Those roars arose and echoed through the distance, shaking the depths of an already quaking astral plain. That army of charging cosmic beasts engulfed the entire cosmic horizon as they attacked this fleet of battleships and battlecarpets. Their eyes, hides, fangs and claws blazing, they were bloodthirsty and thrilled for the kill, their instincts was at its highest and they were to it, slaves to their wild and furious nature, there was no other thought which raced through their primitive minds other than the thought to devour and before them was their feast, their prey, that fleet of sailing battleships.
Morgus smiled as he stared at attacking army of wild cosmic beasts, this was what these arcane realms had in store for them, astral seas who's mighty waves were capable of crushing their battleships, the barriers and burning barricades that they had to encounter on their way and breakthrough, portals capable of sapping them into their cores and scattering them across eternity, cosmic quicksands and whirlpools - there was no end to the dangers that lurked within these realms, but, Morgus knew one thing, he hadn't left the Feudal Order only to come here and die, he had left in the quest of the Nine Peaks of Nerzix and nothing, not even a pack of untamed and wild cosmic beasts could stand his way without getting crushed. He wished they were intelligent beings, but they weren't, sadly enough, these beasts were ignorant of the fact that they were fighting against a cosmic lord who had thousands of cosmic beasts like them at his beck and call. He was Morgus Nonzik and they were going to have a taste of his wrath.
Tapping the metal band on his wrist, that flaring configuration of ideograms and geometric symbols raved before him, recombining themselves, a new configuration was formed. Those blackholes emerged and from their flaring cores rose those beastly roars which heralded those fiery forms as they tore out from their astral embryos, enraged, their beings ached for combat. Hides and claws enflamed, eyes ablaze, they filled this astral expanse with their burning haze. Charging at that army of wild beasts, Morgus' army of cosmic beasts frayed through the distance, sending this cosmic plain rippling in vivid waves, the grand hour fading into a clash of claws.
Morgus waited patiently as his attacking army closed the distance between them and the barrage ahead. Morgus seeing his cosmic beasts dig their fangs Into the hides of their foes drew his sword, taking an attacking stance, body bent forward, he waited patiently, watching the torn limbs of the devoured cosmic beasts fall around them,he knew the awaited moment was a few seconds away. And it came with its full heat, rushing towards them, that pack of cosmic beasts fell upon Morgus' fleet, retaliating the assault with volleys of halos and beams from their battleships and battlecarpets. The mobile cannons and interstellar chariots were sent forward, burning their way through the distance, they brought down a storm upon their primitive foes.
Those roars rose to the skies as the wild beasts fell in waves. This was what he wanted, Morgus thought delightfully, their dying moans and cries gave him that superior feeling, that feeling of invisibility, undefeatable.
Morgus' burning eyes locked onto the gazes of the attacking pack of wild cosmic beasts coming towards his fleet. Their jaws flaring open and fangs lightning sharp, they were determined to get him crushed within their savage jaws, but to Morgus, that wish of theirs was was never going to be fulfilled. He was going to bring a storm of pain and torture upon them, one that they were going to feel to their very last breath, sensations of pain that they had never felt before. His empty hand flared as those condensed flames trailed down his fingers like a molten stream of fiery energy, moulding and sculpting itself it solidified, taking the form of a massive sword bearing a rugged, yet savagely sharp edge. Its crystalline form steamed, smoking of that astral energy which was about to be unleashed within the burning waves of the heat of battle.
Morgus' being frayed as he bolted through the distance, those flares trailing his feet as he raced through the air. Unleashing that storm of flames infested with pillars of lightning, Morgus crashed into the ranks of the attacking army of wild cosmic beasts. Those roars rose to the astral skies as his two flaring blades dug into their hides as he slashed his way through them, leaving them burning into ash. Cutting his way through their assaulting ranks, Morgus dwindled their numbers and like a fall of lightning, he kept raining upon them, bringing down every one of them as they came towards him. Morgus' being raved as those burning cracks etched themselves upon his face, steaming, they trailed their way down his being making him a rising comet burning its way higher, now engulfed in that cosmic frenzy of stellar flames. Lightning sharp in speed and stealth, Morgus' sword slashed through them like air, tearing his way through their jaws, he was a cyclone unending, because this wasn't the moment to die, this was the moment that they truly lived. Living within the realms of battles, this was what real life meant, fighting to attain the desired.
Raving, Morgus burnt through that wall of claws and fangs that surrounded him and from his being erupted those turbulent waves that seared and burnt their way through the distance, wiping out what was left of this pack of cosmic beasts.
Staring from the edge of that battlecarpet, Morgus saw that cosmic wall unveil itself to them. Finally, he thought, they would into another realm, he may then be able to find any of the peaks of Nerzix within this domain. That screen enacted itself before them, birthing that Lance Crystal which raved, exhuming an axial beam from its core, it bolted t into the distance ahead of them, searing through the cosmic wall, it opened a clear path for them, an entry to a different realm.
*** *** ***
The clanging of steel and armour was earsplitting and the whizzing sounds of battleships and battlecarpets rent the atmosphere asunder, mobile cannons and interstellar chariots rammed into themselves. This was war at its peak and it was sizzling with the sun high in the air, burning its way upon all that stood beneath its savage rays.
The pace of time lagged as the atmosphere contracted, slowing down the progression of everything within this domain. The massive and rugged edges of that blade slowly cut through the dense fibres of the atmosphere, making it spark, searing its way, it sliced through that mass of flesh and steel. Motion instantaneously became sonic as that armoured being aided by his feet, took into the air and once again, the fibres of the atmosphere thickened, lagging his pace as he rose in the air. Relaxing its fibres to the most fragile point, motion became lightning sharp, an atomic bomb ticking its burning lifespan at the speed of nanoseconds, making this warring being fray through the distance. Lightning sharp, it was the apex of clashing summits of blades.