Alternate Realities: Maniversal Exploration - Part 3

Location: Maniverse 619 - Earth 60 - Multiverse - Universe 12

Sub-Location: Planet Gene6

Before our new home, our new world, the Earth was our birthright and heritage until the day of reckoning came. Some called it the destructive rebirth of our planet, while others described it as universal destruction. On January 19, around 6:19 PM, the annihilation of our beloved world occurred. It rained down hailstones of comets, meteors, and asteroids, as if the universe was at war with itself. But amidst the great tribulation and the end of our world, a new era of hope for humanity emerged.

Among the cosmic debris, there was a life-changing core, a gift from the universal destruction that also gave us a second chance to rebuild our lives. Our people gained access to this strange core as the government studied its features, only to discover its limitless potential. It granted us access to vast knowledge of our universe and its expansion, as well as advanced technologies beyond our reach. We came to know this core as the "Universal Core."

After centuries of harnessing its powers and shaping it to our desires, from clean energy to exploring entire galaxies, the government decided to keep the Universal Core for themselves. They deceitfully gained possession of the remaining cores from the masses, and began developing a new civilization across the galaxies known as "Project X." Initially, there were many failed experiments, known as Project Blue Beam, before they were able to create an entire planet from scratch using the Universal Core and superior advanced technology. This planet, the only successful one created by the government for inhabitation with the Universal Core, came to be known as Gene6.

Gene6 became the new world order of the government, and their plan was to create a new race using the world's population. They selected two representatives from each human race across the globe and two species of different creatures for either repopulation or genetic mutation with extraterrestrial life forms.

The world government cut off all resources from Earth, shifting their focus entirely to Planet Gene6, where even more cutting-edge advancements of all kinds thrived. Most humans underwent augmentation and genetic mutation to enhance their physiology and extend their lifespans. Humans and aliens coexisted, as life on Planet Gene6 was much easier and the impossible became possible. However, there were dark sides to Planet Gene6. With resources severed from Earth, the people of Earth struggled to survive, resorting to extreme measures.

Failed experiments and test subjects were sent back to Earth for cataclysmic devastation, making survival even harder for those remaining. Only the successful experiments would be retrieved once they fulfilled the government's criteria for suitability on Planet Gene6.

My name is Connor Reyes, and I had never experienced life as an Earthling. Throughout my life on planet Gene6, I had read archives about Earth, but the information I came across was quite different from what I had been told. According to the archives in Gene6, specifically in Earth Section 19, Earth was described as a wasteland of poisonous gas and mutated, violent creatures seeking to conquer the new Earth. It was said that they waged war against the planet, posing a threat to the survival of Gene6. As a result, Gene6 believed it was necessary to eliminate all life on Earth before it could bring doom upon their own planet. Additionally, Earth was portrayed as a zombie-infested wasteland following the cosmic destruction that occurred.

Since I was a child, I had always dreamt of becoming a Planetary Hunter, a role dedicated to serving and protecting the people of Gene6, known as Generians. The Planetary Hunters were also guardians of the galaxies, equipped with cutting-edge technology and unique features. I idolized them so much that I adorned my dorm with their action posters. I delved deeply into their combat sessions, secretly observing and studying their equipment. As a result, I became well-versed in their gear, to the point where I could operate it effortlessly.

As the years went by, my childhood dream eventually became a reality—I became a Planetary Hunter myself. With my own cutting-edge technology far surpassing earthly means, I served the people of Gene6. My rank and gear gradually improved, expanding my knowledge and capabilities.

However, during one mission, I found myself accidentally separated from my group and crash-landed on Earth—a place I had only read about. I had expected a more violent and dangerous environment, based on what the archives described. To my surprise, the people on Earth were not mindless zombies or violent creatures, but rather genuine individuals struggling to survive and find sustenance.

The truth was far from the fears propagated by the Generians. While there were some elements of truth regarding the cosmic destruction of our planet, the portrayal of Earth as a zombie wasteland was largely inaccurate. The people of Earth were not prepared for the challenges they faced, and it became evident that they needed assistance rather than eradication.

My first encounter on Earth was with a rogue, failed mechanical robot. Surprisingly, I was able to defeat the massive robot, astonishing the people of Earth. They had been under the oppressive rule of these failed experiments and mutated creatures, who were being controlled by the government. Although I managed to eliminate a few of them and save some lives, their numbers became overwhelming. With my devices running low on power, I had no choice but to retreat. Luckily, a compassionate human offered me shelter.

The family that took me in consisted of twelve members, all struggling to survive in this harsh environment. During my time on Earth, I began to uncover the truth about planet Gene6, which caused me to question my allegiance to the new world order. I recollected every mission I had undertaken, including a secret plan I stumbled upon at the main headquarters of planet Gene6. They were plotting to destroy Earth using a cosmic bomb that would annihilate all life in the universe except for Gene6, which would be protected by the universal core.

