Curtechyian Madness - Part 8

After two decades of change, Becca had set aside her broken relationship with Felicity to support her in the fight against crime. She was ready to aid Felicity emotionally and physically, alongside their colleagues.

Past timeline Felicity had kept Vill-City and Vill-City High safe, but she concealed a dark secret. She would trick her colleagues at Binary X Labs, making them believe she was sending the villains to super jail. In reality, she secretly killed them at an undisclosed location and disposed of their untraceable bodies.

Her secret actions continued without raising any suspicion among her colleagues. However, the turning point arrived on a fateful day when they received no word from a group of troublesome villains who would typically escape super jail to wreak havoc once more.

Past timeline Felicity explained that she had stripped these villains of their abilities, a story her colleagues, step sister, and step mother accepted.

However, a fateful day arrived when a colleague used their satellite to scan the world's database for depowered villains. Shockingly, none of the villains past timeline Felicity claimed to have depowered were found.

Kyla, Becca, and some of Felicity's colleagues decided to visit super jail to investigate further, but they found only villains imprisoned by the Ultra Family.

Meanwhile, in a fierce battle against Quicksand, past-timeline Velocity confronted her adversary, who sensed a unique and powerful presence emanating from the Damascus blade she wielded. Quicksand realized he wasn't battling the Velocity from his own timeline.

"If it isn't the past turned paradoxical reality," Quicksand remarked.

Quicksand's sinister smirk remained as he proclaimed, "Well! It doesn't matter which Velocity I face, I'll end up killing either of you or both."

"Oh, Michael," past-timeline Velocity began with a note of condescension, "You fail to comprehend, do you? You may attempt to engage me in battle, but the game is already over." With a theatrical flourish, she unveiled the foreboding Damascus blade before Quicksand, leaving no doubt in his mind about the dire stakes of their encounter.

Quicksand felt an eerie, otherworldly power radiating from the blade. Its very presence seemed to possess an understanding of its devastating potential.

Yet, past-timeline Velocity assured Quicksand, "A horrific and swift demise awaits you, one befitting your malevolence. You are undeserving of perishing at the hand of the Damascus blade."

As both combatants charged at each other following an intense battle, Past Timeline Velocity harnessed her overwhelming speed, using it to phase Quicksand's internal organs and muscles out of his flesh. Simultaneously, her intensified lightning vaporized his skin into ash, sealing Quicksand's fate.

In a different realm, life was unexpectedly restored to Present Timeline Felicity, who had perished within the enigmatic Curtechyian force. She was stunned to find XL standing before her, radiating the immense power of the Curtechyian force.

"Look who just returned from the beyond," XL quipped with a wry smile, extending a helping hand to Present Timeline Velocity. "What was that saying about the past coming back to haunt those who dare to alter it?"

Still in shock from her recent ordeal, Present Timeline Velocity cautiously examined her body for any signs of harm but found none.

"Yeah, about that," XL began to explain. "In the Curtechyian force, no one truly dies, just like an eternal wellspring of immortality for speedsters. As long as the Curtechyian force exists, so do the speedsters, except for those unfortunate ones who've had their speed abilities stolen by rogue speedsters, as most speedsters aren't immune to speed theft."

She continued, "And there's another catch. Speedsters with organic speed can access the Curtechyian force, but those with inorganic speed are restricted in many ways. Even attempting to enter it could prove lethal or severely strain their inorganic speed."

"I've heard about those limitations," Present Timeline Velocity replied, her gaze fixed on XL.

"But don't worry," XL reassured her with a warm smile. "I can guide you through the Curtechyian force, take you on an extraordinary tour, and perform feats that might seem impossible. Think of me as the genie of the Curtechyian force, but with even greater power."

"Just to address any doubts you might have," XL began, her tone filled with cheerful confidence, "I'm not Time Loop, and she/he/it hasn't even been created yet by the future guardian of the Curtechyian force in your timeline. You'll understand this soon. Besides, I'm faster than any Time Loop out there, not that I'm boasting or anything; I'm just pretty cool and fast." Present Timeline Velocity looked at XL with a hint of confusion in her expression.

"You! You were part of the race," Present Timeline Velocity finally said.

