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Jessica's Adventure - Part 10

Bruno had met up with Samantha and Jessica to share his observations about Eddie. As he laid out his insights, Jessica listened intently. She had a plan forming in her mind to save Eddie from the mysterious virus that plagued him. With determination in her eyes, she informed her friends that she intended to discreetly observe Eddie during their night class, as it was the only way to get close to him and unravel the truth.

That evening, under the cover of night, every student had already settled into their respective departments for night class. Jessica found herself paired with Eddie in the lab for their anatomy and physiology lecture. Dr. Emma Hartman was there to guide them through the subject.

As the lecture unfolded, Jessica couldn't resist stealing glances at Eddie, attempting to scan him without his notice. Occasionally, Eddie sensed her gaze and turned to meet her eyes, a feeling of something unusual in the air. Each time, Jessica would quickly avert her eyes.

However, Dr. Emma noticed Jessica's constant secret observations and sensed that something was amiss. The tension in the room grew palpable.

Unexpectedly, as both Eddie and Jessica reached for an item on their desk, their hands touched. In that moment, an inexplicable connection surged between them, accompanied by a strange power. They exchanged awkward glances, and their attention drifted from the lecture.

Despite Jessica's distraction, they managed to get through the lecture successfully. When it concluded for the night, Dr. Emma called Jessica and Eddie to stay behind after the other students had departed. She pointed out their distraction and the awkwardness between them, concerned that they might be facing personal challenges. Jessica and Eddie assured her that they were fine, and the discussion ended with Dr. Emma reminding them of the importance of impressing her with their project invention and presentation before they left for the night.

Jessica and Eddie exited the class together, standing in opposite directions, engulfed in a moment of silence. It was as though they were both waiting for someone to break the silence. Just as Jessica was about to express her concern to Eddie, he spoke first, urging her not to be late on the day of their final project presentation, emphasizing its significance to him. With that, he left Jessica, who remained speechless and slightly extended her right hand, as if yearning to reach out to him.

Jessica's mood swung erratically, a turbulent whirlwind of guilt, though neither she nor Eddie were privy to the fact that Dr. Emma had been an inconspicuous observer, watching the entire event unfold before phasing back into the lab, her presence concealed until she reappeared.

"I hope you know what you're doing, Starr," Dr. Emma muttered to herself.

In the quiet of Eddie's room at night, beads of sweat began to form on his forehead, soaking his pillow as he descended into a nightmarish world. Restless and tormented, he tossed and turned in his bed, unable to find solace.

Unsettling voices whispered in his mind, their words dripping with horrors, promising him power and distorting his reality with false visions. In these haunting dreams, he witnessed Jessica's supposed failure to arrive on time for their crucial presentation, the scenes unfolding before him in vivid, heart-wrenching detail.

As the nightmares gripped Eddie, he was overwhelmed by the intensity of these illusions, causing him to snap awake. Fear clenched his heart, and his trembling hands were slick with sweat as he reached for his temples.

In an eerie twist of fate, the room's lights flickered, casting eerie shadows, and his reading lamp on the table began to shudder violently before crashing to the ground with a sharp thud.

"Eddie!!!," a sinister, deep voice resonated within his mind, sending waves of excruciating pain through his skull. He crumpled to the floor, clutching his head, his world unraveling in a terrifying crescendo of despair and torment.

In a desperate bid to break the silence, Eddie unleashed a scream of sheer terror, but his cries fell on deaf ears, as if he were trapped in a soundless void.

As the nightmare's grip on him tightened, blood vessels within his eyes swelled and burst, crimson rivulets cascading from his tortured gaze. Veins on his body bulged and twisted, their malevolent course reaching even the darkening abyss of his eyes.

Eddie's trembling hands weakened and fell to the ground, transforming into sharp, monstrous claws, an otherworldly power lifting him off the floor, shrouding him in an unseen force. His gaping maw revealed an unsettling array of razor-like fangs, while his skin darkened in eerie patterns.

His heart raced, an unrelenting crescendo that threatened to burst forth, as the malevolent SUV of despair continued its inexorable course within Eddie's tormented body.

