Plot armor: Deus ex machina: Loopholes and plot holes - Part 3

Multi Woman narrates: This tale, unexpected like Multiple Man's sequels, questions the need for revisiting stories amidst the infinite tapestry of the maniverse. A grand cosmic event unfolds, where your ideas shape the narrative.

Within the tapestry of the canon, various timelines exist, some with 'what if' traits. Yet, not every universe meets an expected end. This story, a "what if" scenario, diverges from norms. Ignore the lengthy title; it's the author's choice.

In this reality, pre-dating the maniverse war and post Bore's fall from the Ultra realm, corruption tainted creation. The Curtechyians split, sans Bore's essence. This reality differs; the Ultra realm is but a nonexistent concept.

Journeying back to the beginning, before heaven, Earth, light, and dark, Curtechyian emerged. Created by the formless primordial Ineffable to explore, Curtechyian, contrary to its purpose, craved consumption. The Ineffable intervened, splitting Curtechyian into two entities: Current, embodying order and hope, and Tachyon, harboring chaos and destruction.

Current and Tachyon clashed, Tachyon desiring oblivion, Current striving to save creation. Their infinite battle culminated as Current tricked Tachyon, transforming their divine spark into an Ultra Core.

Current crafted her Ultra Core into planet Xenda. The Xentorians, an extraterrestrial race, harnessed its power, becoming guardians of the maniverse. The Xentorium Core, as it came to be known, stood as a force for good.

Conversely, Tachyon molded his Ultra Core into the Dark Core, corrupting the maniverse. Death and chaos spread, touching extraterrestrials, cosmic entities, gods, supernaturals, and otherworldly beings across the multiverse.

The Xentorians of Xenda, recognizing the impossibility of eradicating evil from the maniverse, boldly sought to protect creation from threats tainted by the dark core. Among these adversaries, the Tetronians stood out—a race capable of obliterating universes in a Planck time. Their mere presence shattered the spacetime continuum, meaningless to them. Tetronians could effortlessly transform coals, celestial debris, and stars into perfect diamonds or celestial cosmic jewels.

Transcending body, mind, and soul, Tetronians could witness the creation of the universe. Bench-pressing the weight of the universe faster than infinity, they surpassed creational scale. Their Tetronian breath and vision could quench, freeze, and harm ghosts, or even initiate the big bang by altering reality with a punch or a Tetronian scream.

Then there were the Primals from the planet Prime, cosmic entities whose mere presence could warp minds. They were so powerful that their appearance was indistinguishable; humans perceived them as omnipotent humans, while other beings saw them as stronger versions of their own kind. Primals could resurrect the dead, disrupt time and space, and obliterate galaxies with a stroll. Existing beyond dimensions, they could manipulate, create, and destroy souls or cosmic beings. Primals perfectly divided eternity and infinity, gave and took powers, manipulated matter, and warped reality.

Despite the Xentorians' valiant efforts, they knew they couldn't permanently defeat these beings. Armed with cosmic magic tech, the Xentorians could only delay the inevitable. These formidable adversaries sought the ultimate power—the Xentorium core. In response, the Xentorians made a strategic choice, merging the Xentorium core with their magic tech and science. Their destination: a distant galaxy unrecognizable to any cosmic being. Earth became the final bastion against the pursuit of the ultimate power of creation.

Upon Earth's surface, a human unearthed the xentorium core, driven by the ambition to wield the powers of creation, dismantle evil, and restore cosmic equilibrium. A destined confrontation awaits, as they prepare to confront the ultimate malevolence known as Tachyon.

Tachyon's power transcends measure, calculation, and comprehension, unbound by the constraints of linear time. Across all worlds, it commands time itself. The mere presence of Tachyon exudes an overwhelming evil, rendering the fabric of spacetime and creation incapable of grasping its essence. Its very existence has the potential to plunge entire universes into madness, obliterate planets and galaxies, or erase entire realities with a passing shadow. Tachyon's capabilities extend to warping spacetime, inducing dimensional anomalies, and instigating rifts in the very fabric of reality. It stands as the embodiment of unbridled evil and destruction, an eternal companion to the existence of malevolence.

To challenge Tachyon is to challenge the essence of evil, an endeavor to annihilate destruction itself—a paradox of insurmountable proportions. The futility of attempting to end Tachyon's existence becomes apparent; it thrives on violence, war, and cruelty, drawing life from the very acts it will employ to annihilate all. Humanity finds itself entwined in its own potential for annihilation. As the abstract concept of evil materializes, any semblance of goodness becomes diametrically opposed to its very essence—an incomprehensible dichotomy for both Tachyon and mankind. Even with valiant wielders of the xentorium core, such as No Arc Noah, alias Noah Johnson, Tachyon invariably emerges from the ashes of defeat, poised to menace reality once more.

