Oceanian Wars - Part 3

"Then I shall ensure that you stay dead this time. Permanently," replied El Mar.

Both collided with immense speed, trading blows that shook the fabric of the universe. El Mar, with the trident's powers, summoned the entire ocean into the atmosphere, draining it from the Earth. Everyone watched in despair as the Earth, once filled with water, was brought into the upper regions of space without freezing due to her immense power.

Here's a brilliant description of El Mar's display:

All the waters were lifted up into space so that they did not freeze; all aquatic creatures of every kind were suspended within it. The entire surface that once held the ocean had now dried up, exposing the depths of the earth. The entire oceanic kingdom was revealed due to the lack of water. The skies were covered by the massive ocean wave, poised to drown the entire world. It circled the entire planet, assuming its shape and size, ready to create a second devastating flood.

And as El Mar was about to submerge the entire world, Marine D froze the ocean that had taken the shape of the world from outer space. The earth became very cold and dark, and with a single breath from Marine D, the frozen ocean shattered like glass and poured down as rain to the earth.

El Mar and Marine D battled intensely back and forth. After a long time of fierce combat, El Mar transformed into a mighty sea dragon with a thousand heads, six legs, and a powerful tail that could encircle the earth a thousand times over. Its skin was almost impenetrable; no earthly materials could harm it. Its teeth were so sharp that they could grind the toughest metal on earth. It was extremely fast and powerful. This mighty sea dragon with a thousand heads was known as Leviathan Dominos.

As the battle between Marine D and the mighty sea dragon Leviathan Dominos raged on, the clash of their incredible abilities shook the very foundations of the universe. Marine D utilized his vast array of powers, combining his superhuman strength and agility with his mastery of magic. He conjured powerful spells that manipulated water and energy, creating immense waves and hurling bolts of lightning at Leviathan Dominos.

Leviathan Dominos, with its immense strength and infinite magic, countered every move that Marine D made. The dragon's roars resonated like thunder, and its spells manifested as cataclysmic forces. Marine D's resilience and determination were put to the test as he deflected Leviathan Dominos's attacks, channeling his own magic to protect himself and retaliate.

The battle raged across the land and sea, with the forces of nature itself seemingly aligning with the combatants. Marine D tapped into his ability to communicate with creatures of the sea and land, calling upon aquatic beings and land animals to aid him in his fight. Schools of dolphins swam alongside him, and birds of prey circled above, lending their strength to his cause.

As the battle reached its climax, Marine D summoned the power of the Oceanian trident, channeling the energy of his gods into his being. His form was enveloped in a radiant aura as he unleashed a torrent of magic and energy towards Leviathan Dominos. The sea dragon retaliated with an onslaught of its own, their clash creating shockwaves that rocked the planet.

In a moment of intense focus, Marine D used his telepathic abilities to connect with the astral plane, seeking guidance and strength from his ancestors and the Oceanian gods. Their voices resonated within him, reinforcing his resolve and imbuing him with an even greater surge of power.

With a resounding roar, Marine D channeled his telekinesis and hydrokinesis, creating an enormous whirlpool beneath Leviathan Dominos. The dragon fought against the force of the water, but Marine D's mastery over aquatic elements proved overwhelming. As Leviathan Dominos struggled, Marine D seized the opportunity, weaving intricate spells that encased the dragon in a prison of ice, using his cryokinesis to freeze its movements.

With Leviathan Dominos temporarily incapacitated, Marine D seized the moment to summon his greatest strength. His body glowed with an ethereal light as he merged his physical form with his astral projection, becoming a being of pure energy and magic. In this heightened state, he harnessed the full extent of his abilities, focusing his power into a single, blinding beam of energy.

The energy beam surged forward, striking Leviathan Dominos's impenetrable skin. The dragon's roars of agony echoed across the land and sea as its form began to disintegrate, consumed by the overwhelming energy. The battle reached its climax as the mighty sea dragon was reduced to nothingness, leaving only echoes of its once formidable presence.

