Don't provoke me

20 Minutes Earlier

Damion wore a bored expression on his face as he listened to the host call out the nominees for the awards, he couldn't really understand how this gave joy to his fellow youths 

Bedside him Theo and Kendra seemed to be discussing on the top ten hottest youths, Jenny didn't seem to care while Ned listened attentively. Looking at them Damion slowly slipped away and moved towards the balcony.

The night sky was not too bright as the stars weren't much and the moon barely came out however the breeze that blew was refreshing. Memories of how Max would show him videos of the night sky slowly flashed through his mind including the night he died, taking a deep breathe Damion pushed those memories to the back of his head.

Walking further he leaned on the railing of the balcony and watched the Adults gathering from there, he studied the bloods below imprinting them into his mind for co operations. His meeting with the old man today got him thinking, to get the connections he needed won't come from just a sweet tongue, he has to show his worth first. His company MF was going to be his foundation, there is a long way for him to go hence there is no point rushing it.

He moved his gaze over to Charles who seemed to be really endowed with grief, with his acting skills, he would definitely beat all who dared to challenge him in the industry. Nicole also seemed to be in grief only her own was more genuine, Max always told him someone gave him tips on how to raise him, after he is done with the whole revenge thing, he was going to make it up to her


Damion groaned and grabbed the left side of his chest as a sharp pain stung across his heart, his breathing suddenly became hard, heavy and painfull. His Heart started beating so fast he could almost hear the beats, he could feel his conscience almost fading>

'No' Damion tried to calm himself, he couldn't faint here, this is a gathering with the families hosted by the fishers to save face the would surely test him and find out there is something wrong with is heart, worse they could test his blood then it would be game over. He leaned his back towards the railing and reached his head into his suit to get his drugs but got nothing. Then he remembered that Theodore was with is drugs he tried to call out to him but heart stung even more.

Damion slowly used his phone to dial Theo

"Dude where are you, and why are you using your phone to call were in the same building" Theo spoke immediately he picked the call

"Babaalcoonyy comee now" Damion stuttered weakly

"Shit, am coming" Theo replied and ran off to the balcony alarming the rest

Damion cut the call and leaned on the railing for support, he did not understand why is heart will act up now, for the few days he haven't had any attack and when it comes it usually mild but this one was heavy, he felt very weak but held on no matter what he couldn't faint here. 

"Damion what happened" Theo rushed towards him trying support him

"Don't, my drugs" He stopped Theo action as it would cause him more pain

"Okay… shit its in the car" Theo said fumbling through is shirt

"Okay am going to call Ned to take you to our room let me get yours" Theo spoke to a fainting Damion

"Huurry" Damion forced out

Theo rushed out with speed towards his car, Damion shut his eyes and leaned on the rail, he took deep breaths constantly. He slowly bent his head as he heard footsteps thinking the steps belonged to Ned he was quite relieved, even if he was going to lose consciousness it won't be in front of these bloods

"Well would you look at that" 

Damion frowned as the voice didn't belong to Ned instead it was that Ned guy, he painfully opened his eyes and coolly looked at him

"Can I help you with something" Damion asked impatiently 

"I would watch my tongue if I were you, Theo isn't here to stand up for you neither is Kendra and oh Ned is much of my match" Andrew said as he slowly stalked Damion

"Again what do you want" Damion asked

"Am going to make you regret disrespecting me" Andrew spat with a malicious look on his face

Seeing he was beyond reasoning Damion disregarded him and closed his eyes

"Seeing the pale look on your face you must probably be regretting it" Andrew said looking at Damion pale skin yet Damion blatantly ignored him

Andrew smirked thinking that Damion was acting tough and started to comfort himself with images of Damion groaning, Just as he was about to reach him Ned rushed in with speed and stood in front of him blocking Andrew from Damion

"Get away from him Andrew" Ned spoke staring intently at Andrew

Andrew was actually stunned because tis was the first time actually stood up to him then again looking at Ned statue was just too hilarious 

"Hahahahahaah" Andrew laughed clutched is stomach and laughed hard

"Gustavo are you alright" Ned asked Damion ignoring Andrew despite the growing fear and panic from the laughter

Damion nodded weakly while trying to balance himself on the railing

"Ned get out from my way, else I will hit you horribly despite were at a gathering" Andrew threatened viciously 

However Ned stubbornly stood straight without moving out of the way

"After acting all big and mighty you can only hide a pitiful fellow like Ned" Andrew mocked Damion

Hearing that Damion looked up to see Andrew grab Ned and flung him by the side and then


Andrew punched him on the stomach just causing him to lose his bearing and tumble over the railing, he heard screams as felt his body turn lighter as he fell backwards



He heard a ringing sound in his head as his body fell on the floor, shortly he felt hands on his body but was too disoriented to react, he tried to remember what was going as he felt his head slowly coming back to him. Calming down he felt a stinging pain at the back of his head as someone tried to raise his head

"No Theo he is bleeding" He heard Ned's Voice

'Am bleeding sigh' Damion said to himself as he tried to get up

"No stay help is coming" he heard Kendra voice yet he still slowly stand up as Ned supported him

"we have to get out of here everyone is staring" Ned whispered into his ears

It was then Damion realized he fell by the side of the garden were the Adults were, feeling his blood roll down his neck, he tugged his hand inside suit and took out his napkin and placed it where the blood is and started to walk towards the exit disregarding the stares, Ned and Kendra followed him out leaving their parents confused, Jenny looked at Damion wit a strange look in her eyes, she definitely heard Ned Whisper but why didn't the want to stay for treatment

Theo rushed towards them and supported Damion from the other side while Ned took they other side just as they were about to properly step out, Charles rushed towards them with a box