Realizing the imminent danger, I knew I had to warn the people of Earth, gain their trust, and save our planet. However, my actions on Earth caught the attention of the Generian Corporation. While they were unable to identify my true identity, as my supposed demise during a previous mission with the Planetary Hunters was never confirmed, they believed I was lost in the endless void of space.

As I embarked on my mission to warn the people of Earth and save our planet from the impending cosmic bomb, I couldn't shake off the feeling of uncertainty. The weight of my discoveries and the decision to go against the Generian Corporation weighed heavily on my shoulders. I knew that time was of the essence, and I had to rally the people of Earth to stand together against the impending destruction.

As I gained the trust of the Earthlings and shared with them the truth about the cosmic bomb, a remarkable thing happened. The universal core, which had been a source of advanced technology and knowledge for the people of Gene6, revealed a hidden capability. It unveiled the existence of other worlds beyond our existing universe, opening a gateway to uncharted territories.

With this newfound revelation, our perspective shifted. The battle for Earth became more than just a fight for survival. It became a symbol of resistance against the oppressive regime of the Generian Corporation and a chance to explore the vast expanse of the multiverse. The people of Earth, fueled by a renewed sense of hope and determination, joined forces with me to protect our home and venture into the unknown.

Harnessing the power of the universal core, we built an interdimensional spacecraft, capable of traversing the cosmic fabric and venturing into new realms. Earth, once considered a doomed planet, transformed into a hub of innovation and collaboration as we prepared for the journey ahead.

With the universal core guiding us, we embarked on an extraordinary expedition, venturing beyond the confines of our known universe. We encountered breathtaking landscapes, encountered civilizations with unimaginable technologies, and made profound connections with beings from distant realms. Our perception of the universe expanded with each new discovery, and we realized that the possibilities were boundless.

As we ventured deeper into the multiverse, we discovered that the universal core was not just a relic of destruction and rebirth. It held the key to connecting with other universes, creating a vast network of worlds waiting to be explored. The Earthlings, once isolated, now became pioneers of cosmic exploration, ambassadors of humanity in a grand tapestry of existence.

Our journey was filled with challenges and triumphs, as we encountered civilizations both friendly and hostile. We learned from their wisdom, shared our own experiences, and forged alliances that transcended the boundaries of our respective worlds. The universal core had transformed from a source of power to a catalyst for unity and understanding among the diverse inhabitants of the multiverse.

As our adventures continued, the universal core revealed even more secrets, unveiling the existence of a prime universe, a nexus that connected all other universes within the multiverse. It became our ultimate goal to reach this prime universe, to uncover the mysteries that lay at the heart of existence itself.

And so, the journey continues. Earth, once on the brink of destruction, became a beacon of hope and exploration in the vast cosmos. As we venture further into the multiverse, guided by the universal core, we strive to unravel the deepest secrets of our existence and forge a path towards a future where boundless horizons await us all.

The story concludes with the promise of an infinite universe, with the universal core as our guide, revealing that the potential for exploration, discovery, and unity knows no bounds.


Years passed since our journey through the multiverse began, and the Earthlings, alongside beings from countless worlds, forged an unprecedented alliance. Together, we became the guardians of the galaxy, protecting the delicate balance of life and knowledge throughout the cosmos.

Among us, I, Connor Reyes, stood as a symbol of unity and resilience. As the one who bridged the gap between Earth and the multiverse, I became known as the Planetary Guardian of the Galaxy. With the universal core pulsating within me, I harnessed its immense power to safeguard not only Earth but the entire web of interconnected worlds.

My experiences as a Planetary Hunter and the subsequent revelations of the universal core shaped my purpose. I devoted myself to promoting harmony and understanding among civilizations, ensuring that the mistakes of the past were not repeated. I traveled from galaxy to galaxy, resolving conflicts, and fostering alliances that spanned entire star systems.

As the Planetary Guardian of the Galaxy, I witnessed the triumphs and tribulations of countless beings, always striving to preserve the fragile equilibrium of the cosmos. I stood as a beacon of hope, guiding those lost in the darkness and inspiring unity in the face of adversity.

The universal core continued to reveal its enigmatic secrets, and with each new discovery, the boundaries of our knowledge expanded. Together with my fellow guardians, we delved into the deepest mysteries of the multiverse, unraveling cosmic phenomena and unlocking the potential of untapped dimensions.

The title of Planetary Guardian of the Galaxy became more than just a name; it represented the culmination of my journey and the responsibility I carried. I vowed to protect the wonders and diversity of the multiverse, ensuring that every sentient being had the opportunity to thrive in a universe teeming with endless possibilities.

And so, the saga continues. As the Planetary Guardian of the Galaxy, I traverse the vast expanse of space, guided by the universal core and fueled by the unwavering spirit of adventure. Together, we shape the destiny of the multiverse, united by the shared goal of creating a harmonious cosmos where knowledge, compassion, and coexistence reign supreme.

The tale of Connor Reyes, the Planetary Guardian of the Galaxy, intertwines with the infinite tapestry of existence, forever etching his name in the annals of cosmic legends.