The Aegis struck upon the Zark's army, its titanic and rugged blades lining its sides cut through the armour of the battleships and carpets, leaving them in a haze of exploding summits. The cries arose, cries of agony and death, but Kied wasn't done yet, it wasn't over until it was all over, this wasn't the end, it was just a prelude to the endgame, and he was prepared to make it a grand sight, one which the Zark would never forget.
Surveying the battleships around him as the Aegis went on it's massive spree of destruction, Kied could see the Zolastran soldiers taking their positions from battleships which were beyond the reach of the Aegis.
"Puppets !" Kied blurted "they didn't ever learn to never serve a cosmic lord"
Hypernox screeched his reply.
"That's right Hypernox", he said, "I think it's time we take this to the talons and blades"
Novic stared anxiously, his heart dangling from his jaws as he watched Kied's battleship, the Aegis, smash through the ranks of his fleet, was this madness or ruthlessness ? But Novic could see one thing, Kied's last defeat had created a merciless savage within him, one that could crush his opponents delightfully like playthings, and he was coming for him.
"Fire !" Novic screamed his order, making his fleet unleash another storm of halos and laser beams upon the Aegis which was now on rampage.
"Equivax", Kied called, "the Aegis is all yours, so you can have a field day"
"With pleasure", Equivax replied taking in the helm with a rejuvenated vigour.
"Hypernox", Kied said stroking his cosmic beast on the head making it flap its wings excitedly. "Lead the way"
Launching into the air Hypernox's being became enflamed as he charged into the thick of battle, he wasn't evolved, nevertheless, he was destructive and indestructible. Wiping out ranks of the Zolastran soldiers with his fiery talons and flaring wings.
Unsheathing his sabre, it's bronze hilt a scorpion's sting and pair of Phoenix's wings. Kied felt it's energy surge through his palms striking it's radioactive fangs into his being, making his brown eyes glisten darkly. He felt it rising within, those long lost frequencies reincarnating at the crashing verge of his dying being. Feeling the energy within bolt to the very tip of his dendrites, feet light and soul mighty, Kied charged into the thick of the fight.
His sword flared of an opalescent power making it cut through steel and lead like air, bringing down rank after rank of the Zark's soldiers as they charged at him. Fury in his thrusts he kept bringing them down as they came in waves - he was invisible. Sonic was a flaw in describing his motion, he was now an instrument if evolved and sanctified lightning, a lyre living the arcane leagues of sanctified lances.
His blade slashed through every battleship which found itself beneath him as he leapt from one to the other unleashing a higher form of destruction that was always worse than the previous one he had made. Those waves of enflamed explosions trailed him from behind as he sent ship after ship into a burning wreckage. Hypernox too wasn't left out, his warring spirit matching his master's as he cleared wave after wave of soldiers, his wings cutting through the thick layers of steel shielding the battleships, with a sea of flames heralding his soaring gait as he made countless dives sending more and more to their doom.
With Equivax it was a rampage at it's highest, the Aegis and its autocannons wreaking havoc upon the Zolastran flanks, he gave them no breathing space to reorganize themselves. All three were fierce in their roles, working separately as one, because they had been aligned right from the beginning, with one cause and in one soul.
Novic stared in utter disbelief as he saw what was left of his fleet dwindle into nothingess. Staring towards the Aegis which was once again bearing Kied on its bow with Hypernox taking his place on his left shoulder, he cursed the day that this monster of a pirate was born. Sensing that his battlecarpet was the only ship left he called for a retreat, but it was too late.
The bow of Kied's Aegis slammed the side of his battlecarpet, goring it through the distance. The turbulence presisted as though it would never end, with every passing moment making Novic feel like the battlecarpet would tear apart. And when the Aegis did come to stop, Novic realized that he was beyond the fallen battlements of this solar-city.
Staring down upon Novic, Kied's grin widened making his dark eyes glistened even brighter.
"No welcome presents for Hypernox and me Zark Novic ?" Kied yapped, "I thought you were one of the wealthiest cosmic lords, can't you spare me a chest of celestial rubies? Oh ! I forgot, you lost your entire fleet. I wonder what the council will say when you return with only one ship."
Kied lifted his head to the mast, his eyes glowing mischievously.
"And a torn flag", he completed.
"Curse you Kied !" Novic exploded, unable to bear the disgrace any longer.
"Don't worry Novic", Kied gave a sardonic assurance, "you won't stay mad for long."
Hypernox screeched excitedly reading Kied's mind.
Incessant waves erupted from the Aegis, turbulent in their motion and massive in size, sending Novic's battlecarpet flying through the distance, across the infinite plains if this cosmic realm.
"I do hope he's on the right course Hypernox", Kied said stroking Hypernox's beak, turning towards Equivax who now stood behind him, "if not Equivax ?" Kied asked.
"He'd have to make a turn," Equivax sighed at the joke, his armoured face watching Kied holding his abdomen as he laughed along with Hypernox who screeched wildly.
Staring at that flaring spot on his palms, which magnified itself unveiling those configurations of celestial coordinates, Kied's eyes glistened and his grin resurfaced on his lips.
"Equivax and Hypernox", he said, "we have another host to pay a visit."
The battlements of this stellar-city was fallen with the wreckage and destruction unleashed upon it making its massive stellar mansions mountains of flames, flag bearers of an ongoing apocalypse.
The interstellar warships tore their way through the distance unleashing halos upon everything standing in their way, their black flags bearing the emblem of a wolf, as they plundered and lay to waste this once harmonious civilization.
Ler Edzak stared proudly at his newly acquired territory, it was worth the taking, both economically and strategically aligned for military purposes. And the final reason made it priceless, one which he just couldn't help but smack his lips. One by one he was going to bring all the cores together.