That flaring hologram of geometric configurations enacted themselves before him, creating multiple combinations, they switched the positions of different structures, a unique code and configuration was finally attained. It's intense flaring created a sea of flames within the cosmic skies, eight cosmic portals tore open with enflamed and titanic chains crashing upon Rode's being, they entangled themselves around him , inhibiting him from fighting.
"That's what happens when you have the Eight Doors of People", Calk said to himself, "and this is just one among its numerous capabilities. I don't see how Vage's precious cosmic beast, Rode can break free from it."
Vage's enflamed eyes closed, he could feel the pain which Rode was undergoing as the enflamed waves which the chains gave bore their burning sensations into his being, along with the entire army of Calk's cosmic beasts falling upon him from all corners, keeping Rode completely under check. Cali Xan had played cards smart one, Vage smiled at the thought of Calk's Eight Doors of parallels - his newly acquired astral weapon. But what calk didn't know was, the intense bond which he and Rode shared had grown so strong over the centuries that it was powerful enough to overcome and astral weapon, and the Eighth Doors of Parallels wasn't an exception. Rode's roar bore into Vage's consciousness, sinking deep into his soul.
"I'm coming Rode," Vage responded telepathically.
Arms folded, that flaring geometric configurations projected themselves before Vage. The shapes changed positions gliding over each other they created distinct combinations, which finally merged into one solid structure - the gene of the Leo Arachnid.
"Rode gore !" Vage ordered.
Rode's jaws tore open, his roar bringing forth a storm of halos wiping out the beasts surrounding him and clinging to his body, his being grew with those two pairs of clawed limbs emerging from the region of his ribs. Now eight footed like an arachnid, his free pairs of clawed limbs slashed at the chains, while his chained limbs struggled to break free as the links began to slacken.
A golden aureole fell upon Rode's being from the astral heavens, their turbulent fall of lightning striking the chains like a rainfall of cosmic blades. Rode's roar erupted again as he stepped up the gear, intensifying his battle with the chains, that had now been inflicted with cracks from both the halos and the claws of Rode's free limbs.
Calk's heart raced, how could Rode wield such amount of power, his evolution was just infinite and Vage wasn't even shaken by the amount of energy his cosmic beast was inhibiting. To even Calk, Vage was being suicidal, but what he didn't know and what he would never know was; the growth which cosmic beasts and their master's like Rode and Vage possessed had come about as a result of their resigning themselves to something which ran deeper than just the desire to crush the enemy. It was more about their existence - their breaths - it was about them and in them, their evolution through every battle was what they aimed at, the glory that came with victory wasn't even worth considering as a secondary motive. They only aimed to attain their peak, and the drive that them the will and endurance to take their powers to infinite heights.
Rode's roar rose to the cosmic heavens in a sea of flames, burning through the distance it destroyed the chains, engulfing the Eight Doors of Parallels in its cosmic sea of condensed fire. Shattering them into specks, ashen specks of a magnificent power which once was.
Calk's astral key of the Eight Doors of Parallels tore apart, the explosion sending him crashing upon the steel floor of his battlecarpet. He could hear the howls, growls and screeches of pain as his army of cosmic beasts were being killed by the unchained Rode who unleashed the pent-up fury raging within him, avenging all the scars which his beasts had inflicted upon him while he was in bondage. It was unbelievable, Rode had not only destroyed the Eight Doors of Parallels but its key as well. This breed of cosmic pirates ! Calk sneered, they had so much power and control that they could stand against multidimensional empires in battles fearlessly. They could even make emperors kneel before them without any form of resistance, how were they able to attain such a peak ? And they were capable of taming a single cosmic beast with the ability to wipe out an entire army of cosmic beasts numbering hundreds of thousands that attacked in full force without wearing themselves out, it was unimaginable, he had lost his entire army cosmic beasts just because of a single cosmic arcade. Creating one would have been an option, but that was also impossible, with Vage and his gang of cosmic pirates who unlike their counterparts, would never bow to the authority of the Feudal Order, ever ready to stand in the way empire venturing in creating its own cosmic arcade.
Calk strained onto his feet, his hand grabbing his aching ribs, when that burning sensation took over his being and that magnificent and vicious roar awakened him from his thoughts. His eyes caught sight of it coming, the fury and thirst for vengeance blazing in its eyes, its claws and lightning infested paws raised high to the astral skies, preparing to come crashing down on him, Rode had gone mad with the desire to unleash his wrath on Calk.
Closing his eyes believing the moment to be his last, Calk heard that mighty impact make this cosmic plain quake, it kept coming and its unceasing echoes thundered still, he was alive. Opening his eyes Calk saw Rode's massive claws slamming an enflamed shield which wouldn't let him through, but Rode wasn't ready to give in, he was furious for revenge and hungered for it, Calk could see it in this cosmic beast's eyes. So intense was this desire , that taking down his entire army of cosmic beasts wasn't enough. This cosmic now driven to a higher phase of power was maddened to take him down as well, Calk could see it all over Rode, it was that countenance - ruthlessness - that "no mercy" attitude.
Staring into the distance, Calk saw Vage, his eyes still enflamed and glistening gold, and those burning cracks streaming down his jaws as he grinned from the bow of the Talon. What was he planning on doing ? Calk's mind raced, it was certain that Vage was the one who had created the shield, but he seemed to be indecisive between allowing his pet have his with him or just walking away. Calk swallowed, Rode was displaying the turbulent state which was ravaging Vage within. How could they mirror each other to such an extent, that both now had the same emotions ? This was madness ! What form of connection could be as deep and strong as this ? !