Simultaneously, as Eddie's torment reached its crescendo, a flood of memories from different timelines invaded his consciousness, a tormenting symphony that fractured his mind until he succumbed, lifeless, and fell to the ground.

At that very moment, an unsettling shift reverberated through Jessica's being, jolting her from sleep. Her abrupt awakening stirred Bruno and Samantha, their faces etched with concern, their own slumber disrupted by the unsettling disturbance in Jessica's visions.

The following morning, against all odds, Eddie was inexplicably revived, as though the night's horrors had never transpired. But a disconcerting alteration had manifested in his very form. His once-normal body now bore the eerie encasement of white and black goo intertwined with a green-like substance, resembling a complex binary code in the form of veins that coursed through him, extending even near his eyes, as he discovered while standing beneath the shower's cascade.

Eddie, seized by terror, hastily exited the shower and confronted his distorted reflection in the mirror, his eyes capturing the grotesque transformation that had taken place. Unable to comprehend what he saw, he covered his mouth in disbelief, drawing nearer to the mirror. It was then that he realized his eyes could change colors, and with an astonishing revelation, he could peer through his own flesh and bones as if he possessed the power of X-ray vision.

The world outside grew discordant as he picked up on sounds from vast distances, even the faint descent of a feather to the ground. "What's happening to me?" Eddie muttered to himself, bewildered, before the haunting voice within his head returned.

Eddie recoiled in shock, now aware of the unsettling presence in his mind, its malevolence casting a grotesque distortion upon his face. "Who or what are you?" he questioned, his voice quaking.

"I am your salvation, Eddie, your path to liberation," the eerie voice proclaimed, promising untold power that lay beyond his wildest imaginings. It revealed knowledge of all Eddie's memories, hinting at the potential they could unlock together, painting a false utopian future that glittered like a mirage, seductive in its allure.

Eddie found himself entranced by the extraordinary visions he had witnessed and the seductive promises whispered by the enigmatic voice in his head, which pledged to shield him as long as they remained united.

"We have work to do, Eddie, but first we must eliminate an unforeseen threat before it escalates," the ominous voice declared.

Curiosity tugged at Eddie's mind. "And what is this threat?" he inquired.

"Jessica Starr," replied the voice, its chilling tones carrying an air of foreboding. "And what about her?" Eddie pressed, still seeing her as harmless.

"Soon, Eddie, you will discover why," the voice cryptically answered. "Jessica possesses something that rightfully belongs to me."

Eddie readied himself, refreshing and donning his attire, all while silently communicating with the voice, knowing their connection remained a secret only he could hear. He informed the voice about his upcoming project presentation, a mere four days away, and everything seemed perfectly arranged.

The voice consented to Eddie's plans but urged him to focus on the project for now, assuring that their shared agenda would soon commence.

Eddie's curiosity got the better of him, and he inquired whether the voice was an extraterrestrial entity from another planet. He also sought clarification about the visions of different timelines. The voice replied with candor, confirming its status as the most powerful force in all of creation. To illustrate its might, it promptly transformed Eddie's left hand into a menacing blade, leaving Eddie awestruck as it reverted back to its human form.

Once dressed, Eddie concealed the peculiar marks on his body by wearing a hooded long-sleeve sweater. As he glanced around his disheveled room, he turned to the voice and asked if it could assist in tidying up. To his amazement, spike-like tentacles emerged from his back, some taking on the form of hands, deftly rearranging his room before seamlessly retracting into his body.

Ready to embark on his day, Eddie ventured out, his world forever altered by the eerie presence within him.

In Jessica's hostel, amidst laughter and chatter with her friends, she positioned herself by the window. Suddenly, her gaze fixed on Eddie standing near a tree. As Jessica observed, a delicate butterfly gracefully landed on Eddie's outstretched left hand. Yet, her awe turned to shock as Eddie unintentionally infected the butterfly with an ominous substance, draining its life force.

Startled, Jessica concealed herself when Eddie, sensing eyes on him, glanced towards her window before leaving. Samantha and Bruno, noticing Jessica's reaction, probed her for an explanation. Startled, she unveiled the unsettling scene she had witnessed.

