Chapter 44

"What do you suggest we do sir ?" Zavir inquired.

"We make them", Rakeal explained, "come to us. We don't have anchors for nothing. We'll nevertheless still take an offensive stance at the start to make them take the bait.

"To attack", Zavir concluded

"Precisely Zavir", Rakeal commended, "precisely", emphasizing, he continue, "Give the order to commence the assault, what's left of the last Lance Crystal can pull us through, once we've sapped enough energy from their fleet, we'll fight our way through the battlements towards any of the galaxies' eye within this vassal.

Zavir's finger tapped the metal band on his wrist which erected that holographic screen of ideograms and geometric structures, rearranging them, Zavir created a configuration that transmitted the order to the fleet, initiating a head-on assault

"This is what I was all about from the beginning", Rakeal said to himself, "supreme control and total annexation, there is no other necessity as important as total control.

"A fusillade of halos came from Rakeal's fleet of battleships and battlecarpets, that burning storm struck the battlements if this vassal. Sending their already charged mobile cannons and interstellar chariots ahead, an attacking vanguard was created which set the battlefront on fire, keeping their maneuver from being decoded, while the rest of the fleet followed behind. and just as Rakeal had predicted, the vassal's fleet of battleships unlike anything he had ever seen, reciprocated their assault, charging at his fleet. Their battlements enacted cannons that charged their cores, unleashing volleys of beams back at Rakeal's vanguard of mobile cannons and interstellar chariots

"It's working emperor Rakeal", Zavir observed

"Yes it is Zavir", Rakeal affirmed, "all we need to do is get within the range of their fleet.

Charging forward, Rakeal's fleet burned their way through the distance, staring at the slowly dying Lance Crystal, Rakeal's mind was rid with anxiety to get this battle started, a few more leagues, he noted and all their fears would be history. And it began, the hour fading into a clash of rugged armour and steel, but, it wasn't at that instant as their scheme hadn't been perfectly execute

Rakeal's ranks of mobile cannons and interstellar chariots gave way for both attacking armies, creating a clear front for a head-on collision, but that wasn't what Rakeal intended on doing, that could hold on for a few hours as he already had something else in mind. Lifting his hands upwards, Rakeal's fleet of battleships soared to the astral skies, missing the attacking vanguard of the enemy at a thread like proximity. They hadn't just veered of their path as that searing sound of battered armour rose from that rain of anchors erupting from the armour of Rakeal's battleships and battlecarpets, burying their savage blades into the armour of the space vessels belonging to the assaulting vassal. That smile etched itself on Rakeal's lips as he watched the metallic cords attached to the anchors rave, sapping the energy from the vassal's ships into their cores, it was a feast of radioactive power, their carnivorous and vampire like instincts sending the their preys exploding as they released those destructive waves upon the vassal's ships, now recharged, there would be no end to the havoc they were about to unleash on this battlefield. Nevertheless, Rakeal didn't want to get himself bubbling in the thrill of the moment as their main motive was to get to the core of the nearest galaxy, then they could finally commence an onslaught, one that would be remembered forever in the books of cosmic history, one that would never be forgotten

Rakeal felt those burning sensations rise to his shoulders, he knew what it meant, "they" too wanted to partake in the fun. That burning curtain of flaring ideograms and geometric structures raved before him, rearranging them, Rakeal enacted a wave of chaos which shook this cosmic expanse, one that he had become so familiar with while battling within his realms, that enraged roar of untamed cosmic beasts

The halos ruptured the astral skies as those howls and growls echoed steel splitting sounds, sending the expanse quivering in vivid ripples, the start of a new phase. Those titanic forms boring out their claws and canines, charged at the vassal's defensive rays of firing cannons and massive blocks of steel. This wasn't the time to devour, Rakeal noted, they had to first get to the eye of the nearest galaxy then the feast would begin

His cosmic beasts leading the way, tore through the ranks of the foe, their halos sending battleships exploding and their claws cutting through rugged armour. Closing the distance, their burning hides didn't deflect but immerse the energy within that rain of halos which fell upon them. They hadn't felt the heat of battle for a long time and they were hungry and itching for wounds making the halos which burnt their hides an elixir for their long felt distress. It was only a scratch to their primitive instinct, their wild will for war

Coming like a sea of jaws and claws, their burning waves shattered the battlements of this vassal as they separated into multiple groups, each burning their way into the core of every galaxy within domains of this vassal. Rakeal's eyes glowed with delight, now was the time, the moment he had been waiting for and this campaign of doom was about to start, it's dawn heralding their sails of blades

*** *** **

Seated in that throne with Zavir standing by his side, his captives were presented before him bonded and on their knees ; soldiers, generals, lords and advisers, they were now his subjects, slaves of a foreign being who had come to bring an end to the present supremos of their age. Now that he had conquered this vassal, what he had to do next was expand his territory by placing more galactic states under his control and before that, he had an enquiry to make, one which was crucial to the success of this quest

"Bring their historians and before me", Rakeal ordered Zavir, "you'll know them by their attires and I have a feeling that those in orange Robes are the ones we need." Rakeal concluded pointing at a group kneeling old grey men within this court

Staring at the dome of this castle, it's elaborate design gave the image of a wealthy league of intergalactic empires and states. The statues were made of precious stones, metals and alloys Rakeal had never seen or heard of, elements of a different realm, they were the treasures of an unknown cosmic expanse that was about to be his. Forget about the peanuts he received as a puppet under the Feudal Order. This was a grand rule of wealth and power about to be his and Rakeal was going to make sure that it would all be under his dictatorial regime. Within the astral months to come, Rakeal swore to make - if not all - but majority of this realm's cosmic lords and. emperors kneel before him, their empires, kingdoms, states and vassals no longer theirs but his, all his to rule as he deemed fit.