Reuniting with Natasha, Valentina and the rest of the class

Hendrix waited three hours before hearing talking sounds from his right side toward the east. Consequently, he quickly got up and walked over there, leaving the food behind, and once he reached it, he looked down. What he saw shocked him, and he quickly returned to his fire pit and sat down.


Natasha POV

Natasha smiled while looking at all her classmates climbing up the cliffside behind her before continuing her accent. After fifteen minutes, everyone climbed up and sat to catch their breath.

"Natasha, that was a long climb. Do you think Allura and Hendrix made it?" Valentina asked while her ebony hair waved in the wind, and she gazed at her.

"I'm sure that both have. However, how Hendrix made it if he had to climb like we have, I'll never know." Natasha replied while sighing.

"I see. Wait, there's a fire over there." Valentina stated while pointing at it.

"How did we not see that right away?" Nadia stated while scratching her head.

"Perhaps it's because of how tired we are." Valentina replied.

"Let's all see who's there then." Natasha suggested before she approached the fire.

Afterward, Natasha, Valentina, and their classmates all traveled toward the fire, and when they arrived, they stopped in their tracks as their eyes widened.

'Is that Hendrix? Did he wait here for us?' Natasha thought before walking closer to him.

"Hello, everyone. You must be tired. Have some food." Hendrix stated while cutting the three varmints into many pieces.

"Hendrix, are you going to eat any?" Natasha asked while sighing.

"No, I won't. You all should eat." Hendrix stated while shaking his head and cutting the cooked varmints into pieces.

"Are you sure? Besides, if you don't eat, you'll become weak." Valentina questioned while raising her brow.

'Hendrix, what's going on with you? You weren't like this at school.' Natasha thought while frowning.

"It doesn't matter. I'm fine. Go ahead and dig in, you all." Hendrix responded while shaking his head.

Eventually, Valentina and Natasha stopped trying to persuade Hendrix and ate their fill alongside their classmates.

"Valentina, I'm worried that Hendrix's trauma is causing him to become more self-sacrificing. I feel we should keep a close eye on him. I feel he needs comfort." Natasha expressed while taking a bite of the cooked Jerboa varmint meat.

"I am worried too, Natasha, and perhaps one of us should carry him to the Okrian portal. After all, he's probably not doing so well." Valentina added while taking a bite of her portion.

"We should make sure he's alright. I don't care about the rule placed if it harms him." Natasha replied.

"Alright, we'll do that then." Valentina stated before taking another bite.

"Everyone go ahead and enjoy the meals. I'm going to sleep." Hendrix stated before waving farewell and walking a little bit up the path.

Natasha and Valentina looked at each other and nodded before Natasha quickly got up and smiled.

"Hendrix, would you like to sleep in my arms?" Natasha offered while softly smiling and opening her arms.

"No thanks, Natasha, I'm alright. I can sleep on my own." Hendrix civilly replied while shaking his head.

"Are you sure, Hendrix? I promise I'll hold you gently, and you'll be comfy." Natasha added while walking towards Hendrix slowly.

"Thank you for the offer, but I don't need that." Hendrix civilly responded.

Meanwhile, all the bullies in the class stared at Hendrix with narrowed eyes and clenched their fists.

Natasha sighed and arrived in front of Hendrix and quickly picked him up, walked to and sat next to Valentina, placed him on her lap, and wrapped her arms around him gently but firmly.

"L-Let me go!" Hendrix pleaded while shivering violently and squirming but could not break free.

"Shh, it's alright, Hendrix. Valentina and I will watch over you for the remainder of our time here. Just relax and listen to my heartbeat." Natasha cooed before gently hugging his face into her chest.

"I-I-I..." Hendrix started to stutter, fearing for his safety while listening to Natasha's soft but steady heartbeat.

"It's okay, Hendrix. We'll take care of you, and you don't need to walk for the remaining duration of our time here. Just rest and listen to my voice." Natasha whispered before rubbing Hendrix's back softly.

'Hendrix, I won't allow you to suffer anymore. From now on, you're staying with us.' Natasha thought before sighing and kissing Hendrix's forehead.

"Did you just kiss Hendrix?" Nadia asked while her eyes widened.

"Yes. However, I see him as someone who needs protection. I don't like him in the way your thinking." Natasha explained while she cradled Hendrix in her embrace gently, making sure to be as careful as possible not wanting to hurt him.

"Alright, can I hold him too? He seems so adorable in your arms." Nadia asked while getting up and sitting next to Valentina.

"No, I won't allow it. I'm very protective of him." Natasha stated while she began gently moving back and forth, rocking Hendrix.

"Why are you holding him anyway? He's the same age as us. Besides, it's only fair you hold me too if you hold him." One of the other classmates stated while frowning.

Valentina sighed before beckoning the one who spoke towards her.

"Why, thanks." The student stated before sitting on Valentina's lap and laying his head on her chest.

"You can stay here for thirty minutes, but after, you need to get off." Valentina stated while sighing again as she hugged her fellow student from behind.

"You're so lucky, George! Your able to be held by one of the class queens!" One of the other students proclaimed while clenching their fists.

Valentina sighed before smiling again.

"If you want to sit on my lap after George, just tell me, and I'll allow it. My goodness, I spoil you all rotten. What am I going to do with you, George." Valentina stated while hugging him closer and cradling him.

"Valentina, you are too selfless for your own good." Natasha stated while sighing before stopping, no longer hearing Hendrix cry.

And Hendrix silently cried himself to sleep in Natasha's arms and just slept in her embrace.

"Aww, that's adorable." Natasha stated while smiling.

"It indeed is." Valentina agreed while she held the student gently in her arms.

All the students looked at Hendrix and saw him asleep in Natasha's embrace.

"Hendrix is adorable when asleep. If I had a camera, I'd take a picture for a picture frame." Nadia stated while sighing.

"I know." Natasha stated before sighing as well.

Afterward, Natasha, Valentina, and their classmates finished their food and, for the next thirty minutes, just whispered so they didn't wake up Hendrix.

(Hello wonderful readers. Do you like the wholesome parts in the novel? Or are they a nuisance?)