We can make this work

Natsuo couldn't help but let out a stiff laugh at his absurd suggestion. He would never have expected to hear those words from the little ghost's mouth, not even as a joke.

"I am serious. You can figure things out and get everything in order. Money isn't a problem and I have extra guestrooms," Jiro assured with a slight smile.

Natsuo was aware of the gnawing hunger in his stomach that had been there for days, but a voice inside his head told him to give in to his suffering and never take advantage of the other person's kindness. He knew he had done nothing to earn his forgiveness, so he remained still, powerless to accept the help that had been offered to him.

"You might still be in danger here. Maybe I won't be able to help you if they beat you again and take you back to my oyassan," Jiro explained as he shook his head.

Natsuo's drained mind was swamped with conflicting emotions, from shock to gratitude, to even fear. He didn't expect to see so much compassion from the individual he had wronged years ago.

On the other hand, he wanted to take the offer - the thought of living in his millionaire penthouse was too tempting, but he was also scared of the unknown, of the risks and dangers that could come with it.

Natsuo could feel his heart thumping in his chest as strong feelings boiled inside him. His eyes were timid as he glanced up at the man who was presenting such a proposal, searching his face for any hint of deception.

"Do you want to bury her? Maybe we can discuss this after that?" Jiro asked softly, observing the emotional turmoil the other was going through.

Natsuo nodded, squeezing the cat tightly into his arms - there was nothing he was more certain of. He had failed her in life, but he wouldn't fail her in death.

(Later that day)

"Are you okay in there?"

Natsuo opened his eyes after nearly falling asleep during his bath and quickly covered himself, fearing Jiro would come into the room. The warm water and scented bubbles had lulled him into a slumber when his aching muscles finally relaxed. Before that, he had been scrubbing and washing himself over and over, thinking that it could be the last time he would ever be able to enjoy such a privilege.

"Y-yes," he replied, his voice faint and raspy as he cleared his throat.

"I thought you might have hit your head or something so I wanted to check," Jiro continued, barely visible behind the frosted glass door.

"I'm just fine," Natsuo stammered, thankful for the bathroom's privacy as he stumbled over his words.

"I will leave some clothes here. You can use whatever is there."


"And I will make some dinner. Do you have any allergies?"


"Is there anything you need right now?"

"I'm fine..."

Natsuo closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh as he heard the steps disappear. He slowly sank into the soothing water, allowing the sudden tension in his body to dissolve into the sweet smell of bubbles.

His mind was still reeling from everything that had happened that day. He had never experienced so much before.

Jiro had offered to pay for the cat's cremation, so they took her to the first animal cemetery they found. The exhausted young man was in an agonizing state of mind, barely able to stand as he watched them take his beloved companion away - the only one he had ever trusted to have his best interests at heart.

His composure had held up until that point, but after that, Natsuo's legs almost failed him. He agreed to go with Jiro and get some rest during his weakest moment. He had followed the yakuza to his apartment, where he was able to take the warm bath he hadn't had in ages.

Natsuo considered the pros and cons of living with his bullied classmate. He was being given shelter and food, but he could also enjoy amenities such as a comfortable bed, hot shower, and clean clothes - necessities he no longer took for granted.

It was not all pros, however. He was receiving that kind of care and support from the person he had tormented, from the one that still somehow managed to make his heart race in an uncomfortable way.

His blue eyes glanced at the lavish bathroom decorated with marble floors, gold fixtures, and abstract artwork. With a panoramic view of the city skyline and the dark night sky, the scenery was absolutely beautiful.

It was the first time he had experienced anything so luxurious. He twitched and pinched himself - was all that really happening to him?

(A while later)

Natsuo walked a bit shyly to the kitchen, dressed in clothing from Jiro that hung loosely on his thin, underweight frame. The material was so different from the old clothes he had been used to wearing - the fabric was light and airy, like a soft embrace against his skin. He could smell a hint of their owner's earthy cologne on the textile, causing Natsuo's chest to stir again with a strange mix of emotions.

It was the first time he had seen Jiro with a shirt that displayed his tattoos of dragons and demons, with the dark clouds swirling around them like a raging storm. Natsuo tried to look away from him, but his eyes kept being drawn back to the detailed designs that covered the yakuza's arms.

"You know, I can give you a tour after dinner if you like," his former classmate said with a smile on his face.

"I can see them from here," Natsuo mumbled, not wanting to admit that he was captivated by the tattoos.

For a moment, Jiro's gentle laugh filled the penthouse's awkward atmosphere and his eyes crinkled with amusement.

"I meant the house, but I can show you my arms as well," he said, gesturing toward the bulge in his biceps as he flexed them slightly. The red eastern dragon seemed to come alive, opening its mouth in a silent roar and extending its claws as if ready to attack.

Natsuo's face heated in an instant. He wished the ground would swallow him whole as his cheeks burned with embarrassment.

"Uh, yeah, right…"

Jiro smiled and placed the cooked rice on the glass table among the other dishes he had prepared, including steamed vegetables, grilled fish, and pickled fruits. Natsuo hadn't seen that much food in one place for a long time, causing his taste buds to tingle.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked hesitantly, the offer to live with the other man still playing over in his head.

"Sure. I'm confident we can make this work. We can just take it a day at a time and figure out the rest as we go," Jiro said, giving him a reassuring look.

Natsuo's fists clenched as he let his words stew in his mind, the blend of fear and anxiety still deeply coursing through his veins, afraid of what would happen if things didn't work out - but after a moment, he let his hands relax as he took a timid step closer, sealing his fate with a small nod.