Chapter 5

Eru was happy with the outcome, while he was now thinking about what else to do. Since he already had religions in Essos and Westeros set up. Now he was looking at different places, he thought about Yi Ti, but decided to leave the place be since he saw another spirit called

The Lion of Night, which was  is a god in Yi Ti.

Eru hummed and muttered, "Well he is annoying, but he can be kept in check by the people of Yi Ti themselves."

He remembered how the Lion of Night fathered a son on the Maiden-Made-of-Light. This son was the God-on-Earth, who ruled the Great Empire of the Dawn for ten thousand years before ascending to the heavens. The descendants of the God-Earth ruled the empire after him, each ruling a shorter time than the previous one until the brother of the Amethyst Empress usurped her in the Blood Betrayal and crowned himself as the Bloodstone Emperor, ushering in the Long Night. The Maiden-Made-of-Light turned her back upon the world and the Lion of Night came forth in all his wroth to punish the wickedness of man.

Ulmo, who was next now next to Eru questioned "Are they spirits too?"

Eru nodded and answered"Yes, they are. But more powerful than R'hllor.Also, they are not an issue for us."

Eru decided to move on to another group of spirits that are not powerful, but smart enough to band together and create a group now called Faith of Seven.

The Faith of the Seven and although their followers holds that there is one god who has seven faces or aspects the Father, the Mother, the Maiden, the Crone, the Warrior, the Smith, and the Stranger. Each aspect represents one part of life or existence

Eru knew it would become the main religion of the Seven Kingdoms in the original timeline. It is little practiced beyond its borders. The Faith of the Seven was dominant in the south of Westeros. 

But saw they were barely able to hold themselves together with followers of R'hllor and Ancient gods spreading in Essos.

Eru hummed and muttered, "No wonder they took their strongest followers and went to Westeros, they did not have a strong base in Esso, so they subjugate and convert first men to increase their influence and power."

The Faith of the Seven is the main religion of the  Seven Kingdoms. It is Little practiced beyond its borders. The Faith of the Seven is dominant in the south of Westeros. 

But this time he wasn't about to let them run wild, since he had plans to get Reach and Dorne to his side at the very beginning.

Eru decided they needed more gods or goddesses to help Ulmo with managing Westeros and Essos.

Eru took earth and plants as the base to mold a goddess this time, which slowly came to life.

Taking the appearance of a full-grown young woman with red hair and blue eyes along with well-defined facial features. She is an ethereal beauty.

When she opened her eyes, Eru smiled and named his daughter"Yavanna, Queen of Earth"

Yavanna gave a tender smile and said"Father."

She has explained everything and Eru himself introduced her to the Children of the Forest, who quickly accepted her.

Leaf was also happy with Eru's visit asked"Creator, we thank you for taking care of us."

Eru nodded and then decided to once again warn them"There are tough times ahead of you, so stand strong and united."

Neither Leaf nor the other children of the forest at the time understood the warning, but they did later.

It was 12,000 Before Conquest that A human ethnic group, the First Men, invades Westeros across the Arm of Dorne from Essos.They found the land to be blessed with abundant of food, but they found there were other inhabitants here.

But it was not something they could overlook.So

the war of the First Men and the Children of the Forest started which lasted for generations.