In the midst of this revelation, Jessica's Ultra AI alerted her about a rogue super villain wreaking havoc in the city. Addressing her AI, Jessica's friends were taken aback, bewildered by the unseen interaction. Requesting her Ultra AI to let her friends hear its voice, the once-hidden assistant complied, leaving Bruno and Samantha amazed.

"Pretty sick and dope, Jessica," exclaimed Bruno, comparing the AI's voice to a fusion of Ironman's assistant and Blue Beetle's scarab. Samantha chimed in, connecting the dots about Jessica's secretive conversation in the ladies' room.

Upon Jessica's request, her Ultra AI transformed her into Ultra Blue, captivating Bruno with the superhero's similarity to Blue Beetle. Bruno eagerly pulled out a Blue Beetle comic, pointing out the uncanny resemblance and sparking excitement.

"Holy moly!" Bruno exclaimed, sharing his enthusiasm. Sensing Jessica's readiness to save the city, he handed her a mobile phone, suggesting a video call to showcase the superhero's actions. Although Jessica hesitated, her friends convinced her, and she zoomed off to fight crime.

In the midst of the action, Ultra Blue Jessica initiated a video call, allowing her friends to witness the unfolding events. Despite her AI's offer to provide visuals directly, Jessica stuck with the mobile phone, leaving her AI slightly disappointed, deeming its capabilities as obsolete.

"You're really downgrading my potential, Jessica," chided her Ultra AI.

"Hey! Not my fault, so what have we got here?" inquired Ultra Blue Jessica.

"Techno witch, aka Xara Beatrice Matsagou," revealed Ultra AI. "A powerful sorceress known publicly for her viral spells, helping people achieve desires until authorities shut down her site due to reports of scams. Xara got her powers from a Xentorium fusion blast, studied mystical arts, and is dangerously powerful—unleashing fury on the world, causing chaos, and vanishing without a trace."

"How do you know all this?" Jessica questioned her Ultra AI.

"You never asked; you were too focused on hacking me with a destructive virus, remember?" Ultra AI responded. "With my vast knowledge, you could achieve more."

"Sorry, you know I apologized for that," said Jessica.

"No, you didn't," retorted Ultra AI, interrupted by a video call from Samantha and Bruno witnessing Jessica's interaction with her Ultra AI.

"Sorry to interrupt you two lovebirds, but there's a powerful sorceress causing havoc," Samantha informed them through the video call.

"Right!" Jessica replied, asking her Ultra AI to keep her mobile phone safe while giving Samantha and Bruno a visual of the action.

"Shall we?" said Ultra Blue Jessica.

"We shall," replied her Ultra AI. As Ultra Blue Jessica confronted the sorceress, she quipped, "Hey, Techno witch. Sorry your site got canceled. Maybe you should try teaming up with some villains rather than being a lone."

"Does that make sense?" Bruno asked Samantha from their video call. Techno witch's attention shifted to Ultra Blue Jessica, recognizing her as the talked-about ultra hero. Even Jessica's transformation switches weren't a surprise to them due to their encounter with legendary ultra heroes.

"I know you, the wannabe ultra hero," Techno witch declared. "Do you really think you can defeat me? I am the most powerful sorceress in the world, not even the legendary ultra heroes could stop me alone."

"Boasting, huh? I love a good brag about accomplishments," replied Ultra Blue Jessica, effortlessly slicing an incoming bus thrown by Techno witch's magic before engaging in a fierce combat. Techno witch used her magic to toss Ultra Blue Jessica like a ragdoll, suspending her midair, striking her with magical lightning and blasts that sent her flying against buildings before crashing down to the ground.

Samantha and Bruno called out to Jessica, their worry evident, but she reassured them, putting their minds at ease. Still on the ground, supported by both hands, Jessica faced Techno Witch, who approached with an immense magical aura, levitating to mock Ultra Blue Jessica.

"You are weak and pathetic, thinking you could defeat me," taunted Techno Witch, preparing for another magical lightning attack. However, Ultra Blue Jessica retaliated, using her hydrokinetic powers to toss Techno Witch aside.

Humiliated but quick to recover, Techno Witch dried herself with magic as Ultra Blue Jessica got back on her feet.

