
Hendrix continued searching. However, thick purple clouds started to fly across the horizon. Additionally, large lightning bolts sounded from them.

"Hendrix, it's going to snow soon. We should find a place to stay inside for the duration." Priya suggested while looking at the sky.

"I'm trying to find a good place to stay. However, my efforts so far are fruitless." Hendrix replied while sighing, feeling scared of not being allowed to die if his body freezes and being in constant pain.

"Let's make our own. You have experience constructing a large place to live from your tribulation, right?" Priya asked.

"Yes, I do. However, that requires years or even decades of effort and many materials that don't exist in our immediate surroundings." Hendrix stated.

"Maybe we can place some rocks beside a tree and put branches on top weighed down by more rocks. Perhaps that will keep out most of the snow?" Priya brainstormed.

"We don't know the weather of this place well enough. If it's too violent, then we'd be crushed. However, if we don't find a cave in thirty minutes, we'll try that." Hendrix compromised.

"Alright." Priya stated, accepting the idea.

For the next twenty minutes, the duo searched and found nothing. However, their efforts proved fruitful as they stumbled upon a small cave.

"I'll shoot some needles inside to see if anything will come out of the cave." Hendrix stated before following through and shooting two into the cave.

After five minutes of waiting, nothing came out. Hendrix started grabbing all the branches and sticks around to use for firewood.

"Hendrix, are you tired?" Priya asked.

"Yes, I should have slept three hours ago. I mean, I'm supposed to sleep every three hours." Hendrix replied before wheezing and coughing as he collected branches and swayed.

Priya sighed before picking up Hendrix off the ground and setting him in the cave.

"I said I'll take care of you, so rest here while I grab the firewood. Even though I'm injured, you can barely stand. You did intense activities all day." Priya expressed while patting Hendrix's head.

"Okay, but I'll still light the fire." Hendrix replied while sighing.

"I understand. Now relax. I'll be back soon." Priya stated before leaving the area.

'Why is she adamant about taking care of me?' Hendrix thought.

Ackalon's scroll form appeared and floated around Hendrix.

{Because she doesn't want you to suffer anymore, neither does Sativa nor I. You suffered enough in your past life, your tribulation, your combat assessment, and fighting against Sativa's old body! Please relax.}

'I can't. I'm in constant danger.' Hendrix thought.


After about ten minutes, Priya came back with a large number of branches and sticks and brought them inside the cave. However, she quickly left again to find more firewood.

After thirty minutes, she arrived three more times, two of which she got firewood, and the last one, she brought back a large rock that could block part of the entrance to the cave.

"Priya, we won't see anything if we block off the entrance or if you partially block it with that rock, and the snow covers the rest of the opening." Hendrix stated while raising his brow.

"My eyes glow in the darkness, Hendrix. So don't worry about it. However, I'll leave some holes so new air can enter, and the smoke can leave." Priya stated before entering and blocking part of the opening with the rock.

"Alright." Hendrix stated.

Afterward, the two placed some of the sticks into a circle, and Hendrix used two rocks to light it. The new light revealed the rest of the cave. However, it was disappointing as it wasn't much more extensive than what was visible outside.

"Maybe we should sleep separately." Hendrix suggested.

Priya pondered on Hendrix's idea for a bit. However, she kept getting images of Hendrix freezing and crying in her mind no matter what.

"No, Hendrix, I'll hold you while we sleep. Now come here and take off your armor. I'll keep you warm our entire stay in this realm." Priya gently stated while lying on her back and using the hood in her coat as a pillow.

Hendrix hesitated for a few seconds before finally accepting it and willing his Tlyacuv and both Chixilub to disappear. Afterward, Hendrix walked to her weakly before falling beside her, completely out of breath and coughing violently.

"Shh, I got you." Priya cooed before opening up her coat, picking up Hendrix, and laying his face on her chest before buttoning the coat around him and wrapping her arms around him.

Hendrix's eyes widened, realizing the lengths Priya was going to keep himself warm and comfy.

"That's it, Hendrix. Relax, and let me take care of you." Priya expressed while beginning to rub his back through the coat gently.

"Priya, can I ask some questions?" Hendrix questioned.

"Sure, what do you need?" Priya countered while continuing to rub Hendrix's back.

"Can you hold me closer? I'm getting cold." Hendrix asked.

"Of course, Hendrix." Priya replied while holding Hendrix even closer.

Meanwhile, outside, the clouds covered the fractured moon, and a blizzard began while thunder flashed. Beyond the cave entrance, the surroundings weren't visible.

Hendrix froze up. However, Priya quickly kissed his forehead and held him even closer in a protective manner.

"It's okay. I'm here. I'm here." Priya comforted while she began to hum a gentle tune.

'I feel so comfy, warm, and safe here despite our harrowing situation.' Hendrix thought before listening to Priya's gentle and comforting heartbeats alongside her humming.

"Hendrix, are you alright? Are you warm enough?" Priya asked while looking down at him as he lay on her chest.

"Yes, I am Priya. Thank you so much." Hendrix replied while tears of joy began forming in his eyes.

"Good, that's very good, Hendrix. Now listen to my heartbeat, the blizzard sounds, and my humming. Let them soothe you into slumber." Priya expressed.

Hendrix nodded and slowly began to close his eyes, having complete trust In Priya, and fell asleep.

"Ackalon, I hope you and Sativa can come out soon. Then all of us can take care of Hendrix together. Perhaps we could ensure he doesn't have to fight close range again." Priya stated.

{One day in the future, perhaps. However, for now, you have the privilege of protecting and cradling Hendrix.}

Priya nodded as she cradled Hendrix while beginning to rock back and forth gently.

{This is so adorable. I can't wait to do so out there too.}

(How does everyone like the novel so far? What's your favorite part?)