Stop me whenever you want (NSFW)

The darkness in the air was oppressive and overpowering, swallowing up any light that tried to penetrate it. The sheets were slippery against the young man's bare back as he moved restlessly on the bed, trying to contain his emotions.

There was a deep, strong energy inside him that throbbed, coursing through his veins as if it had taken on a life of its own. His entire existence seemed to be alive with a fire that was both hot and consuming, emanating from his very core.

He could see a silhouette above him, a man with sculpted features and chiseled physique, with colorful tattoos covering his skin. The pair of brown eyes seemed to pierce through his soul, like they were ready to devour him with a single glance.

Something inside him urged him to surrender and succumb to the person, so the hunger that had stirred within him for so long would be satisfied.

"All you have to do is ask," the deep voice whispered.

He felt something hard and firm pressing against his naked, inner thigh. His breath hitched as a rush of strange sensation surged through his body, numbing and melting his nerves - it was so foreign and unfamiliar, but it made him long for more.

He searched for the other's mouth, exploring with his tongue and tasting the sweet nectar hidden in the man's saliva. His lips opened with a moan as the strong hand slid down on his frame, examining every part of him and claiming it as his own.

"Please, just... in there... I want you to... inside..."

His insides cried out to be connected in the most intimate way. His muscles trembled as his mind begged for the man to feed him with his fluids, nourishing him and quenching the thirst that had been brewing inside him.

He spread his legs wider, allowing the man to settle himself between them. His private hole, the place that he never expected anyone to see, was so wet that he could feel the moisture dripping down.

"Ah... please... just do it..."

His stomach churned as his heart beat wildly within his chest. He knew that the second the other male filled him, he would be overwhelmed with something that would make him see stars.

"I want to hear you scream," the man whispered, his voice growling with desire. He tightened his hands around the slender figure and entered him with a powerful thrust, pushing deep into the tight wetness.

Natsuo awoke startled, his shirt covered in a thin sheen of sweat. He looked around the familiar bedroom, observing the black walls and sleek modern furniture decorating it.

"Are you okay? Did you have a nightmare?" his roommate asked, his sleepy voice cutting through his thoughts.

But all Natsuo could concentrate on was the feeling that still lingered between his legs, the insatiable craving for something he could not name or comprehend. Jiro moved in closer, but the teal-haired man flinched away, taking a deep breath as he tried to suppress the strange tremors within him.

"Don't worry... just go back to sleep..." Natsuo mumbled as he quickly wrapped the duvet around himself, hiding the state that had arisen for the first time in his life. His cheeks flamed as embarrassment burned from his core.

"What is it? I can tell something bothers you."

Natsuo's legs were becoming increasingly tingly as he felt the sensation grow. The man's deep tone and exposed chest only exacerbated the situation he was struggling with.

He threw off his sheets and rushed out of bed, scrambling to the furthest bathroom in the penthouse. The door slammed shut behind him and he slumped against it.

The half-lidded blue eyes glanced towards the ceiling and focused on the intricate pattern of the stuccoed walls as he tried to ignore the weeping emanating from his lower half. It was tempting to touch his flesh down there, but he was too nervous to reach out and do so, feeling as if his desires would be judged by someone if he dared to indulge in such an act.

He jumped at the sound of the door opening, making his his heart pound almost painfully as he turned to see the other man.

"What is it? Talk to me," Jiro asked, wearing nothing but underwear.

Natsuo gulped as he noticed how the man's defined chest and waist tapered into a distinct 'V' shape, looking almost like an arrow pointing towards the forbidden area that called out to him. His eyes trailed down the man's torso, resting on the prominent veins that bulged from the crotch area.

He tried to tuck the sweatshirt over his threatening growth, hoping to hide the affliction he was in. He could feel the tingling within him get even worse so he gnawed on his lip to distract himself from the overwhelming sensation.

"Don't look... I can't help it, it's just... so embarrassing..." he murmured in a faint voice.

A look of understanding crossed Jiro's features as he realized what was happening with his housemate. He smiled warmly at him and pulled him into a hug, making Natsuo stiffen even more.

"It's okay. You don't have to be ashamed. It's natural," he said softly.

Natsuo tightly shut his eyes as he was consumed by a strong impulse, almost as if something commanded him to lick the defined nipples and taste the flavor of the skin against his cheek - besides the scent of smoke, he was also smelling of something sweet, almost vanilla-like.

"Do you want me to take care of that?" the man whispered into his ear.

Natsuo breathed in deeply as the other one's hand reached down to his waist, delicately caressing the area with light, feather-like touches.

His jaw clenched as he fought to hold back the moan that was about to escape. He became aware of how the second man was getting agitated alongside him when the bloated part of his body pressed against him.

"You can stop me whenever you want," Jiro muttered huskily as his palm roamed on his friend's thigh - only a thin layer of fabric separated his fingers from the heated area beneath. His lips brushed against the younger man's neck, nipping and licking, causing Natsuo to arch his back.

He wanted to tell him to stop because he was humiliated by his own reactions, but his body refused to listen to his mind. He let out a soft exhale as the thumb softly traced his awakening shape.


The man's wandering hand retreated immediately.

"I'm sorry, I got carried away. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," Jiro apologized with a shameful look.

"It's just..."

Natsuo swallowed and placed his slightly trembling hand on the other man's hip, tracing the contour of the pants that concealed Jiro's own arousal. He looked up and his gaze met the pale brown eyes.

"Do you want that... handled as well?"