective MUSIC BARRIER, which could only be altered by powerful beings or by Musical Girl herself.

"Music Dimension," Debbie whispered to herself, realizing the unique challenge that lay before her in the Music Dimension.

"Yes! Genius, I hope you like what I've done with the place," replied Musical Girl. "Not many get to experience the true beauty of music as you have, so you should be honored to be in my domain. And don't worry, it's inescapable and unbreakable. It's like a whole universe in here, filled with all kinds of melodious tunes. Unlike the last time, and JSYK (just so you know), I make the rules here, sweetheart. That will never change."

"Come, let's sing along," said Musical Girl with a serious tone, conjuring music notes to chase after Debbie. However, Debbie effortlessly avoided them with her agility and skill.

Musical Girl created armies composed of various types of music to battle against Debbie, while she herself sang to create a more distracting and confusing environment. The musical dimension's reality kept shifting and changing due to Musical Girl's influence.

Debbie fought her way through thousands of musical armies, skillfully navigating through obstacles and evading attacks. Musical Girl watched in astonishment. "Wow!" she exclaimed. "You're good," she complimented Debbie for her adeptness in avoiding her attacks.

"But let's see if you can do better," Musical Girl challenged. She conjured massive music robots that she activated with her songs to attack Debbie. Each punch from the gigantic music robots created shockwaves of melodious instrumental vibrations with high and low pitches. Their defenses proved tough for Debbie, making it difficult for her to find a way out. Even if she managed to defeat one of the massive music robots, it would instantly regenerate, preventing her from reaching the real world unless she subdued Musical Girl within her own dimension.

However, Debbie came up with a brilliant idea to turn the tide in her favor. She challenged Musical Girl to a singing competition, stunning the entire music crowd/audience. The entire dimension fell into silence, as if a graveyard had taken over. Even Musical Girl's massive music robots ceased their attacks. It was a move that had never been done before.

"What?!" Musical Girl yelled in shock. "You want to challenge me to a singing contest?" She burst into uncontrollable laughter, floating midair as she composed herself. Before giving Debbie a negative reply, she managed to regain her composure and said, "NO."

Below are the various perspectives the authors viewed Musical Girl to be:

Author's Note 1:

In the story, Musical Girl is portrayed as an exceptionally talented and dedicated musician. She has honed her skills in various musical arts, rhythms, and patterns. Her passion for music is unparalleled, and she possesses an extraordinary voice that captivates and mesmerizes listeners. Some even wonder if she made a pact with the devil to attain such perfection in her singing.

Music is the essence of Musical Girl's life, and she pours her heart and soul into it. It brings her joy, but it can also be a blessing and a curse. She is a musical genius who adapts to any song and possesses immense intelligence. Music is her purpose, her identity, and she is inseparable from it. Musical Girl is a force to be reckoned with, and challenging her in her domain is a daring feat.

Author's Note 2:

No one dares challenges Musical Girl in her domain as she herself has mastered all arts of music and rhythms, tunes and patterns. Musical Girl is a remarkable genius and a professional at what she does. She has dedicated her entire life and career to music. There are no songs she won't adapt to; she is vastly intelligent, blessed with the most remarkable, exceptional, angelic voice that it makes some wonder if she sold her soul to the devil for fame and such an enticing melodious perfect voice.

Music is everything to her; it is her heartbeat and soul, her joy, blessing, and curse in disguise. Musical Girl would never lose a competition unless her music minions find you attractive. But if not, may your God(s) help you, for wherever there is music, there is Musical Girl. Music is what she lives for; in her is music, and in music is her. Musical Girl and music are one.

And no one can take that away from her.

Author's Note 3:

No one dares challenge Musical Girl in her domain, as she has mastered all aspects of music - rhythms, tunes, patterns, and more. Musical Girl is an extraordinary genius and a consummate professional. Her entire life and career are devoted to music. There is no song she cannot adapt to; she possesses a remarkable, angelic voice that captivates audiences. Some wonder if she made a Faustian bargain for her fame and the allure of her melodious perfection.

