Trident closed his eyes, he'd just have to raise another shield to hold them back until he got a renewed energetic surge, he thought.
But their piercing cries rang again, their limbs falling to the earth flailing. Staring above him, he saw domineering the skies, the Mace, surrounded by its mobile cannons and interstellar chariots, their cores exhuming volleys of halos, beams and orbs upon Norgus' attacking army of cosmic beasts. Turning to his side, Trident sea him standing proudly upon his battleboard, face unmoved and watching it all in silence as the first wave of cosmic beasts were wiped away.
"You kept a solid front out there", Thorace commended, "but I saw you were tiring out and that soon, you'd be a flying pinball."
"Nice joke", Trident snapped, "if you were here I'd not have to fight in this unevolved state."
"Accept my apologies bondmate", Thorace said, "but I'd like to ask one thing."
"From what I've seen, I don't know if you'd still be willing to soar."
"Don't underestimate me Thorace ", Trident fired, "I can take anything at this moment, even evolving."
"Then get set, because the peak is coming."
The skies suddenly thundered of fiery gold as those pillars of lightning heralded the coming of that enormous blackhole, its centripetal waves rising to mountainous heights and its eye a blazing sea of aqueous flames. This monstrous monument quaked and the distance resonating its resonance trembled, enacting those vivid vibrations which came in concentric ripples, sweeping across the expanse of this cosmic plain. Staring to the astral skies, that order came from Thorace like a thunderbolt.
"Trident soar !"
Trident took off from the earth like an enraged aureole, burning his path through the distance, his never dying will pushing him forward, he became a meteor falling to the sky, the inverse of a cosmic form of elevation. Immersing himself into that blackhole's core, Trident's penetration made it ripple to colossal heights, exhuming those titanic surges of lightning which fell to the earth striking down the cosmic beasts that stood in
their way.
That roar came, it was monstrous and its cadency made the expanse reverberate into a sea of chaos. With Thorace standing upon his battleboard, his eyes flaming bronze, the turbulence now raging within his being, merging with the transition enacting itself within Trident. Those burning cracks ran down Thorace's eyes they infested his entire face, steaming their way down his neck, they made him roar.
"Trident", he summoned, "gore !"
His mighty hooves and glorious antlers tore out from the blackhole's eye, scarring his way downwards, Trident charged into the thick of that army of cosmic beasts. Enraged and burning in his new form, he was furious to take his vengeance upon this breed of monsters, they had underestimated him at his lowly state, now, at a higher phase of being, he was prepared to crush them all beneath his might.
Goring his way through their ranks, his antlers and burning hooves took them down in their hundreds, those moans and howls echoed incessantly, never ending until they all perished. Antlers locking with thousands he broke through those walls, dismembering them into falling limbs of ash, roaring to the skies, Trident rose higher than a tornado and swooping down upon his prey he struck them down in another thousands. He was invisible and mighty, a torrential storm ever falling upon the enemy, they dwindled like drowning ants in a rising sea of tidal waves.
"What are we going to do Norgus ?" Nord moaned knowing that their entire fleet was about to get destroyed.
Groaning and seething from his wounds and anger, his silent fury was his reply as he stared at Trident who mercilessly send his cosmic beasts to their graves. And Thorace, now at a higher state, watched on, his mind and soul merged with his pet. What was he going to do that will stop these two from winning every battle ?! Norgus yelled within, his fingers clenching themselves into burning rocks.
"Norgus, can't you see that Thorace is about to wipe out our entire fleet !", Shev yelled, "or have you gone daft ? If we don't hand over the Trail Disector, we'll all be taken down !"
"That's it !" Norgus exclaimed.
"What !" The rest echoed.
"That's it !" Norgus repeated, the excitement of his thought taking over his mind. "The Trail Disector - what was I thinking of all this while."
Turning to the others Norgus asked, "Weren't we told that it could also be used on offense ?"
"Of course !" Shev replied.
"Are you going to use it ?" Dorvin probed.
"And there is our perfect lab monkey." Zorg said, pointing at Thorace.
"Let's initiate", Norgus said, "combat mode."
Those geometric configurations enacted themselves before him, his palms drawing them across each other, resulting in the formation of another distinct configuration which exploded into a glowing orb of red, with the halo falling from the skies.
"Those burning outlines erupted from its core trailing their way, they formed solid patterns which burnt and raved of scarlet and radioactive flames. Crystallizing, this solid form became a massive cannon with its core burning red, it blazed, about to unleash its surge of chaos.
Thorace felt its cosmic energy burning into his being, his eyes blazed even brighter, this was it, the Trail Disector in its full grandeur. It was capable of inflicting some damage on his battleship, even getting he and Trident severely wounded, but the pain was worth enduring in order to get it under control. This had been his plan, if they didn't give it him, he would make them use it against him.
"Trident gore !" Thorace ordered.
Trident ever ready for an encounter burnt his way through the ranks of cosmic beasts surrounding the Feudal Order's fleet. Sending them flying out of his way, he charged at the Trail Disector, prepared to ram gore it with his antlers. But didn't Thorace still want it functioning properly, not as a broken piece of junk ? Exactly, this was just a reflex to get them into doing what he wanted.