XL smiled mysteriously. "Yeah, I never was, I always am to be, no one ever saw me nor ever will, and yet I'm the confidence of all to live and breathe."

"Tomorrow," Present Timeline Velocity replied cryptically, causing XL to look at her curiously.

"What was that?" XL inquired, noting that her words sounded like a riddle.

Present Timeline Velocity explained her cryptic response. "Your words sounded like a riddle, and so I answered it."

Impressed, XL decided to throw in some riddles of her own, which Present Timeline Velocity answered correctly. The riddles went as follows:

"I'm tall when I'm young, and I'm younger when I'm used. What am I?" XL asked.

"A pencil," Present Timeline Velocity replied.

"You walk into a room that contains a match, a kerosene lamp, a candle, and a fireplace. What would you light first?" XL questioned.

"The match," came Present Timeline Velocity's quick response.

"What has to be broken before it can be used?" XL inquired.

"An egg and a coconut," answered Present Timeline Velocity.

"I'm tall when I'm young, and I'm short when I'm old. What am I?" XL asked.

"A candle," Present Timeline Velocity replied.

"What month of the year has 28 days?" XL quizzed.

"All of them," Present Timeline Velocity responded.

"What has many keys, yet opens no locks?" XL asked.

"A piano," answered Present Timeline Velocity.

"What has many teeth but cannot bite?" XL concluded.

"A comb," replied Present Timeline Velocity.

As Present Timeline Velocity was engrossed in XL's riddles, she suddenly felt the need to interrupt, prompting XL to pause briefly before proceeding with two more riddles that seemed to address Present Timeline Velocity's inner questions.

"What is always in front of you but can never be seen?" XL queried.

"The future," came Present Timeline Velocity's swift reply.

"The more of this there is, the less you can see," XL continued.

"Darkness," answered Present Timeline Velocity.

After answering these final riddles, XL couldn't contain her emotions and hugged Present Timeline Velocity. In a moment of vulnerability, she whispered, "I love you, mom." The unexpected words hung awkwardly in the air, and Present Timeline Velocity was taken aback. XL quickly corrected herself, changing "I love you, mom" to "I love this moment."

"Momentarily speaking," XL added with a throat clearing. She then proceeded to guide Present Timeline Velocity through the enigmatic Curtechyian force as they continued to converse.

Present Timeline Velocity's curiosity got the best of her, and she questioned XL about her extensive knowledge of the Curtechyian force and her origins. XL, doing her best to maintain the secret of their future relationship, evaded the direct answer.

Inside the Curtechyian force, Present Timeline Velocity was astounded to witness the multitude of timelines and possibilities, each offering the means to transcend from fiction to nonfiction. Even though she had experienced these moments, both consciously and unconsciously, seeing them all laid bare was a shocking revelation for her. She watched her past self, observed every action and choice she had made, and the intense battle that led to Quicksand's demise. It was a profound and unsettling moment for Present Timeline Velocity.

XL acknowledged her past mistakes, which lingered as a permanent presence, and expressed her hope for redemption. As they continued their discussion and delved deeper into the Curtechyian force, they eventually came face to face with the embodied cosmic forces known as Current and Tachyon.

Present Timeline Velocity was astounded and asked, "What is this?"

"These are the creators and guardians of the Speed Council in the Curtechyian force," XL replied with a smile.

XL proceeded to explain the significance of these cosmic forces, revealing a grand revelation about the creators of the Curtechyian force. Present Timeline Velocity was left stunned and mesmerized by this shocking revelation.

In the midst of this encounter, Quicksand unexpectedly found himself within the Curtechyian force, standing in the foreboding dark cosmic energy of the Tachyon side, which was the opposite of the divine cosmic radiance of Current where Present Timeline Velocity and XL stood. An invisible impenetrable barrier formed a bridge between the two sides, preventing them from crossing over. Only XL could breach this barrier, moving between the negative and positive sides.

XL spotted Quicksand on the Tachyon side and playfully called out to him, waving and jumping excitedly like a child. She even complimented his notorious villainous deeds. Quicksand, who had encountered XL before in the Curtechyian force, tried his best to ignore her, as his primary focus remained on Present Timeline Velocity.

XL, undeterred, moved back and forth between the positive and negative sides, attempting to capture Quicksand's attention, as she sensed he was intentionally ignoring her.

