Chapter 8

Brandon Stark after learning magic from children of forest hard it create the Wall with artifice and magic to bar against the Walkers' return.He married the daughter Azor.

He also was slowly setting in land of North,While Eru called forth the so called hero's like Bran the Builder, Garth the gardener,Duran Godsgrief, Elden Dayne the Morning Sword, Lan the clever were called by Eru to blessed.

Lan and Duran directly asked for gifts like Duran wanted super strength and Lan wanted luck and fortune.Eru blessed them with there respective wishes.

While Garth, Bran and Elden only wanted blessing for there land and people.Which made Eru happy and wanted to give them more, so he waited for the right time.

All of the heroes were given an Oath stone, which is there life and history etched on it.

Eru explained"When you take your oath at the protector of your land in front of it.Your father and ancestors will appear before you as specters and bless you."

The blessings of their ancestors and fathers brought great joy for all of them, since all of them lost there parents during the war.Also to get blessings of your for Father's and ancestors were a great achievement.Also to make contact with your dead loved ones was added bonus.

There were all happy with what they got and went on the journey to create there own Kingdoms.Now with such blessing they were bound to be sucessful.

While on the other hand despite their victory, the Children of the Forest and Giants suffered heavy losses in the war and that's when Yavaana appeared before them.

Leaf seeing Yavanna spoke up"Lady Yavanna."

Savannah smiled and gesturing towards the northern lands said"Father has set a land beyond the wall for children and the giants.....It is protected with magical barriers.This is a new beginning for your people."

Leaf was really thankful, while she quickly told her people and the giants the situation.They got ready to travel to the location given by Lady Yavanna.

At the time there was First Men tribes unlucky enough to be living north of the Wall when it is constructed are trapped in the lands beyond.

They were completely isolated so seeing there is no other way half of the tribes followed the children and Giants.They we're taking a high risk, but it paid off at the end.

Whilst rest of the tribes that stayed behind eventually hostile to the growing Kingdoms of south, despite their shared ethnic background.

These new tribes call themselves the "Free Folk", though the kingdoms south of the Wall consider them to be barbarians, and derisively call them the "wildlings". Despite their differences, the Free Folk continue to follow the same religion of the Old Gods, just like their cousins to the south of the Wall.

The tribes that followed the children and giants soon reached the place it was empty and it was cold because of the snowy whether.

All of children and giants firmly belived there creators, while first men tribes were doubtful.

Lady Yavanna and Eru we're waiting for them.

Eru gesturing behind him as the empty snowy lands started to shimmer and great a great and enchanting forest appeared out of nowhere .It was shocking sight to see and mysterious because the forest was not affected by the cold winter.

Eru looking towards the children of forest and Giants"This is your reward for fighting the white walkers....This forest is safe haven for your people, where neither weather or food will be problem for you.You will never have to fear of invaders or others hurting you because of the barrier."

Children of forest and Giants knelt before there savior and creator, while Eru turned towards the first men, who were hoping they will also be allowed to stay.

Eru smiled at them and said"You can also stay, but my only condition is that you live in peace with the children and giants.

The first man tribes leader Mora quickly bowed and said"We will follow your laws without question my lord."

Eru and Yavanna smiled, both of them slowly disappeared into the winds.

These humans slowly started to call themselves Moorfolks.They we're peaceful folk, who lived in harmony with the giants and children of forest.But these three will unite together if situation demands it.