As the energy dissipated, Marine D returned to his physical form, his aura subsiding. The battlefield was left in ruins, the aftermath of their titanic clash evident in the scars etched across the landscape. Marine D stood victorious, his breathing heavy and his body battered from the battle. He surveyed the scene, a mixture of relief and sorrow in his eyes.

But the battle was not without its cost. Marine D's thoughts turned to his fallen loved ones: his father, King Marine, and his mother, Queen Tiffany. Their sacrifices and wisdom had guided him to this moment. With a heavy heart, Marine D looked to the sky and whispered a vow to honor their legacy, to unite both worlds, and to ensure that the mistakes of the past were never repeated.

As the sun rose on a world forever changed, Marine D knew that his journey was far from over. With his newfound power, wisdom, and the blessings of the Oceanian gods, he would strive to create a future where peace and harmony reigned, where the ocean and the surface dwellers coexisted in unity, and where the mistakes of the past were replaced with hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Marine D restored the destruction of their world to its former glory alongside his two best friends, Mami and Walter. After a few years had passed along with the crisis, Mami and Walter had achieved their destinies in becoming what they were meant to be, while Marine D became the god king of the oceanic kingdom. During his coronation as the god king of the oceanic kingdom, a huge festival was also held in honor of the deceased loved ones and allies from the previous battle. All creatures of the deep were present on that day.

"Ita-la-lo pota, kunta lapa," said the king's maker, which translates to 'Children of the sea, you're all welcome.'

"Grudon baleyana trutokpa," said the king's maker, which translates to 'Today a new king would be made.'

"Eleo: tufkpa - Iyanc," which translates to 'May the ocean be with us all.'

"Futuka mandae utatu grtuba kekiti minatu ogatu nmabi yaebaba Shri matamba giguo sae huja," said the king's maker, which translates to 'And not just any king, but a god king of the sea and land, protector of the innocent.'

From that moment, peace was restored to all the kingdoms of the ocean, at least for now, so they thought. However, little did they know that Leviathan Dominos, who was fused with their dark Oceanian gods and the Queen into an entity of pure evil, had infiltrated the astral plane before her demise to create an alternate reality that would later resurface again.

Below is the alternate reality in which the outcome of their battle played out differently in the astral plane:

With Leviathan Dominos temporarily incapacitated, Marine D seized the moment to channel his magic into a powerful spell that would separate El Mar from Queen Tiffany. The magic surged through the battlefield, unraveling the fusion that had taken place. As the two beings were torn apart, Queen Tiffany's form collapsed to the ground, weakened and drained from the ordeal.

Marine D rushed to his mother's side, his heart heavy with worry. He cradled her in his arms, using his healing abilities to mend the damage that had been inflicted upon her. Through sheer determination and the depths of his magic, he managed to revive Queen Tiffany, her body trembling as life returned to her.

With a weak but grateful smile, Queen Tiffany looked up at her son. "You... you saved me," she whispered, her voice filled with a mix of relief and exhaustion.

Marine D nodded, his eyes filled with both relief and love. "I couldn't lose you, Mom," he replied, his grip on her hand tightening. "Not after everything we've been through."

The battlefield around them was still, the echoes of the battle slowly fading away. As the sun began to rise, casting its gentle light across the land and sea, Marine D helped Queen Tiffany to her feet. Together, they surveyed the aftermath of the conflict, a stark reminder of the power and consequences of their actions.

The Oceanian kingdom, once hidden beneath the ocean's depths, was now exposed due to the lack of water caused by El Mar's manipulation. The devastation left in the wake of the battle was a somber sight, a testament to the challenges they had faced and the sacrifices made.

But amidst the destruction, there was also hope. Marine D looked out at the horizon, determination burning in his eyes. "We can rebuild, Mom," he said with conviction. "We can create a world where Oceanians and surface dwellers coexist in harmony, where the mistakes of the past are not repeated."

Queen Tiffany nodded, her gaze filled with pride as she looked at her son. "You're right," she said softly. "We have the power to shape our future, to mend the wounds and bridge the divides."

And so, as the sun continued to rise, casting its warm light across the world, Marine D and Queen Tiffany stood together, ready to face the challenges ahead. With their shared determination, the wisdom passed down from their ancestors, and the blessings of their gods, they would forge a path of unity and hope for both worlds.