"Well, well! You finally have the guts to strike back," Techno Witch sneered, employing her techno magic to conjure a large, advanced cannon blaster aimed at Ultra Blue Jessica. "Maybe it's time I showed you what I am capable of."

Techno Witch unleashed a massive cannon blast and cannonballs, but Ultra Blue Jessica skillfully redirected them, ensuring safety for civilians and buildings. Some projectiles were tossed into the river, others frozen and shattered into harmless snowflakes.

Activating her inner abilities with techno magic and mystical powers, Techno Witch engaged in skillful combat against Ultra Blue Jessica. The strength of both combatants remained evenly matched. Using blood magic and chaos magic, Techno Witch tossed Ultra Blue Jessica aside, grabbed her by the neck, and swiftly ascended into the skies.

Close to Jessica's face, Techno Witch's transformation intensified. Her eyes glowed bright red, her hair turned into living serpents, fingers extended into sharp claws, and mystical satanic symbols adorned her forehead and body. Her fair complexion morphed into red skin, and her clothes burned away, transforming into golden attire with a bra and pants, a transparent cloak on her back.

"Do you still love a good brag about accomplishment?" sneered the transformed Techno Witch with a hoarse voice.

Struggling in Techno Witch's grip, Ultra Blue Jessica faced imminent danger. Techno Witch attempted to strangle her, but then changed tactics, placing a hand on Jessica's chest, targeting her arc reactor, trying to extract her soul.

Witnessing the perilous scene unfold, Jessica's friends urgently urged her not to give up. They watched in slow agony as Jessica began to lose consciousness, her identity on the brink of revelation. In a desperate plea, Bruno and Samantha appealed to Jessica's Ultra AI, imploring it to save their cherished friend.

As Jessica's soul seemed to be taken, her lifeless body lay suspended, held in Techno Witch's grip, high above the ground. In a chilling turn of events, Techno Witch callously dropped Jessica's motionless form from a great height in the sky. The atmosphere hung heavy with suspense as the fate of the heroine remained uncertain.

Plummeting uncontrollably, lifeless, and with her secret identity exposed, Jessica's mobile phone also hurtled towards the ground. Her friends desperately reached out, shouting with all their might.

In a moment of salvation, Ultra AI seized control of Jessica's lifeless form, transforming it into Ultra Magic. Swiftly, Ultra Magic intercepted Jessica's mobile phone before it crashed and zoomed off to confront Techno Witch.

Jessica's friends were astounded when Ultra AI revealed that it had taken over Jessica's body to safeguard her soul.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Techno Witch gripped Jessica's soul, expressing disappointment upon realizing she was facing a fifteen-year-old teenage girl.

Jessica's soul struggled against Techno Witch's grasp. Undeterred, Techno Witch asserted that Jessica's efforts were futile and that no one would remember her. As Techno Witch prepared to consume Jessica's soul, Ultra AI intervened, severing the arm holding Jessica's soul.

"Impossible! How is this happening?" exclaimed Techno Witch in amazement and confusion. "No one has ever escaped my soul manipulation before."

"Took you long enough!" quipped Jessica's soul.

"A thank you would suffice," responded Ultra AI, still in control of Jessica's body.

Concerned, Jessica's friends asked Ultra AI if Jessica was with them and if her soul had returned to her body. Ultra AI informed them that Jessica was proving a bit stubborn, enjoying her astral form.

Using Jessica's body, Ultra AI infused Jessica's soul with the Xentorium core for empowerment, allowing only her friends to see Jessica's soul. Samantha and Bruno were amazed, and in their discussion, Techno Witch resurfaced, regrowing her lost arm. The intense battle reignited as Techno Witch faced off against Jessica's soul and body. Escalating into an epic clash, the battle extended into space, with Ultra Magic Jessica overwhelming Techno Witch with her immense magical abilities.

As Techno Witch decided to separate her soul from her body, her corporeal form faced off against Ultra Magic Jessica, while her ethereal essence engaged in a fierce battle against Jessica's soul. Back and forth they clashed, with Techno Witch's soul attempting to possess Jessica's soul. Miraculously, Jessica's soul managed to extricate Techno Witch before delivering a massive astral punch that shattered the very fabric of the astral realm.

