Chapter 4

Those vivid and concentric waves, titanic in size arose, as those flaring circles slashed through the entrails of the hydras. Cries arose, their echoes piercing the cosmic heavens resulting in flaring holes. They weren't just battling against a warrior, they were battling against war, for Kied was darkness and light, and at his peak he was war.

The circles spun back to his sides, fading into his being; unshaken by the intense energy which he had unleashed during the battle. The dismembered bodies of Novic's army of cosmic beasts floated across this astral plain.

"Kied... you... you," Novic stammered, "make me mad !"

Rising to his knees, he screamed to the now turbulent heavens of this cosmic plain, the uproar unleashing more of his cosmic beasts from their galactic cages. They with an even more enraged desire to shred Kied apart, burning with a cosmic flare for revenge.

"I wished this was an online course Hypernox," Kied said grinning, "I'd make enough money from students who keep paying to be taught, but never learn a thing. To make things easier, I've been taking lesson one for decades now."

Hypernox cooed in response to Kied.

"Yes you're right, dear friend," Kied continued, "lesson one also has a section two, and you'll be doing the talking Hypernox."

Hypernox's screech rose high to the raging skies, resulting in a sea of vivid and sonic impulses, heralding the coming of a fiercer cosmic beast; the lord. The skies above transformed into a mighty blackhole of massive and enflamed centripetal waves, bearing another sea of fiery gold lightning in its magnetic eye whose gravitational pull was intense, taking all who couldn't resist into its infinite depths.

" Hypernox soar !" Kied ordered.

Hypernox screeched once again, obeying his master's command, seared its way like an enflamed halo straight into the eye of the blackhole, resulting in

this storm intensifying, with pillars of enflamed lightning heralding its titanic waves.

Kied closed his eyes, his mind, soul and being, transforming him into a magnetic core taking all the energy from outside and brewing all those within to their peak. His being became an enflamed mass of condensed and opalescent flames; fiery energetic pulses steaming from the core of his being. Lifting both hands to the air a surge of enflamed pulses condensed, firing themselves to the skies, they bore their way through the eyes of the blackhole, searing into that storm, they condensed into two chains.

"Phoenix Hypernox," Kied yelled, pulling the burning chains with all his might, "gore !"

An even higher screech arose from the core of that blackhole, making the cosmic plain quake and quiver as Kied pulled the chains downwards. Those enflamed cracks and fiery veins etched and bulged themselves across his being, making him steam of an astral heat of energy. Screaming to the high heavens, his voice making the clouds thunder, Kied was attaining the apex of his energetic surge, and so was Hypernox, who resurfaced as an enflamed and titanic cosmic beast - a phoenix.

Hypernox's massive beak tore open, releasing another skyshattering screech, renting the heavens asunder, like the call of a thousand echoes of thunder. Kied falling on his knees let go of the chains, Hypernox not wasting time, swung into action, striking at the charging cosmic beasts, his enflamed being flaring at the highest degree of intensity, his talons of a radioactive sharpness,seared through the hides of every hydra he confronted. His beaks fiercer than lightning chopped away their heads, cutting his way through the thick of this assaulting army of beasts, he was one and all, high and mighty.

Zark Novic watched dazed, as his army of cosmic beasts dwindled like ice on fire. Kied, Hypernox and Equivax had all grown stronger since their last fall, and they were sending his might and glory toppling to the mud. This had to be brought to an end; an abrupt stop. Kied had been broken during their last encounter, he has been defeated. Today wasn't different in anyway from the past, and nothing was going to stop him from bringing an end to this arrogant fool. Novic knew Kied had worn himself out from transforming Hypernox into a cosmic beast, and all this while he had been replenishing himself after falling the heliobattlements of this city. Seeing Kied, body steaming, head bowed and on his knees, Novic knew he had the edge this time, now was the moment to end this all, and he wouldn't waste a second hesitating.

That massive surge of energy erupted from Novic's being; a turbulent tsunami of condensed purple radioactivity and mountainous streaks of lightning. The waves rose high to the cosmic skies making them tremble, those cracks etched themselves on his face as his eyes flared in their cosmic and purple intensity, this was the end of him, this was the end of Kied.

That purple sea of destruction fell towards Kied's battleship, engulfing it in its titanic waves. Those massive streaks of lightning boring deep into their now caged captive, showing no satisfaction until all left of him wouldn't be worth considering. That sea of purple began to quiver under the influence of another energetic surge condensing rapidly into a mass of steaming earth which shattered as Hypernox arose from its depths and so did Kied's battleship which still shone of its black steel.

His rage undying, Novic unleashed another surge, this time even more destructive, but he saw something different, something which he hated the most and had never been able to comprehend. Kied's grin tilted leftwards, the tip of his raised lips hidden behind that mass of dark hair concealing the left half of his face. Rising onto his feet, his right eye which was exposed glistened darkly, blackened into a depthless void of mystery.

From behind Kied an even higher surge of dark clouds of raging lightning arose concealing that purple sea within its lightning infested core. Bending downwards it crushed Novic's energy surge, with Hypernox rising triumphantly into the air, the last of the Zark's cosmic beasts dangling from his flaring beak as he held onto its neck. Lifeless and limp, Hypernox infested its being with his enflamed pulses making it burn to ash, which drifted into nothingess.

Once again, Zark Novic fell to his knees, drained and tired from the massive surge of energy which he had given away, still it wasn't enough to bring that grinning maniac down for good, instead, he was the one down for the count.

"This isn't over Kied", Novic whispered to himself staring at what was left of his once mighty fleet, with all his cosmic beasts gone, Kied had taken more than he could chew.

"Attack !" Novic ordered the remaining ranks of his flee.

All his battleships, battlecarpets and interstellar chariots charged into the thick of battle, those war cries echoing like the fall of a thousand meteors. Their rage had now become their drive, their untamed thirst for vengeance. Thousands of spiked spheres were released from the massive battlecarpets upon Kied's lone but mighty battleship. Chuckling to himself, Kied wondered if Novic thought he was the only one who had a fleet of battleships and battlecarpets and stellar chariots, he wasn't and Kied had even worse.