Killing the Root Axolotl and Predicament

Hendrix began to brainstorm on how he could kill the Root Axolotl. As he pondered, he began to walk out of the Citadel.

'Wait, could I shoot needles into the varmint's real body? Maybe it won't be able to get the needles out.' Hendrix thought as he planned to test his theory in person.

Hendrix first headed to his custom vehicle and changed his full body armor to an undamaged one. After this, he ensured all the holes on the straps were filled with needles, and he had two wooden poles.

Once he finished his inspection and confirmed their presence, he turned back and entered the Citadel again. After arriving, his pace quickened as he briskly walked toward where he thought the Root Axolotl was last.

While he looked around, he stayed vigilant as he didn't want to be caught off guard or ambushed.

Hendrix spent many hours looking for a Root Axolotl without any success. Eventually, he threw rocks as far as possible, hoping one would hit it or get its attention.

After doing this action for thirty minutes, his efforts will be fruitful. As a Root Axolotl screeched as its silhouette slowly approached from the distance.

"Huh, it seems I should do that more often.' Hendrix thought as he loaded a needle into his tiny bow, drew it back, and aimed at the Root Axolotls mouth.

The Root Axolotl continued to approach at a slow pace, oblivious to Hendrix's intentions as it raised its head and roared. A needle flew through the air and into it. The needle pierced the back of its throat as blood and sap dripped from the wound.

[You have done three damage]

'It seems that attack is too weak to cause substantial harm alone. Though if one can't, perhaps many attacks can.' Hendrix thought as he pulled off the empty hole part on his strap and put the piece in a pocket.

The Root Axolotl continued to walk towards Hendrix as it looked at him with hunger. It didn't want to close its mouth because it caused significant discomfort and pain.

As this occurred, Hendrix began to shoot needle after needle into the Root Axolotl's mouth from obscure angles as he made sure to keep out of its range and stay away from any water.

Hendrix continued to shoot until he shot fifty needles into the Root Axolotl's mouth. Once this occurred, the Root Axolotl finally noticed something was wrong.

It stopped following Hendrix and began to stare at him with a cautious gaze. It started to realize that it was feeling like it was fuller as blue sap and normal blood continued to drip into its throat.

Hendrix smiled as he grabbed a needle and aimed it at the Root Axolotls' mouth. Once he aimed, he shot it at it.

The Root Axolotl tried to close its mouth but realized it couldn't, as all the wooden needles inside its flesh kept it open a little. The Root Axolotl began to look warily at Hendrix.

Hendrix only smiled as he aimed another needle and shot at its gums between its teeth.

The Root Axolotl tried to close its mouth and shake its head from side to side, hoping this caused Hendrix's shot to miss.

The needle did miss its original target but instead pierced the Root Axolotls' tongue and caused the Root Axolotl to roar in pain. As it looked at Hendrix with fury, it began to walk towards him again.

Hendrix's facial expression stayed the same as he continued shooting more needles. Over time he shot a hundred and twenty-five more needles into its mouth before stopping because his arms were sore.

'This way of fighting is so tiring.' Hendrix thought as he looked at the Root Axolotl.

The Root Axolotl swayed a bit from side to side while blood and sap flowed out of its mouth. As it struggled to stay balanced, it drowned in its blood and sap. It then looked at Hendrix with regret as it fell to the ground and passed on.

[You have killed a Root Symbiotic Axolotl Varmint.]

[You can't earn XP Tribulations.]

[Explorer and Killer Main Tribulation quests grade has risen due to your kill.]

'That was even more tiring than I anticipated.' Hendrix thought as he sat on the ground, trying to catch his breath. He weakly laid down though he was still alert as he rested.

Hendrix rested next to the corpse for a few hours. After resting, he walked around again as he wanted to know the environment.

As he continued to walk, his expression became grim and solemn as he learned a bitter truth. He was on an island, and while there were others, he needed to build bridges to reach them.

'Guide, do you have a map function?' Hendrix thought in hope as he wanted that. Without it, this would be very tedious and arduous to navigate.

[I do not Hendrix, remember I'm not a system.]

Hendrix nodded as he finally thought about something that had bothered him for a while.

'Is having my organs sucked out by the Necromechanical Terror count as eating a part of it?' Hendrix thought hoping he could see its stats.

[Yes, it does, do you want to see its information?]

'I do wish for that. Please proceed.' Hendrix thought while waiting patiently and with curiosity.

[Necromechanical Terror Info

Species: Necrotech

Rarity: Scarlet

Length: 500 feet

Height: 1.5 miles

Level: 0

Stage: N/A

Stats are not available


Annihilation Ray: This horrifying magical skill allows users to shoot two rays of concentrated energy at their opponents. This energy will rip apart many things and cause 200 damage per second.

There is a three-second time limit and a five-second cooldown.

Sound suppression field: This normal skill allows the user to keep all sounds you create suppressed at the source manually.

There is no time limit or cooldown.

Malleable Necrotech Shell: This normal passive skill allows the user to have immense defensive abilities while also being unnaturally agile and dexterous. It will block a hundred thousand damage on its metal shell from outside attacks.

Mechanical Undeath: This normal passive skill allows the user to have all the perks of being undead without the weakness of fire or light affinities and their mutations. You have a minor flaw in bone-melting poisons or acid. Due to the undead part of the user exclusively bones.]

'I guess I used the only possible method to beat it. I doubt any other newly awoken could unless followed my example somehow.' Hendrix thought as he saw how absurd the things skills were.

[You are correct, Hendrix]

Hendrix sighed as he sat down and planned his subsequent actions.