After a few seconds of this playful interaction, XL was summoned to order by Current, compelling her to compose herself within the Curtechyian force, leaving both Quicksand and Present Timeline Velocity in a moment with the creators.

The guardians and the Speed Council of the Curtechyian force engaged in separate discussions with Quicksand and Present Timeline Velocity. Tachyon, a cosmic force, had a specific conversation with Quicksand. She instructed him to deal with the future guardian, Sophie McCoy, who would be chosen by her counterpart, Current, within the ultra family. Sophie McCoy was destined to create a guardian, an emissary, and someone who would embody Curtechyian speed, maintaining balance across all realms, whether fiction or nonfiction. This embodiment would be known as Time Loop.

Quicksand's mission, as directed by Tachyon, was to eliminate Sophie McCoy, locate Tetraman and empower him to break free from his limitations. He was also tasked with recruiting other speedsters to aid in impending chaos and to prepare other villainous allies. Tachyon did not fully reveal her dark intentions to Quicksand, as she left open the possibility that he might eventually turn to the side of good. Her objective was to use Quicksand to sow further chaos before he potentially changed sides, marking the completion of her mission.

On the other side, Current congratulated, advised, and enlightened Present Timeline Velocity for her actions and her pure-hearted intent to safeguard the multiverse. Current acknowledged that Present Timeline Velocity, despite her past mistakes and ignorance, was committed to making amends and fighting for what was right. Current encouraged Present Timeline Velocity to seek the goodness within Quicksand and guide him towards the right path. She believed that there was a hidden, redeemable side to Quicksand, lost in the darkness, and only Present Timeline Velocity could help him find the light.

Current also revealed that Sophie McCoy had been chosen as the new guardian from the McCoy family within the ultra family. She provided guidance to Present Timeline Velocity on how to support the new guardian in her role within the Curtechyian force. She also instructed Present Timeline Velocity to mentor and train upcoming speedsters in her universe and revealed the impending doom and Tachyon's dark secret about freeing the banished ones and awakening Bore from his slumber.

After both sides had received their grand revelations, Quicksand vanished, returning to his timeline, resurrected and made whole again. Present Timeline Velocity prepared to leave the Curtechyian force, and before departing, XL approached her and gave her a warm hug. She also revealed a speedy trick to Present Timeline Velocity, explaining how vibrating at an extremely high speed could enable her to traverse other dimensions, create worlds, enter and exit the Curtechyian force, and much more. Grateful for all the knowledge and guidance, Present Timeline Velocity expressed her thanks to XL.

Before she could leave, Present Timeline Velocity turned to ask Current why their timeline couldn't be altered. Just as Current was about to respond, XL interrupted, instantly sending Present Timeline Velocity back to her world.

Tachyon, in a raging tone, addressed XL, "You know it's your fault, Mary McCoy."

XL responded in a remorseful tone, "I know."

Current chimed in with an encouraging tone, "Don't blame yourself, sweetie. No one is above mistakes."

XL acknowledged her errors, lamenting, "They warned me about it, Anje warned me, but I didn't listen. Those in the ultra realm also warned me, but I ignored their caution. Because of me, history repeats itself, and I am trapped in a never-ending loop."

Regretfully, XL added, "I shouldn't have ventured beyond the ultra-infiniteternity. My incomprehensible, unfathomable speed ruined all of creation, even beyond the great infinity and eternity. I am now at the mercy of the Ineffable. Perhaps this is my punishment to witness this never-ending loop before my eyes."

Author's Note:

Ultra Infiniteternity is the fusion of Ultra Infinity and Ultra Eternity, a realm transcending time and space, surpassing reality itself. It represents the purest form of existence and non-existence, a merging that exceeds all known concepts of infinity and eternity, residing within and beyond all of creation.

Access to Ultra Infiniteternity grants unimaginable power and the ability to manipulate any event in the vast expanse of creation. It is a trinity of consciousness, encompassing the conscious, unconscious, and subconscious realms. This extraordinary realm was brought into existence by beings from the Ultra Realm and willed into being by the almighty Ineffable.

While possessing the potential to alter the very fabric of the cosmos, transforming fiction into nonfiction, it remains vulnerable to not just inevitable forces but also ultra-inevitable forces. Ultra Infiniteternity is the mind of nothingness, the catalyst of creation itself, and a force of immense significance.

