Chapter 6

Their blades locked, these untamed dragons who's thirst for war could never be pacified, this was their way - supreme domination - it was the only way they knew to guarantee their growth, they could survive, infact they throve, so what mattered to them now was expanding their rule, expanding it over realms and becoming the supremos of their age.

Hills of flames rose as ranks of battleships and battlecarpets were taken down by halos and orbs. This was what their existence meant, fighting to win and rule, to them there just was no other way.

His being was a slithering streak of lightning as he forged his path through ranks of soldiers, battleships, battlecarpets and cosmic beasts, he was undaunted by their numbers as this was what he had been trained to do right from childhood, to kill, for the glory of the race and the empire. They were just mites to be crushed, nothing more. Swirling around his sword tore its way through the neck of a soldier, leaving him dropping dead to the ground. His being frayed through the distance, as there was more, he had to battle more.

Leaping from the edge of that battlecarpet, he landed on a battleboard, sword flaring and eyes blazing, he slashed his way through the roaring ranks of cosmic beasts, slashing and stabbing, he left them howling as they died, burning to ash in the rage of his flames. Pushing his way forward, he unleashed that halo from his palm and like a mighty lance, it burnt through the distance, destroying anything that stood in its and in one final fit of rage it exploded in a colossal ball of flames, but he rose in the glory of it all, rage and thirsting for more.

That burning meteor came crashing at that battleship from above, consuming it in its rage, it shattered it to dust, but it didn't end there, progressing forth. it razed down the enemy's ranks like a heap of papers, the screams of dying men rose making him grin , because he was the meteor, he was the storm.

Landing on that battlecarpet, his blade swung like a thousand swords slashing the enemy's blades it struck them dead like lightning, landing on another ship he resumed his fit of havoc, burning, slashing, stabbing and smashing all that stood in his way. Supreme in his will, that surge of flames rose from the core of his being, rising to the skies like an enraged aureole, it tore apart, bursting into a mighty sea of fire and from its waves dropped those burning pillars infested with helical strings of marmoreal lightning, striking the battlefield, this mighty surge of energy spread across this astral plain. Shields and forcefields were raised by the enemy fleet, but none could withstand the might of this storm, and in one swoop it sent them burning in its waves.

*** *** ***

Their blades locked as they fought, warriors from birth, they were the true meaning of the art. He had come all this way to emerge victorious and no one - nothing - was going! I stop him and if they dared, he was going to make sure that they regretted it.

"Ernan Zir", his foe said, "what do you stand to gain by forcibly taking over the empires of the Marhak realm ?"

"Everything !" Ernan Zir replied, his sword screeching as it filed the stone floor of the throne room of the Kalmord emperor, Vesavanix.

"Do you think you can win this war", Vesavanix challenged, "once caught you'd be executed for breaching the peace contract."

"And that is why I must win", Ernan Zir said, charging at Vesavanix, "I am left with no choice but to win."

Both warriors clashed, their blades locking as they battled blow for blow, each trying to get the better of the other, their beings blazed as they gored at each other, blade and fist, fire and orb, only one was meant to emerge as the winner. Vesavanix sent a fierce blow at Ernan who blocked hit with his armoured arm, swirling around he sent a fierce kick at Vesavanix who ducked, the impact of the kick smashing a pillar in rubble. Vesavanix took the opportunity to strike noticing that Ernan had lost his balance after missing, but Vesavanix's sailing blade struck the ground as Ernan's being frayed. Vesavanix felt that raging heat rising from behind, swirling around he deflected Ernan's orb with his sword, both tore at each other, striking fiercely, their beings unleashed burning waves of flames as they slashed at each other with their blades, their locking swords releasing soaks of fire and their ramming fist made the walls of this room quake and the inevitable came, the walls shattered due to the turbulence their battle created. Clashing again, the impact of their collision resulting in that exploding aureole that rose to the skies. Their beings blazed , both enraged and ready to bring an end to this battle, one had to fall in order for the other to rise.

"This is your end Ernan Zir !" Vesavanix roared.

"What makes you think so", Ernan checked, that raging storm of flames erupting from his being, "I didn't come here to lose.", releasing that halo from his mouth.

Vesavanix tried blocking but was dazed to find himself coughing on the ground, he caught sight of that lightning like form coming at him, rising to his feet, he parried Ernan's lightning strike with his crossed arms, but an enraged Ernan could not be pacified, swirling around, he sent a fierce kick at Vesavanix, the impact ripping off his right arm. Vesavanix screamed as he crashed to the ground, but quickly rose like an enraged bull, materializing another arm with the energy from his core. charging at Ernan he was hell bent on ripping this brat apart.

Once again both clashed, Vesavanix shot a punch at Ernan who caught it with his fist, taking the chance to strike back, Ernan retaliated with his own punch, Vesavanix caught Ernan's blazing fist which frayed in a flash. That brutal kick struck Vesavanix in the face, he had feel for the trap. Ernan ever ready took charge and like a whirlwind of fire and lightning, he sent that burning blade bursting through Vesavanix from behind.

Vesavanix gasped, a single mistake was the reason for his defeat. Drawing out the sword from Vesavanix's being, Ernan watched the emperor fall to the earth.

"Don't think you have won Ernan", Vesavanix chuckled, "don't think you have won." He said breathing his last.

"And don't think you can stop me", Ernan grinned to the thundering skies, "because you can't."