You cannot escape Me

Waking up early Kendra packed somethings for the gathering today, she threw some candy bars and rushed downstairs

" Morning Dad, Stacy, Evelyn" Kendra greeted as she came down, Stacy greeted back with a smile while Evelyn just gave a stiff smile

"where are you rushing to this morning " Jack asked seeing his daughter with a bag

" To Theodore's " Kendra said as she walked into the kitchen to grab a water bottle

" Hmm remember the gathering is this evening " Jack reminding her

" About that ermm... Dad I won't be going with you guys I will go with Theodore and the rest" Kendra said

" WHAT" Evelyn asked shocked

" What do you mean by that, why won't you be coming with us" Jack asked

" Probably is because she coming with Gustavo" Stacy said in a teasing tone

" Because of a guy you won't be following us to the gathering" Evelyn asked bewildered

" Ha, that Iceblock isn't the reason I am not following you guys besides shouldn't you be elated, now you have all the opportunity to show off Stacy" Kendra snapped at Evelyn

" You..."

" Okay Kendra you can come with whoever you want" Jack cut off Evelyn before she could finish

" Thank you Dad" Kendra pecked Jack on the cheek before giving Evelyn a smug look

" Well I gotta get going " Kendra said rushing out

" Hold up won't you eat breakfast first" Stacy called back

" I will at Theodore's" Kendra said and rushed out


Damion Settled down with Theodore and Ned to have breakfast just in time for someone to ring the door bell

" Who could be at the door at this time of the day" Theodore asked as Ned walked towards the door only to Return back with Kendra

" Hello guys do you mind if I had breakfast with you guys" Kendra said grabbing a seat at the table

" Well you've already sat down" Ned said getting an extra plate for her

" Kendra my dear, it seems that you can't bear to part with us for such a long time don't worry we will always accommodate you" Theodore spoke in a teasing tone

" You Shut up, I came here so I would follow you guys to the gathering at once" Kendra said while glancing at Damion who was fully emersed with his food

" Huh ? you're not going with your family" Ned asked

" Nope so enjoy the privilege of going with me" Kendra spoke playfully

" Oh my your royal highness as granted us her presence what ever shall we do Gustavo" Theodore spoke mockingly

" I really don't care if you are staying with us to the gathering however I plan on going shopping first" Damion said as he raised his head

" Shopping for what, I don't think you lack anything for now" Theodore spoke surprised

" It's something else " Damion faced his food showing no intension to continue

Kendra gave Theodore a smile glad on recent predicament knowing Theo his curiosity is going to get the better part of him

" Ohh and am taking the car with me" Damion said standing

" WHAT" Theodore asked almost choking on his water

" I got a license yesterday so I can legally drive" Damion said

" How did you get it, did you threaten the instructor" Theodore asked fearfully

" Theo why are you overreacting, isn't it just a license" Ned asked pushing up his glasses

" It isn't just a license, am not ready for to go to court regarding a murder caused by reckless driving" Theodore said remembering how Damion complained he was slow when infact he was already past the speed limit

Damion ignored him and kept the dishes while Kendra stood and sat on the couch before facing Ned

" Ermm... can I get a place to keep my bag" Kendra said

Ned stiffened and looked towards Damion seeing he didn't say anything and still remained in the kitchen

" Sure follow me"

Ned said standing up and going upstairs, obviously Kendra noticed his stiff attitude but didn't say anything about it she was an imposed guest, it's already nice she wasn't kicked out but what baffled her was Ned turned to Gustavo and not Theodore

The got up and Ned showed her a room close to his

" Thanks, there sure is a lot of rooms here, those Theodore have much guest on a regular basis" Kendra asked

" No, Kendra can I ask you something" Ned asked her

" Sure" Kendra said still admiring the up house

" I know you can be adventurous but please do not go into the room at the end of the hallway" Ned said

" Why? is it Theo's room" Kendra asked

" No it's Gustavo, don't enter it okay" Ned asked with Pleading eyes

" Okay I promise not to enter Iceblock room" Kendra said as she entered the room


Watching Kendra go upstairs with Ned, Damion couldn't care less about Kendra or Ned

Today before the gathering he decided to do some field work on MF previous products, he would be going to the stores around the vicinity and see if he can find the products and probably what others do to thrive

After ignoring Theodore's relentless questions he got into the car and drove to different stores checking out their products however he has gone to like 5 stores from his house and still hasn't seen a single product

" This is worse than I thought" Damion as he drove out from yet another store

He took another turn and drove to another store, he got down and walked towards the store, on getting close he realized it's one of those handle less doors

Pausing for a moment he tried to remember how they opened, he has only seen such in pictures, he was hardly allowed to watch movies he decided to ask Google

" What the..." Damion groaned in frustration

The video didn't show him anything aside for the people stepping on the floor close to the door.

He waited for a while to see if someone was going to go in but no one came, sighing to himself he walked towards the door just in the time, the door opened

" So that's how it works" Damion sighed and walked into the store

He immediately drew the attention of the ladies inside, he walked towards the cosmetics section, finding MF products, he immediately picked it up

" He is so handsome"

" Is he picking up Makeup for his girlfriend"

" She's so lucky"

" Why is he over there, those cosmetics are horrible"

Damion ignored those words and picked up another brand noting the difference he kept the other brand and walked to the accessories stand

Just as was about to pick a MF bag a fair slender hand picked it before him, ignoring the hand he turned to pick another one only to find out that was the last one

Turning towards the owner of the hand, he met a young lady around 16yrs old, she had bright fair skin with black inky hair and a pair of clear light brown irises sadly such beauty was incased with a cold look on her face

" Can I see the bag in hand" Damion asked politely

She glanced at him for a moment before handing it to him, he nodded in appreciation and picked another brand to examine both

He eventually returned the bag and went to the counter to pay the cosmetic he took earlier, though he wondered why the young teen wanted the bag he didn't put much thought into it and walked out of the store

The girl stared at him till he left the store before looking back at the bag...


Back in the Fishers Mansion, Charles held a cigarette in his hand as he looked out of the window, another man in black suit stood at the side with a tablet in his hand holding an indifferent look

" Evening is fast approaching sir" The man said

" Yeah, Cain I though I told father we can smoke him out. I don't think it's totally impossible for a guy to just disappear, I want you to check out everyone that Max was close to" Charles ordered

Cain nodded and left, Charles puffed out a smoke

" Damion you cannot escape me"