Bone Monarch

Once Hendrix entered the door, a long hallway with a light at the end of it lay before him before he walked through it briskly.

After a few minutes, he reached the end of the hallway and froze, seeing a gargantuan varmint in front of him.

It looked somewhat of a cross between a humpback whale and a gharial. Additionally, a gigantic bony shell covered it while it had no eyes or nose or even traces of them. It had four pillar-like limbs holding up its massive body. While subsequently, three rows of connected thin spiky bony plates lined its mouth in place of teeth.

Hendrix frowned, seeing the opponent he had to face. As he began surveying the room, he entered.

The room was enormous and covered with strange glyphs and cracks. Additionally, many damaged and decrepit pillars held up the ceiling.

'Guide, is this the Monarch.' Hendrix thought while looking around and narrowing his eyes before feeling a chill down his spine, seeing it.

[It is the Monarch, Hendrix. Good luck with your fight.]

Hendrix nodded as he ran towards the Monarch with killing intent. As he did so, the Monarch sensed his movement, turning its head toward his direction. Before the bony shell on its back began to morph, four small tentacle-like bones emerged and detached. These bone tentacles started flying towards Hendrix briskly as the Monarch faced him silently.

Hendrix's eyes narrowed, gazing at the quickly approaching bone tentacles. He promptly pulled out a new wooden pole and took a defensive stance.

The bone tentacles attacked Hendrix with extreme bursts of speed and precision. The first attacked him, aiming at his left side, while the others circled.

Hendrix blocked the first one with his wooden pole horizontally, with the pole point aiming right. However, he was quickly impaled by the other three in his thigh, heart, and head.

'This monarch's power is unreasonable.' Hendrix thought as he spawned back at his save point.

Hendrix killed all the Living bone varmints again over a month before reaching the Monarch's room again. Once he entered, he spent fifty years practicing and refining his technique against the bone tentacles. However, he died an unholy amount of times and had to kill all the living bone varmints every time.

After this, Hendrix walked inside again. Afterward, he pulled out his wooden pole and took a defensive stance. His eyes contracted and narrowed as his muscles tensed up. And he prepared to move at the slightest movement.

The Monarch sensed Hendrix's presence again as it faced him before its back began to morph as the four bone tentacles detached and flew toward him.

Hendrix slowed his breathing rate and focused on the task at hand. He looked at the bone tentacles and followed their movements with his gaze before holding his wooden pole vertically.

Hendrix promptly blocked one aiming for his left elbow by moving the point of his wooden pole towards it. Afterward, blocking three attacks quickly and in the same manner. They sought for his right elbow, left knee, and abdomen, respectively, before he ducked, dodging the fourth attack.

Hendrix briskly walked backward toward the Monarch and quickly blocked seven attacks with his wooden pole pointing toward them. Each aimed at a different organ in his abdomen and fluidly parried them all.

As he continued to block and dodge, he eventually reached the Monarch. When he arrived in front of it, its mouth opened. Subsequently, Hendrix jumped inside with most of the strength he had left.

His action shocked the Monarch, and it didn't close its mouth immediately. And Hendrix landed inside and quickly cut a piece of the gums with a needle, ate it, and slit his throat, restarting and getting the info for the Monarch.

'I am almost finished. I only need to beat this Monarch.' Hendrix thought as he looked around, smiling.

Varmint info.

Species: Bone Monarch Axolotl Varmint

Rarity: Scarlet

Length: 100 feet

Height: 30 feet

Level: 0

Stage: N/A

Stats are not available.


Axolotl Bone Manipulation: This corrupted magical skill allows the user to control up to two hundred bone tentacles in the air within a thousand feet radius.

There is no time limit or cooldown

Axolotl Bone Shell: This is a corrupted passive normal skill that gives the user a permanent shell of bone as hard as a diamond.

Axolotl Rage: This corrupted normal skill will activate when the user's Vigor reaches half capacity or when angered. This skill will give the user a thousand percent speed boost. However, the user will lose all intelligence. This skill won't end until the user kills their opponent(s) or their opponent kills them. There are a few exceptions to this, but they are unknown.

There is a year-long cooldown.

Axolotl Healing: This corrupted passive, normal skill will heal any injuries. Including amputated limbs, organs, or even parts of the brain. All health restores when activated.

It will not heal an injury while an object is in the wound.]

'The Monarch was not even taking me seriously. I'm like a bug to it.' Hendrix thought, sighing as he looked at the info.

Hendrix promptly closed the status and began hysterically laughing, remembering the horrible info about the Bone Monarch Axolotl, before looking at the wall with narrowed eyes as he wondered how to beat this opponent.

He laughed for about five minutes before remembering that the pillars holding up the room were damaged. After the realization, he smiled, planning to defeat the monstrosity.

He killed the bone abominations first, and once he did, he quickly ran back down the stairs and entered the citadel library. Hoping he could finally go to the afterlife after he killed the Monarch.

'I hope my plan works. It will be troublesome if it doesn't.' Hendrix thought as he didn't want to fail. When he started grabbing certain books, he thought they might be helpful in his task.

Hendrix eventually finished what he wanted and left the library with the books while smiling.