A celebration was held with a great festival in honor of the fallen heroes, warriors, and the deceased king. At the same time, Marine D was crowned the god king of the ocean, while Mami and Walter had successfully achieved what they had wanted to become in the future. As time passed, Marine D visited the surface once more to see Martha. He assured her that destiny would always bring them together. Just as he was about to leave her and return to the sea, Martha embraced Marine with a warm hug and appreciated him for all he had done, sharing a passionate and romantic kiss before he headed back into the sea with Mami, who was waiting for him as one of his trusted royal guards.


My mother, a techno witch from the surface, had once used her powers for villainous pursuits. My father, a king of the ocean, ruled with a firm hand, commanding fear and respect. Their paths should never have crossed, but life, like the relentless tide, brought them together.

My mother had forsaken her wicked ways, seeking redemption and a chance at a new life. In my father's realm, she discovered unexpected solace and unconditional love. And my father, once consumed by his own ambitions, found purpose and compassion in her presence.

Their union defied all odds and expectations. The realms of the surface and the depths of the ocean were worlds apart, never meant to intertwine. And I, a product of their extraordinary love, emerged as a symbol of harmony and balance.

As the son of the land and a king of the seas, I inherited the responsibility to protect both realms. I am Marine, the guardian of nature's balance. My lineage carries the legacy of redemption and the power to bridge the divide between two worlds. Together, my parents' transformed love not only saved themselves but also became the catalyst that would save our world.

Sometime later in the Oceanic Kingdom, after Marine D and Queen Tiffany had paid their respects to their gods in the Oceanian / Oceanic shrine and in honor of the deceased ex-king Marine, Queen Tiffany began to feel unease as she entered her private royal room. Upon staring at the mirror in front of her, her eyes became darkened, resembling a possessed victim, and an inner horrific voice spoke within her.

"Yatemo etarbo mtsu zangati," said the strange, horrific inner voice, which translates to "It has just begun."

Meanwhile, in Lyrecius Corp, where Mayor Lyrecius had already formulated his future plans against the Ultra Family, news came to him from one of his research scientists and engineers. They reported that they had successfully infused Oceanian magic into the super android they had created, known as Star Track. Tekno Boy and the Hacker stared at each other, fully aware of what this meant.

Before the Oceanian wars, where was the Ultra Family during all of this? Some time later, they were at the Ultra Family headquarters after their previous encounter with Carbon Copy 2.0 and had resolved their issues. Mark brought the Ultra Family's attention to the Ultra Subatomic Verse he had encountered during his previous battle with the Artist.

They were all excited about Mark's new ability discovery and were ready to explore the Ultra Subatomic Verse. "Now, if we could all recall vividly that our transformations possessed limitless potential, and the true purpose of our transformation was to conceal our identities from higher beings who possessed immunity or awareness of the true manifestation of the Xentorium core potentials," said Mark, referencing Chapter 23: "It's Coming."

"Mark is absolutely correct, and with the fully powered armored transformation restored," added their Ultra AI. "It is totally and absolutely indestructible and impenetrable, making your armored transformation invincible. Although you can also switch back to your nigh invincible transformation at will, back and forth to your liking. Reasons for different transformations don't affect your potentials, nor do they differentiate your abilities. You all are capable of the same things; transformation isn't necessary except for the aforementioned. Since Peter was able and still is able to utilize abilities without transformation, so can you all. Remember, your abilities and transformation can also be limited by your imagination and willpower. So shall we begin our adventures into the Ultra Subatomic Verse where I explain as we delve into its mystery to understand it better?"

They all transformed anyway, staring at each other with excitement as they held hands, shrinking down into ultra sub-microscopic size, and entering the Ultra Subatomic Verse(s)/Universes. While they were all gone on their adventures and exploration, little did they know that their Ultra AI within them had temporarily disrupted their Ultra Family headquarters' Ultra AI backup security protocol due to an emergency alert in the city. This alert posed a universal threat to their world from the Oceanians. Their inner Ultra AI did not notify them of the threat.