Meanwhile, on the opposing side, Techno Witch's corporeal form opened a portal to the astral dimension, unleashing a horde of astral beings—angels, demons, and malevolent spirits. Undeterred, Ultra Magic Jessica single-handedly absorbed them all, converting their essence into astral energy. With this newfound power, she disintegrated Techno Witch's body, erasing it from existence.

Simultaneously, Jessica's soul incapacitated Techno Witch's soul. Offering a chance of redemption, Jessica's soul was met with refusal. Ultra Magic Jessica approached, urging Jessica's soul to finish off Techno Witch. However, Jessica's soul hesitated, seeking an alternative.

"There has to be another way," pleaded Jessica's soul.

"It is the only way, and not everyone needs saving," asserted Ultra Magic Jessica. "Besides, you've shattered the astral realm that needs fixing."

"Can't you use your ultra redemption spell on her?" suggested Jessica's soul.

"Again, Jessica, Techno Witch will return to her evil ways," responded Ultra Magic Jessica. "There's no buts. I'm not erasing her memories or taking away her powers. You have the power to end it here yourself, and trust me, you'll wish you had finished her off rather than going with whatever you're thinking right now."

Reluctantly, Jessica decided to send Techno Witch's soul to hell. Jessica's soul returned to her body, utilizing her cosmic magic computer interface to analyze the shattered astral realm. Using advanced cosmic magic tech, she reconstructed the astral realm before returning to Earth to mend the damages, unaware that her actions were being observed by the forces of both good and evil.

The cheers for Ultra Magic Jessica echoed, and she took off into the sky, teleporting secretly to her hostel where she shared the details with Bruno and Samantha. The day of the project presentation finally arrived, with just a night class left afterward. Excitement filled the air as students from every department engaged in their respective activities. Jessica and her friends bid their farewells before heading to their night class departments.

In the science department, Jessica found Eddie covering his face with a hooded top and black eyeglasses, concealing visible veins. Concerned, Jessica tried talking to him, but Eddie, being himself, declined her help, insisting they focus on their project presentation.

All the science students presented their projects, including Jessica and Eddie, whose presentation stood out. However, Eddie harbored a resentment, feeling overshadowed by Jessica. Despite Jessica's intention to work as a team, Eddie saw it differently – as a way to mock him and uncover why he covered his face.

Dr. Emma discerned Eddie's discomfort through his body language. After all was said and done, she congratulated the students for their remarkable ideas, inventions, and presentations. Informing them that the next day would be their final night class, the news brought joy to the students. As the class dismissed, everyone departed, leaving Eddie alone in a dark corner.

Approaching him, Jessica asked how he was doing. Eddie responded harshly, accusing Jessica of always being the brightest and impressing Dr. Emma with her wonderful ideas.

"Eddie, what I did, I did for both of us, and it was perfect. I even gave you an opportunity to speak and present your ideas, but you shunned me. This isn't you, Eddie. The Eddie I know would love a good challenge, and I sense that something has happened to you. I can feel it," expressed Jessica as she walked slowly toward Eddie.

The voice in Eddie's head became violent as Jessica presented a suggestion to help him and save him from the virus. To Eddie's surprise, Jessica revealed that she knew about the voice and the promises it had made to him. He was stunned by how much Jessica knew.

"Lemme help you, Eddie. You can't trust it; it's dangerous," Jessica said as she slowly reached out to Eddie's hands.

Upon touching Eddie's hand for comfort, a surge of energy flowed within Eddie from Jessica, triggering a memory of what had happened in their science lab.

"It was you. You're what it needs. That connection, that power I felt in the science lab came from you again," Eddie exclaimed as the energy activated the ultra SUV within him. Tentacles emerged, pushing Jessica aside with impact, shattering classroom after classroom.

The noise drew everyone's attention, and they rushed to its source. The SUV within Eddie disrupted most of the school's lights, leaving only a few flickering. People struggled to see what was happening as they brought out lanterns and phones for light. In the dimly lit space, some could barely discern a fast-moving shadow in the hallway, accompanied by terrifying noises.

"Eddie!" Bruno and Samantha whispered to each other, their concern evident in the dimly lit chaos.