Questioning and Kendra's Despair

"Please show me the definition of my achievements." Hendrix asked curiously but lifelessly.

[Obelisk Tenacity(Paradoxical): Your willingness to never give up to achieve your goal, no matter how difficult. You did it for eight millennia.

Citadel Calamity(Paradoxical): You could map out, kill all the Varmints, learn about everything, and destroy the Citadel. While doing so alone and as a typical human being in the first Tribulation. No one can replicate this feat, which is unique to you alone.]

"Alright, may I know my Main and Auxiliary class information?"

[Yes, you can.]

[Auxiliary Class

Scroll Originator:

This class allows you to invent whatever you want, and this class will enable you to use them. Though the drawback is, you can't use anything made by anyone else beyond basic functions. That means you can't use techniques, spells, weapons, armor, relics, etc. You must make everything by yourself and from scratch. But you have no restrictions on what you create and can use everything you make with a hundred percent efficiency. All your first successful armor, weapons, and relics will become soulbound to you. You can bring all this into tribulations.

You also have a newly created protector scroll Entity, Ackalon. Who is bound to your soul.

You can access this class right now.

Main Class

Myth Manifester :

This class gives you access to myth manifestations. The amount of manifestations pertains to how many myth-rated tribulations you complete. Every manifestation will have a separate personality based on your mood when you create your myth. Their personalities can change a bit with time. You can alter or create your manifestations features, like height, hair color, eye color, gender, etc. though they can't get any smaller than you are. The maximum size is six feet for your manifestations. They can be around indefinitely, but they can't upgrade like a skill. Instead, they function like players, and you can name them. They can level up like one and can gain classes, use magic, techniques, etc. The only thing is they can't gain talents. But they can enter tribulations with you if you wish them. All manifestations will grow and become their own unique identities.

You can access this class once you reach a city in the crown world.]

"What's a player?"

[You will learn this information soon. Are there any other questions you have? Since I'll no longer be able to guide you after you return to earth.]

"Why can't you?" Hendrix asked as he was confused about why.

[I'm a guide, not a system. I guide all newly awakened, In their first Tribulations. But I am not allowed to do so after you return. You are on your own when you do, well maybe not due to your talents, but that's beside the point.]

"I see. Is it possible to keep your guidance?" Hendrix asked as he learned about many things he felt he couldn't do anywhere else without being schemed or plotted against by the ones who shared it.

[If you had an Eternal Medallion, you could pay one, so I could permanently guide you. But you used them already.]

"Alright, I understand. Let's see. How do I manually turn on Adrenaline?" Hendrix asked as he felt this was vital due to his constitution stat physiques weakness.

[You need to create your method using trial and error, as you have in the Tribulation. Your class doesn't allow you to use man-made skills or techniques.]

"I understand. How about my lifeforce stat physique? It said I was immortal, and my life force regenerated." Hendrix replied as he wanted to know how that was possible.

[Your Immortality is unique, and nothing can bypass it as it's from an absolute curse. No one can alter Absolute curses in any way except in extraordinary and temporary circumstances. So you are cursed to walk in the land of the living for eternity.]

"I see, but why does my life force regenerate?" Hendrix asked.

[Because yours is lifeforce regenerating immortality. And it's impossible to have an unlimited life force. You will always look the age you do as well.]

"I understand. May I know how realistic will my hallucinations from my unforgettable curse feel?" Hendrix questioned, wanting to prepare the best he could.

[They would be so real they look no different from reality until it ends.]

"Why me?" Hendrix sighed bitterly as he silently cried in his soul in despair as he didn't want to be tormented by Kendra more, even if it was not her.

[Any more questions?]

"Yes, the curse of Majesty. Please tell me how bad that one is." Hendrix asked as he felt he should learn it.

[It will make excellent and bad things happen to you. Bad, like offending someone you shouldn't by accident, or a horrifying varmint wanting to eat you.

It can be good. Like some old fogey giving you an inheritance in front of many people, not caring you can't protect yourself. Or a massive amount of money falling into your possession, but many people saw it, and they wish to take it from you forcefully.]

"Just why?" Hendrix felt he should do whatever he could to give the good items he couldn't protect or hide to someone else.

[Your last curse will make you an enemy of mana. If you are in a place dense with mana, it will cause you to receive more damage and weaken your defense. Magical skills will all do twice the damage as well.]

"Ugh, my future is bleak." Hendrix grunted while sighing bitterly.

[Is there anything else you want to know?]

"No, there is not. Goodbye, Guide."

Hendrix would have left the void and returned to the alternate earth.

Kendra POV

Meanwhile, in another Tribulation, a beautiful and tall Vixen could be seen fighting against a mighty warrior. She was wearing a kimono and had raven black hair and blue eyes, and was well endowed.

"Take that and that!" Kendra yelled while laughing and slashing at the warrior with dangerous velocity.

"You may have won this battle. But not the war." The warrior said as he was decapitated.

You have completed the minimum requirement to finish the Main Tribulation quest.]

[Do you wish to end the Tribulation?]


"Yes, I do. Oh, Hendrix, soon I'll find you.~" Kendra stated while licking her lips before her soul entered a similar empty void.

[You have earned the talent, Punisher]

[You have acquired one curse]

[Forever apart Curse]



Name: Kendra Satire

Title(s): Reincarnated.

Achievement(s): None

Alignment: Evil

Main Class: Punisher

Auxiliary Class: None

Sub Class: 1/2/3/4/5 (All empty)

Talent: Punisher

Species: Human

Affinities: Unknown

Level: 0

Stat bars

Vigor: 5

Mana: 5

Stamina: 5

Soul Power: 5

Mental Power: 5

Adrenaline: 2

Crit Strike Rate: 1%

Crit Strike Damage bonus: 1%

Lifetime: 16/125 years

Normal Stats

Vitality: 1

Constitution: 1

Intelligence: 1

Dexterity: 1

Strength: 1

Agility: 1

Accuracy: 1

Spirit: 1

Magic: 1

Special Stats

Lifeforce: 1

Perception: 1

Presence: 1

Time Perception: 1

Luck: 1

Instinct: 1

Reaction Time: 1

Willpower: 1

Wisdom: 1

Charisma: 1

Enlightenment: 1


Forever apart Curse

Blessings: None

Skills: N/A

Techniques: N/A

Stat Physique: N/A

"Guide, tell me what that forever apart curse is?!" Kendra yelled, very nervous.

[Forever Apart Curse: This curse makes it, so the entire crown world will ensure you never meet Hendrix again. Every attempt you make, the crown world will thwart in one way or another. No matter how hard you try, it will all be for naught.]

"Noooooooooo!" Kendra yelled in her mind regretfully, knowing she'll never see Hendrix again, feeling intense pain in her soul because she still loved him.