Natasha and Discussion

As Hendrix woke up, he turned on his wristlet, and he chose four classes, wilderness survival, medical knowledge, Fitness, and history.

After this, he got ready for the day, doing all he needed to before grabbing one of his canes and walking out while using it. He left his dorm after this. However, he still had trouble unlocking his door.

After finishing his task, he locked it back up before entering the hallway, where Valentina and Allura stopped him.

"Hello, Hendrix, how are you?" Valentina gently asked as she smiled at Hendrix. She also was in her uniform.

"Hey Hendrix, did you have trouble with opening the door?" Allura asked teasingly.

"Hello Valentina, I'm doing well, how about you? Hello to you too, Allura." Hendrix civilly replied while ignoring Allura's teasing remark.

"I'm doing great, Hendrix." Valentina responded. However, she secretly thought Hendrix was lying about his mood, especially after the trauma report from the government agency.

"Hendrix, did you have issues opening the door?" Allura teased, wanting a reaction from him.

"Hendrix, why are you using a cane to walk?" Valentina questioned, very confused and concerned.

"For personal reasons, that is all." Hendrix answered while ignoring Allura's teasing again.

"Can you please be more specific?" Valentina asked, wanting to know precisely why.

"I won't say any more about my reasoning, Valentina." Hendrix stated, shaking his head.

Subsequently walked past his dormmates and entered the common room. Once done, he climbed up and sat in a rocking chair. As Hendrix did this, another girl arrived in the room.

"Hello, I am Natasha. May I know your name?" Natasha asked while tilting her head slightly while peering at Hendrix.

"I'm Hendrix. Nice to meet you, Natasha." Hendrix replied civilly.

Natasha had long blue hair and green and blue eyes and was well endowed. Additionally, she wore blue pajama pants and a shirt.

Natasha POV

'System check Hendrix's status.' Natasha thought, curious about Hendrix's stats.


Name: Hendrix Alford

Title(s): None

Achievement(s): None

Alignment: Good

Main Class: None

Auxiliary Class: None

Subclass: 1/2/3/4//5 (Empty)

Talent: Minimal crit damage boost talent (Crit damage up by 1 percent.)

Species: Human

Affinities: Unknown

Level: 0

Stat bars

Vigor: 5

Mana: 5

Stamina: 5

Soul Power: 5

Mental Power: 5

Adrenaline: 2

Crit Strike Rate: 1%

Crit Strike Damage bonus: 2%

Lifetime: 16/125 years

Normal Stats

Vitality: 1

Constitution: 1

Intelligence: 1

Dexterity: 1

Strength: 1

Agility: 1

Accuracy: 1

Spirit: 1

Magic: 1

Special Stats

Lifeforce: 1

Perception: 1

Presence: 1

Time Perception: 1

Luck: 1

Instinct: 1

Reaction Time: 1

Willpower: 1

Wisdom: 1

Charisma: 1

Enlightenment: 1

Curses: Not Available

Skills: N/A

Techniques: N/A

Stat Physique: Unknown

'He seems to be very weak in his stats.' Natasha thought before looking at Allura's status.


Name: Allura Pyramada

Title(s): None

Achievement(s): None

Alignment: Neutral

Main Class: Flame lord.

Auxiliary Class: None

Subclass: 1/2/3/4/5 (Empty)

Talent: Brimstone Revival

Species: Human

Affinities: Fire and unknown.

Level: 0

Stat bars

Vigor: 5

Mana: 5

Stamina: 5

Soul Power: 5

Mental Power: 5

Adrenaline: 2

Crit Strike Rate: 1%

Crit Strike Damage bonus: 1%

Lifetime: 16/125 years

Normal Stats

Vitality: 1

Constitution: 1

Intelligence: 1

Dexterity: 1

Strength: 1

Agility: 1

Accuracy: 1

Spirit: 1

Magic: 1

Special Stats

Lifeforce: 1

Perception: 1

Presence: 1

Time Perception: 1

Luck: 1

Instinct: 1

Reaction Time: 1

Willpower: 1

Wisdom: 1

Charisma: 1

Enlightenment: 1

Curses: Not available


Flame rebirth: This passive skill allows the user to revive at the Pyramada temple.

There is no cost and a week-long cooldown.


Primitive flame rapier technique: A moderate technique with a fire attribute.

Technique Grade: Cyan

Foundational mastery level: Master(Ten years)

Stat Physique: Unknown

'That skill is potent.' Natasha thought before smiling.

'Yes, I will. Though Hendrix looks cute." Natasha thought while accepting before approaching him.

Hendrix POV

"Hmm? Please don't get too close to me, Natasha. I'm afraid of being close to others and being touched." Hendrix replied while his body began to shiver violently, and his face turned pale.

"Fine, I won't." Natasha replied while sighing before sitting on a couch nearby.

"Let's all talk. We should get to know one another." Valentina proclaimed with a smile and sat on a different couch.

"Fine, though it's only to gain information." Allura responded as she sat down next to Natasha.

"So, would you all like to be friends?" Valentina asked while smiling and tilting her head to the side.

"Sure, why not." Natasha replied, shrugging her shoulders while crossing her legs on the couch.

"Well, I'll be your friend. You better be grateful." Allura said, turning her head to the side.

"Thanks, guys." Valentina replied before looking at Hendrix, awaiting his answer.

"I apologize, but I'll decline, though I appreciate the offer." Hendrix declined civilly, not trusting them one bit. He thought they all were plotting against him to build him up and break him.

"Aww, won't you please reconsider?" Valentina pleaded before holding her hands together.

Allura and Natasha looked at Hendrix in surprise before bitterly smiling, wanting to pick him up and be friends.

"I am very sure." Hendrix stated, adamant as he lay in the rocking chair. He felt so fractured and ancient.

"Fine, though I'm going to keep trying." Valentina replied with determination.

Hendrix tuned out the conversation having no plans to socialize. Before beginning to daydream about what his next moves will be.

"Natasha, Allura, let's try to get the same classes." Valentina suggested with a smile.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that. We all will be In the same classroom all day. The teachers will come to us." Allura replied in a proud tone showing off her extra knowledge. Before looking at Hendrix, who was ignoring them, and pouted a bit before smiling again.

"That's great, though. Will we all have the same classes?" Valentina asked while clenching her fists.

"No, we won't. We leave the classroom if we don't have that class taught in a particular period. However, I plan to have as many classes as possible. Also, there's an hour break between classes." Allura stated, wishing to excel in many classes.

"Let's get Hendrix to join us." Natasha suggested before looking at Hendrix resting.

"Hendrix, come join us. You can sit on my lap if you like." Valentina gently replied, hoping not to trigger his trauma.

"No thanks, please let me be. I wish to stay silent." Hendrix declined while shaking his head.

"Fine, it's not like I want you to anyway." Allura responded, pouting a bit before crossing her arms under her chest.

"If you don't want to, we won't force you." Valentina replied while sighing.

Hendrix got up and picked up his cane.

"Where are you going, Hendrix?" Natasha asked, confused and concerned.

"To my room, goodbye." Hendrix replied civilly before heading back to his room and planning to attend class tomorrow.

Meanwhile, the three girls continued to talk to one another without him until nightfall.