Music is her everything - it is the beat of her heart and soul, her joy and her curse. Musical Girl never loses a competition, unless her music minions find the challenger exceptional. But if not, may the gods help you, for wherever music exists, Musical Girl is there. Music is her purpose; she is music personified.

And no one can take that away from her.

Returning to the story, the crowd was left awestruck, as no one dares to challenge Musical Girl in her realm. But unexpectedly, Ultra Rose Debbie stepped forward, defying the unspoken rule.

"This time, I challenge you, Musical Girl," declared Ultra Rose Debbie.

The atmosphere tensed, as everyone held their breath. The challenge was set, and Musical Girl, intrigued by the audacity, accepted.


Defeat Musical Girl in the competition to escape the music dimension. Lose, and face the possibility of being trapped or transformed into a musical collection forever. Musical Girl possesses the ability to take over her opponent's body and transport them to the music dimension if they lose the competition. She wields the authority to create and manipulate within her realm.

And so, Musical Girl and Debbie prepared for the ultimate contest, to be judged by the music connoisseurs of Musical Girl's creation within the music dimension.

Musical Girl exuded confidence as she took the stage. "You'll regret challenging me, Ultra Rose," she taunted. The music lovers in the crowd eagerly awaited the spectacle that was about to unfold.

With finesse and prowess, Musical Girl showcased her mastery, weaving an enchanting tapestry of diverse music genres. From to Pop to Fuji, Rock to Raga, Jazz to Hip-hop, R&B (Rhythm and Blues) to Country, Electronic to Classical, Reggae to Folk, Blues to Metal, Punk to Alternative, Funk to Soul, Gospel to Dance, Indie to World and beyond, she effortlessly merged these styles, leaving the audience entranced.

Debbie, however, remained undeterred. She had a plan, a strategy to outshine the unassailable Musical Girl. The stage was set, and the clash of musical titans was about to commence.

In the music dimension, the judges awaited the competition, eager to witness the clash of musical talents between Musical Girl and Debbie. The stakes were high, with the outcome determining whether Debbie would escape the music dimension or be trapped forever in Musical Girl's realm. It was a battle of wits, skills, and the power of music itself."

After Musical Girl had mesmerized the music audience with her stunning performance, it was Debbie's turn to take the stage. With the assistance of her Ultra AI, she crafted something different and beautiful, a unique rhythm that may not have matched the greatness of Musical Girl's performance but touched the souls of the music audience. It conveyed feelings and a deep sense of connection through the lyrics, catching even Musical Girl's attention. There was an unmistakable freshness and exceptional quality to Debbie's song.

Musical Girl, witnessing the crowd falling in love with Debbie's performance, grew increasingly upset. She couldn't bear to share the spotlight with anyone else.

"Enough!" Musical Girl exclaimed in an angry, melodious tone, as she realized how Debbie was captivating the crowd in her music dimension. "This is not how it's supposed to be. I am meant to wow my audience alone, without any competitors. You don't deserve the glory, nor should my glory be shared with others."

Musical Girl's minions felt a tinge of sadness, seeing their master's distress.

"You're breaking the rules, Musical Girl," Debbie remarked firmly.

"I don't give a fuck," Musical Girl retorted defiantly. "I created the rules, and I can change them too. This is my domain, and I can do whatever I damn well please."

With that, Musical Girl began singing again, and Debbie joined in, countering her word for word, exchanging lyrics as if engaged in a musical dialogue or argument. Sometimes, Musical Girl sang her songs backward. Despite the hours of singing and the challenges posed, Debbie managed to keep up and eventually subdue Musical Girl in her own dimension. Some of Musical Girl's minions even sided with Debbie, seeing an opportunity for change.

As they were freed from the music dimension and returned to the real world, Ultra Rose Debbie swiftly placed a power cuff neutralizer on Musical Girl.

"Not fair, you had help," Musical Girl grumbled, wearing a grumpy expression. "Not bad, cutie. To be continued next time."

"Yeah, I don't think so," replied Ultra Rose Debbie. "You're going to super jail."

And so, with Musical Girl restrained, Debbie and her allies celebrated their victory, knowing that the threat of Musical Girl's music dimension was finally subdued, at least for the time being.