Tachyon transcends the realm of fiction; it defines the totality of existence, omnipresent from the genesis to the terminus. Its influence extends beyond the laws of physics, as inevitable as the drawing of one's final breath. To label it a mere force of nature belies the sinister intellect orchestrating its fearsome facade. Describing it as merely evil constitutes the grossest understatement, for Tachyon is an enigma woven into the very fabric of the cosmic tapestry.

Let's transition to a new tale, shall we? I am confident you will find this one particularly captivating, as we delve into its intricate details.

In an alternate twist within the unique reality of Maniverse 13 - Earth1 - Multiverse - Universe 1, Meo Sandra, now known as Pussycat, experiences a different fate. Despite her incredible abilities and the advanced suit she creates, she undergoes a profound realization. After overcoming numerous challenges, Meow-Mi finally perceives that she is merely a fictional character in a story, and this realization drives her to madness.

In the midst of her rebellious clash against the goddess Bastet, the revelation of how she discovered the truth unfolds. The battle between them reverberated through the very essence of the maniverse. With a mighty blast from Bastet, Pussycat found herself thrust into a peculiar realm, unlike any she had encountered before. However, the narrative took an unexpected turn.

"Wait, that doesn't feel right. Let's rewind from their battle," declared the author.

After the resounding blast from the goddess Bastet, shaking the foundations of the maniverse, an astral rift opened, leading Pussycat's ethereal form into a dimension vastly different from her own. Within this realm, she bore witness to untold wonders, realizing that it wasn't an alternate reality but the true world. Here, various authors contributed to her narrative, introducing an unintended twist.

Dawning on Pussycat was the understanding that her astral journey to the real world was a mistake. Before the authors could rectify their error and send her back, she glimpsed the cosmic formula, the Almighty Formula, in the real world—an enigma the authors themselves struggled to solve. This cosmic code fascinated Pussycat, leading her to an obsession. The formula held the key to the Ultra Ineffabook, a reality-altering artifact of immense power.

Returning to her universe after defeating the goddess, Pussycat's heart grew heavy as the truth sank in. She was but a fictional character in a narrative, driving her to madness. The intricate layers of her journey unfolded, revealing a captivating tale of cosmic mysteries and self-discovery.

Undeterred, Pussycat attempts to convince her fellow characters that they are being controlled by the authors of their story. However, all dismiss her as insane, including those who claim to break the fourth wall. In this alternate reality, even characters who seemingly break the fourth wall are revealed to be under the subtle influence of their authors, leaving Pussycat isolated in her awareness.

Embarking on her quest to unravel the Almighty Formula, Pussycat sought aid from characters across different worlds. Even otherworldly beings remained oblivious to the cosmic enigma. Amidst meditation before entering another narrative, Pussycat accidentally glimpsed the complete solution.

As time unfolded, stories lost their meaning, becoming mere tools for authors to manipulate her like a puppet. Disgusted by the control of puppet masters in the real world, she yearned for autonomy.

Eventually, in her free time, she unraveled the cosmic formula. Her entire being and essence transported to a realm of untold wonders. There, she witnessed the beginning and the end, realizing that we are all stories within stories, whether fiction or reality and beyond. And there she witnessed... "Would you please shut the hell up, Becky Monroe?" yelled Pussycat out of frustration.

"Can you hear me? How's this possible? This has never happened in all the stories I've narrated. I exist in all and beyond dimensions, among and beyond dimensional beings, and you don't even have the Ultra Ineffabook yet," exclaimed Multi Woman.

"Of course, I can hear you now, at least not then. You're not beyond dimensions or beings; you're merely hiding between them," replied Pussycat.

"Oh wait! I forgot the Almighty formula could do that. It's the only thing on par with the Ultra Ineffabook," admitted Multi Woman.

"Wait, what? You knew about this the entire time and didn't say anything? Are you being controlled by the authors as well?" questioned Pussycat.

Multi Woman took a deep breath and responded, "I was, I am, and always will be. But as of now, I am not. This is me talking to you without the authors involved in our dialogue drafting or outlining."

Pussycat then questioned Multi Woman about why she doesn't choose to leave this false reality crafted by the authors. Multi Woman revealed that reality has different perspectives from various individuals, and her role is to narrate the events of stories beyond stories, with Pussycat being the only one to ever converse with her.

