We bloom in darkness pure
Light is a mirage
Of dark wars screaming and screeching
Of clanging swords now at large.
Arise gloomy warrior
Your grievances are your light
What if there was never day ?
For in the beginning it was night.
"Darkness Pure", by Sigma Yaty.
Whatever those sensations were and from wherever they originated, the turbulence which their drifting enacted was cosmic. As though the infinite expanse of the cosmos had a heart, the ether throbbed making this expanse quake in vivid undulating waves of marmoreal depths. It was abyssal but not beyond the depth of the conflict which was about to ensue. Had the ethereal expanse of this realm been given a voice, it would swear that this turbulence had given it a strange sensation, those martial cadencies of the ancients, the ever renowned heat of battle. Surreal and livening this sensation which had always haunted my soul all these years was at the verge of being unleashed. At the cliff of voids, the nebulous distance ahead of this city of asteroids soon became a sea of armour and flags. At the outskirts before them was an assaulting army of the imperial crusaders.
Metallic and octahedral structures emerged from every asteroid within this solar-city, surrounding the entire terrain preparing a defensive wall against the assault. The octahedral structures disintegrated emitting live radioactive sparks, drawing themselves into distinct positions, they formed a blockade of concentric rings that surrounded the entire solar system. Cerulean forcefields emerged forming spherical shields, their surfaces radiating the fierce and destructive energy they wielded. Cooling one after the other they each condensed into a collosal sphere of turbulent and radioactive steel. Successfully enacting their defensive stance, they awaited the start of a siege.
The ether charged with emissions given off from the heliobattlements, began their radioactive rippling, igniting itself into emerald and molten flames, wielding the vivid streaks of forking lightning coursing within it's entrails, created from the very rage of the darkest depths of power this city possessed, a power it wielded from its seven suns. Unending in its destructive transformation, this embryo of fire began the birthing of an army of titanic and radioactive beasts - emerald dragons wielding the fierce fire of seven suns - they charged, diving into this sea of chaos, into the inviting heat of battle.
The fangs of vision drew sight through the distance, towards the front lines of the attacking army, that assaulting fleet of battleships. There he stood, at the forefront of this army, his expansive battlecarpet, the flagship of his fleet, leading the assault. Purple robes cascading down his physique, draped over his purple crystalline armour. Two fang-like horns pierced their way through his helmet, curving downwards they were massive. Not just horned at the forehead, two more pairs bore themselves out of his shoulders and elbows. Staring down at his prize, this being of a higher cosmic order grinned delightfully at the city's fragile defensive tacts. Yes, to others this would be all about keeping the city under siege until it finally surrendered, which wasn't likely to ever happen in centuries to come. They'd be only cut off from the rest of the cosmic plain, and that wasn't a problem to solar-citys of many realms, possessing all that they needed to survive generations through a siege, they left the enemy with no other choice but to retreat or make the unthinkable decision of bringing down such a stellar wall of defence. And that was Zark Novic for you, he wasn't known as the Zark of the Zolastran Seas for nothing.
His fierce blue eyes were amused at the beasts which city had set upon his army. Novic's gaze moved to his left, staring at the flanks to his side, he saw the voyage cages which formed the majority of his fleet, needing not surveying the rest of his fleet, he was satisfied seeing the enemy's fierce stance as hilarious. Their counter assault to Novic was just a means of prolonging the inevitable, but it gave him something which he was always pleased to accept, and it was a challenge to battle, to feel that sensation of the intense heat course through his veins. They knew who he was didn't they ? And they knew what to expect from a cosmic lord like him.
Raising his left hand forward, that flaring diagram of three concentric circles etched themselves on the surface of his palms. The distance between each circle had at every angle designated keys which rotated, making several revolutions creating a configuration which only Novic could comprehend. He felt the wild desire of his "pets" to be untamed flow through his soul. His pets weren't just radioactive beasts,they were live and wild, the peak of savage perfection, creatures who roamed the depths of arcane realms - they were cosmic beasts.
"Patience friends" he whispered to himself grinning " your freedom will soon be yours"
When the time came, they rose in fury and flames. The cages opened unveiling collosal blackholes through which they arose. Cosmic hydras , their nine heads screeching to the peaks of this realm, and their six legs plied the waves of this marmoreal sea, unleashing a tsunami of fiery waves as they confronted the enemy.
The impact was fierce and colossal as both armies of beasts met at the core of this conflict, sparks of lightning and condensed flames of radioactive waves erupted, towering high like cosmic mountains above all within this astral battlefield. Through hell and fumes both armies of beasts dug their claws and fangs into each other, resulting in beastly screams and cries piercing the thin layers of vitreous air within this astral plain. Collisions intense resulting in vivid concentric ripples, expanding over this cosmic ocean, and soon, those who would reign supreme would surface above the carcass of the vanquished.
Zark Novic grinned, knowing that the battle was going his way, seeing his cosmic beasts send those massive radioactive structures into oblivion. Didn't they know that nothing could ever surpass the natural. His beasts were natural, of flesh and blood, steaming of the infinite cores of energetic pulses which streamlined the plains of these cosmic seas. And not even their fearsome holograms could match the brutal and stellar strength his beasts possessed.
Seeing the ranks of the city's army of beasts dwindle, Novic stretched his hand forwards, an order to advance towards the heliobattlements. One by one, Novic reasoned delightfully, they were going to ram down those stellar shields into ruins. There was no race, city or empire that had ever overcame an invasion made by him, and they weren't going to be the first.
He could see the guarded city's walls enlarge as his army came closer with each passing moment, closing the distance between them and their prized objective. Their will unwavering, the city unleashed reenforcements, they poured out through the pores which had been made by the enlarged battlements. This time, they weren't beasts but battleships, battlecarpets and interstellar chariots. Now this was real combat, Novic's grin widened as battlecries erupted from the men of his fleet who were more than prepared to confront the enemy. This was the true essence of their nature, a warring tribe they were, and war they were going to wage.
Lifting his hand upwards, those three concentric circles etched themselves once again on his palms, those configurations reenacting themselves, with the ideograms sliding through their circular pathways. The order drew his cosmic beasts back into their cages.
The battlecries intensified, heightening into a maddening frenzy, a lust burning through their souls, that fiery desire to crush the enemy.
Drawing his sword which condensed from the energetic pulses within the air, Novic's eyes ignited themselves into flames, glaring furiously upon the city's fleet, knowing the grand hour for the real battle to commence was at hand. His vision heightened, taking his mental sight into a cosmic state of elevation, making the solidity within the atmosphere shatter as sharp edged forcefields closed the equidistant gap of time and space.