Chapter 9

"You're just an apprentice ?" Leranda said. "Then where is the Ejan Ter Velor ?"

"He's dealing with something urgent at the moment." The armoured being replied.

"Then who are you", She asked further, "I mean your name ?"

"I don't think that's necessary", the armoured being replied, "just know that I'm his apprentice."

"What if I don't believe you ?" She challenged.

"You don't have time to question Providence", the armoured being replied, "because I was sent here by the Ejan."

"What does the Ejan, Ter Velor want from me ?"

"Look around you", the armoured being said, "your capital is surrounded by the enemys' fleets, why else do you think the Ejan would send me here ?"

"Do you think I'm a fool !" Leranda mocked with laughter, "What does the Ejan want from me that he decides to do me such a favour ? And has he forgotten" she said pointing her sword at the armoured being, "that he and my ancestors are sworn enemies ?"

"Yes he knows that", The armoured being replied, "but to be direct, he wants an alliance with you, not only that, he also seeks your permission to make use of the Vaxal's core."

"I knew it right from the start !" Leranda exploded, throwing her sword at the armoured being who's form frayed into the air leaving the sharp blade of the sword to bury itself into the stone walls of the throneroom.

"I refuse !" She yelled.

"Do you have a choice", the armoured being appeared behind her, "have you forgotten the hole you're in ? Do you think if the Ejan wanted, he wouldn't bother asking you but take over the Vaxal's core by force."

"So he's using this proposal as an appeasement." Leranda sighed.

"Once you accept to be allies with him, not only will your empire be protected from invaders, the Vaxal's core will also be put to more profitable use."

Leranda sat on her throne exhausted by this encounter with the Ejan's apprentice, their help was timely, but was she willing to let go of the grudge her predecessors had against the Ejan who for centuries had plagued their realm with cosmic tribulations that came from his battles. Their race had once waged a war against the Ejan only to have lost their entire army and warships, with the turbulence from the battle causing their asteroids to suffer from natural disasters for more than half a century, leaving her people in sorrow, after their homes were destroyed, their means of livelihood gone, with the widespread hunger making many lose their lives, making what was once a glorious empire become a mere expanse of devastated worlds. In truth, the Ejan, Ter Velor was the cause of all their suffering, so why would she side with the enemy now ? Why would she side with the one who was the cause of all their misfortune ? And what did the Ejan want the Vaxal's core for ? So many questions, but she was in no position to ask for answers, she was in dire need of help, and the Ejan knew this, seizing the opportunity to get what he wanted from her in the guise of an alliance. But the apprentice was also right, the Ejan could have taken it by force if he wanted to, legends say that he had defeated her people with just a click of his fingers, what would now make such a powerful being come so low to ask when he could forcibly take without any form of hindrance ? That could wait for another day, her people needed to survive, she needed to survive in order to govern her people, this was for the sake of her race nothing more, she was sure that her ancestors would understand. They were in dire need of such a powerful being to take down the enemy, since he was also going to do so in the form of an alliance, which meant that they were now allies with the Ejan, they were also going to benefit from him in many ways, losing the Vaxal's core was just a small price to pay for what they were going to receive in the future.

"Father please forgive me", she muttered, "but our people need to survive."

Staring at the Ejan's apprentice in the eye, she accepted.

"From now on we have become allies with the Ejan", she said, "as for the Vaxal's core, it is all his to do as he deems fit."

"Thank you her empress Leranda Elara Daven Dor", the apprentice said taking a bow, "we shall make sure not to fail you."

"You better not." she muttered.

*** *** ***

"I didn't know you were such a maniac."

"I never spare the enemy and back then they were my enemies."

"She thinks it was you who had made such a proposition."

"Well, it wasn't me anyway, I don't care about morals. If I want anything I simply battle with the owner for it and whoever wins keeps the prize, that's my way of life."

"Quite savage", Xenthor sighed, "I hoped I don't get influenced by you."

"Ha ha ha ha", the armoured being behind Xenthor laughed, "our cores are merged which is the same thing as I being you and you me."

"So that means we're the same", Xenthor sighed again placing his left palm on his forehead, "I am now a power crazy goofball isn't that so Ter Velor ?"

"That's the best part of it." Ter Velor replied.

"What a fate", Xenthor muttered, "I can worry about becoming a tyrant later but right now ", he said gripping the hilt of his sword, "we've got some unfinished business."

*** *** ***

"Our prime motive is the Vaxal's core."

"So you mean you assembled is all just to take over an astral dimension, we have many of those !"

"Lord Karzan of the Mor Zentian empire is right", another lord on the holographic screen said, "why assemble such a mighty force just for the the Vaxal's core, we have more than enough of the astral gateways and minefields."

"These idiots !" Orm Agnus Snarled, "What did they know."

"Do you dare go against the order of the mighty Ervalda", Orm Agnus challenged, "you dare go against my order as the Ruler of Ervalda ?!"

"We didn't say so", the fourth lord, Van Mozrak defended.

"It just that", the fifth lord, Erno Zorkham explained, "it seems unnecessary to have made such a decision, we have lost soldiers and ammunition in this war only to forsake our gains just for a simple dimension !"

What could he do ? Explaining to these fools was a waste of time, they didn't know how powerful the Vaxal's core is. The Karmlan race didn't have the technology required to put the Vaxal's core to use, if not, the entire Terna would have been firmly under their grip.