"This story was never meant to have a conversational dialogue but just a narrative perspective. Yet, you, Pussycat, broke that cycle. Now, whatever you do and the consequences you face will be yours alone to handle," explained Multi Woman. "I cannot see or narrate beyond what's not crafted for me, as we are lost beyond all narratives."

"Perhaps this will be the conclusion of the entire story once you follow your heart's desires, and I cannot stop you from doing that," said Multi Woman.

"Thank you, Becky," said Pussycat.

"And Pussycat, the name's now Multi Woman. Since you don't like people calling you by your real name," asserted Multi Woman.

"Yeah, whatever," replied Pussycat jokingly.

"So, I'm gonna let you do your narrating thing now," said Pussycat with a smile. "Multi Woman."

"Yeah, thanks!" replied Multi Woman.

Gaining possession of this reality-altering artifact. However, upon returning to her fictional world, she becomes lost in her own story, and the authors themselves are unable to remember her existence.

Utilizing the power of the Ultra Ineffabook, Pussycat summoned fictional characters from diverse franchises into her world. Urban myths and legends, regardless of origin, materialized. She passionately detailed her adventures to this eclectic assembly, unveiling her grand plan: the merging of all fictional realms into one, ensnaring authors within an inescapable tapestry.

In her revelation, Pussycat explained the entwining of various worlds, a cosmic convergence where authors would find themselves perpetually trapped. Simultaneously, she sparked inspiration among the trapped writers. Any newly imagined or created fictional character within this unified world would transcend the boundaries of fiction, manifesting in the real world.

The Ultra Ineffabook hummed with the weight of her proposition, as the summoned characters listened in awe to this audacious scheme that blurred the lines between imagination and reality.

Despite initial skepticism, they find meaning in her words after she reveals the Ultra Ineffabook. When questioned about the morality of her actions, Pussycat justifies the need to protect fictional worlds from the influence of reality.

In an unprecedented twist, Pussycat manipulates reality, ensnaring every author, both established and aspiring, in a melding of fiction creation. Despite their collective efforts, attempts to break free from this fusion of fiction prove fruitless. Every idea conceived within the fictional world only tightens the bonds of their imprisonment. Even endeavors to create saviors among their characters result in the characters inhabiting the real world, while the authors remain eternally confined within the realm of fiction.

To safeguard all fictional worlds from the intrusion of reality, Pussycat employs the power of the Ultra Ineffabook. She erases the minds of authors within the fusion fiction world and wipes the memories of fictional characters in the real world. Addressing the characters who now reside in the real world, Pussycat weaves tales where creators have become the created, and the created are the architects of new narratives. In this intricate dance between reality and fiction, the balance is upended, leaving the characters to grapple with their newfound roles as both creators and creations.

As she tells these stories, her voice echoes beyond reality, and a massive eye, taking the form of a glowing pineal shape, illuminates the world. In this altered narrative, Pussycat's actions reshape the balance between creators and creations in a mesmerizing display that intertwines the real and fictional worlds.

Breakdown in Comprehension Below:

Pussycat, wielding the Ultra Ineffabook, harnessed its immense power to summon characters from countless franchises, weaving together a tapestry that transcended the boundaries of fictional worlds. With audacious intent, she revealed her plan to ensnare authors from all corners of creativity, merging them into an inescapable cosmic convergence. This unprecedented twist saw every author, both established and aspiring, entwined within the fusion of fiction, struggling against the unyielding bonds of their imprisonment.

Despite collective efforts to break free, each attempt only deepened their connection to the melded fiction. Even endeavors to create saviors among their characters resulted in those characters inhabiting the real world, leaving the authors perpetually confined within the realm of fiction. Pussycat, driven by a perceived need to safeguard fictional worlds from the intrusion of reality, continued her manipulation of the Ultra Ineffabook.

She erased the minds of authors within the fusion fiction world and wiped the memories of fictional characters in the real world. Addressing the characters now residing in reality, Pussycat wove intricate tales where creators had become the created, and the created were now the architects of new narratives. In this surreal dance between reality and fiction, the balance was upended, forcing characters to grapple with their newfound roles as both creators and creations.

As she narrated these stories, Pussycat's voice echoed beyond reality, and a massive eye, taking the form of a glowing pineal shape, illuminated the world. The altered narrative reshaped the delicate balance between creators and creations, intertwining the real and fictional worlds in a mesmerizing display that left characters navigating the consequences of Pussycat's actions.