"No matter how fast I run, there are some things that can never be altered, and one of them is the mysterious ways of the almighty Ineffable," XL expressed with a remorseful tone.

Back in the present timeline, as both speedsters returned, Quicksand had vanished into the unknown. Meanwhile, at Binary X, Present Timeline Felicity's colleagues began to suspect that the Velocity with them might not be their true Velocity. They initiated a discussion, involving colleagues Becca and Kyla.

After conducting their analysis, the team couldn't find any of the supervillains that Past Timeline Velocity claimed to have stripped of their powers. It was as if these villains had never existed. Even colleagues who went to the super jail for confirmation found no trace of the imprisoned villains. While secretly discussing their findings, they were unaware that Past Timeline Velocity had overhead their conversation and entered the room as if she hadn't heard anything.

The group pretended to be occupied with various tasks when Past Timeline Velocity walked in, seemingly unaware of her presence. Unbeknownst to them, Present Timeline Velocity had also arrived at Binary X Lab and encountered a male colleague who was startled to see her. They were in shock to discover two Velocities in one place.

Amidst the commotion and confusion, Velocity's colleagues struggled to differentiate between Present and Past Timeline Velocity. They asked both of them questions and performed tests to determine which was which, but initially, they couldn't definitively distinguish the two. Eventually, Present Timeline Velocity was able to reveal what Past Timeline Velocity had done, confirming her identity to her colleagues.

Past Timeline Velocity, in a fit of anger, revealed a Damascus blade and threatened to harm her colleagues if they stood in her way.

"You should have stayed dead, V!" she exclaimed angrily. "I've done a better job keeping the city safe. You're just too stubborn to see that I am better than you."

"No, it's not. You're becoming a tyrant. This isn't who you are," Present Timeline Velocity responded. "Let me help you, please."

"You did this to me. You destroyed my life. You took everything away from me," Past Timeline Velocity accused Present Timeline Velocity.

In a fury, Past Timeline Velocity aimed to strike one of Present Timeline Velocity's colleagues, but Present Timeline Velocity intervened and a battle ensued between the two Velocities.

Present Timeline Velocity, not wanting to engage in a fight with her past self, tried to reason with Past Timeline Velocity. However, her past self paid no attention, and a furious battle ensued. Present Timeline Velocity did her utmost to evade the swift strikes of the Damascus blade swung at incredible speed.

Meanwhile, their work acquaintance at Binary X Labs began tracking their movements but struggled to keep up because they were moving so rapidly. As Past Timeline and Present Timeline Velocity fought intensely throughout the city, Present Timeline Velocity eventually managed to incapacitate her past self. Past Timeline Velocity fell to the ground, and the Damascus blade slipped from her grip. This alerted Present Timeline Velocity's colleagues at Binary X Lab to monitor their actions as they had slowed down.

Present Timeline Velocity stood tall, holding the Damascus blade, looking at her past self who was on the ground. Past Timeline Velocity took a deep breath, realizing her present self had the upper hand and the blade pointed at her. She locked eyes with her present self and urged her to go for the kill, but Present Timeline Velocity refused, seeking resolution.

"I know I was wrong to alter the past and only caused more harm to myself. I am truly sorry for that. I apologize for the pain I've caused you. I was blinded by my grief, thinking that I needed to fight those closest to me when they needed me the most," Present Timeline Velocity expressed with remorse. She tossed the Damascus blade aside and extended a hand to help her past self up.

Seeing an opportunity for reconciliation, Past Timeline Velocity swiftly retrieved the Damascus blade, pinning Present Timeline Velocity against the wall, pointing the blade menacingly at her throat. Their colleagues at Binary X Labs were shocked and worried for Present Timeline Velocity's safety.

"This isn't what our parents would want us to become. We can change that and be better people," Present Timeline Velocity spoke with deep emotion. "You and I, together, can have a brighter future."

After these heartfelt words, Past Timeline Velocity slowly lowered the Damascus blade until it vanished from her grip into the unknown. Tears welled up in her eyes as they shared a warm embrace. Past Timeline Velocity made peace with herself and her present self before she vanished.