"Young man you're bleeding the fall, here take Z to stop the bleeding" He said handing the drug to Damion

Charles had been thinking of a way to advertise the drug properly like this and an opportunity came up of course he would take it up, seeing this drug would definitely run in millions no one would resist it. In fact it wasn't just him every one else was shocked when they heard Charles was giving out the drug out for free to a non blood for that matter, they all felt good fortune had fallen on his way. However Reginald on seeing who was actually hurt smiled waiting for the show that was about to play out

Damion stared at the drug outstretched to him as a parasite, Charles was actually offering him Z to intake, Z was one of the main reason he is currently suffering an attack from the heart. Ned and Theo faces didn't look good either, they knew the history behind Z and Damion hate for the drug. Damion slowly moved away from their support despite their displeasure, with one hand holding napkin placed on the injury

"Thank you but I don't want it" Damion said stunning everyone present he just rejected a million dollar drug, did he think opportunities like this grew on trees

Nicole and Jason attempted to moved towards Charles but Theo signaled them with his eyes to stop

Charles was stupefied, was this kid an idiot why did he reject the drug, the look in his eyes even shocked Charles even more

"Sure you're bleeding just take it " Charles attemped to force it on him but Damion codly rejected him

Damion just couldn't take it, he knew if he just took it and left the problem would be solved but he couldn't bring himself to do it, Max died because of this drug, he livewd his whole live in a basement because of this drug yet the wanted him to take it 

"Why don't you want it" Charles asked in a shocked tone

"I don't need a reason to not want it" Damion boldy faced Charles to the disbelief of everyone around

"Kid don't tempt me" Charles said with a dangerous tone however Damion remained unfazed, Charles got angry that a simp like Damion was tempting him he, Cain on sensing his rage attempted to come and force Damion however someone else came to is rescue 

"Charles my boy he doesn't want it let him be" Reginald had a surprisingly loud voice as he spoke from were he sat

"Okay, since you don't want the drug let us treat your injury" Charles seethed as he spoke heeding to his grandfather's voice

"No thank I will be fine" Damion said slowly and maneuvered his way round Charles standing in front of him, Theo and Ned were as shocked as they rest though the were mentally prepared for Damion response but like this didn't really go through their mind

Just ten Andrew rushed down and blocked Damion's way, he had witnessed the exchange between his elder cousin and Damion and was even more angry than before, how dare he reject his cousin good faith and make him lose face

"How dare…" 




Before Andrew could challenge Damion right in front of everyone Damion used his free hand to grab him and choke him hard before giving him a head butt

"Urghh" Andrew grunted painfully and tried to stabilize himself 


Damion wasn't merciful enough to give him that opportunity, with his hand still grabbing his neck he smashed the side of Andrew face on the pavement

"Don't you dare touch me or Ned again or I will use my both hands on you" Damion said coldy snapping the onlookers out of shock

Security came rushing to separate Damion from Andrew but Damion had already got up and made his way out of the garden with Ned and Theo tagging along, still shaken Kendra took Jenny away after the assured their fathers they were fine.

Medics came and helped Andrew up, Damion hand print was still on his neck

"That bastard" Andrew gritted his teeth harshly while pushing the medics that rushed towards him

Reginald smirked and faced the shocked Patriarchs, Jason seeing how the atmosphere has turned just pulled Nicole away. Jenny father gave the direction Damion went a long look before moving back to the party with James.

Charles was seething inside but managed to keep a calm look, he signaled Cain towards himself

"Find out everything about him, I want it later" Cain nodded at the command and left. In fact it wasn't him most of the bloods had already made move to know who was daring enough to challenge a blood in a gathering, such a person was worth considering. The Cartels were even more interested if they could pull in Damion he could show prospects with that personality of his, however if they knew he was plotting their fall they won't be thinking that way.

Damion left the garden with no single regret, he knew that the encounter he just had would cause a lot of people snooping around his life but he didn't give a damn about it

He got into the hotel suite with Theo and Ned before sitting down gently on the bed

"My drugs" He spoke with a strained voice

"Yes of course" Theo said and gave him the drugs

"You guys don't need to stay with me am sorry for earlier you guys can go back to the party" Damion apologized as he took his drugs

"Are you kidding me, you should not be sorry for anything, Andrew got what was coming for him he thought you were a push over but then BAM you wiped the floor with him. That conniving snake got his due" Theo said

"Yeah, I should be thanking you for earlier too" Ned said pushing up his glasses

"But still after this… sigh is alright. Theo you seem to paint Andrew as a traitor am guessing it has to do something with the two schools right?

"You finally decided to ask well it…."

"I wasn't asking" Damion mercilessly cut him off

"tch you must not be so cold with me" Theo said pouting 

Damion ignored the shameless Theo and got up, he still needed to treat the wound, the blood was clotting but he still needed to treat it as to not get an infection

Theo seemed to have understood what he wanted to do, so he told Ned to watch the room before pulling Damion towards the bathroom, he opened the cabinet behind the sink mirror and brought out a first aid box. Damion watched curiously it never seemed to stop amazing how there was a cabinet behind a sink mirror, he had one at home but he was always careful with it as he didn't want to spoil it tough Theo assured him it was just spoil

"Do hotels have first aid boxes" Damion asked

"No I instructed them to put it in, it's a youth gathering you can never really tell what will happen I tend to be prepared" Theo said as brought out things to treat the wound

"Don't worry I will take care of it" Damion said taking the things from Theo

"Come on don't be stubborn let me help" Theo said

Damion didn't reply but just glanced at Theo, Theo almost jumped on fright and quietly left, as he left he heard Damion murmur "Thank You", he smiled and closed the door