Chapter 10

Eru watched as these so called heroes slowly developed there own kingdoms.It was interesting to watch, but it was then he remembered the later plot of the world is annoying.

There key points that are hard to change like in Dance of Dragon, you can either save Aemma Arynn or her child.Which would not change the fact the war will still take place.

Like if we save the son, the boy will have slight issues like Dyslexia,ADHD, ..etc.So he also will not be interested in throne and want his sister to succeed the throne.But you will see Allicent seduing Viserys because of Otto manipulation.

Similarly if Aemma survived, she will be traumatized by the events and stay apart from Viserys which would lead to the same situation with Allicent seducing him on Otto Hightowers orders.

Also in each world there are people with great luck called protagonist or son of heaven.These people gained luck through the help of the great deeds done by there ancestors.

So obviously GOT world had a son/daughter of Heaven or protagonists like Sansa, Bran, Arya and Jon Snow.All of these characters have faced great danger, but at the same time had immense luck making them have higher chances of survival than normal folks.

For example Jon's life is considered terrible and at the same time lucky because of both his families luck.The great deeds done by his maternal and paternal family gained him great luck, but at the same time his paternal family gained a lot of bad fortune over the centuries thus leading to his bad life.

Eru was in deep thought hummed and muttered"What to do and where to interfere?"

The first issue was the Andal Invasion, where Andals under Faith of Seven invaded Westeros they practically wiped out Old gods religion and Weirwood trees found all over Westeros.They even killed some of the children do the forest present at the time.

The second was Aegon's conquest, which can also be changed.

Eru already had plans for Andal Invasion, he wanted to be directly involved.While he heard prayers from Elden Dayne.It seems they were in trouble and have no idea were to go.

Eru wanted to help him, so decided to create a another son for to guide people of Dorne.Also someone to help me with maintaining guiding the souls to afterlife.

He slowly molded a figure from sunlight, another figure from laws of death.

The model figured from sun war brought this new figure to life, he was a tall, muscular, tanned middle aged male with bright, flaming hair.he now wears a more greek costume with his top exposed, covered with white tattoos in the shape of the sun.He dons a pair of multi-layered armored bracers, a flame shaped crown on his head.

The one with laws of death was a tall man with dark, shoulder length hair in waves. He appears to have pointed ears and a pale complexion.He wore a black robe with blue borders, with a crown of thorns on his head and his hair grows longer. His skull mark is clearly visible in this form. The ends of his robes seem like flames, but are actually luminescent cloth. His robe and overall appearance is said to represent the deep sea.

Eru smiled at and named him"Mandos Keeper of the Houses of the Dead,Ruler of the Dead.I am leaving your to govern the underworld, my son judge the souls justly."

Mando is bowed and with solemn tone replied"I am here serve only you,father."

Eru nodded and turning to his other son"Surya God of the Sun."

The figure quickly knelt on the floor and said"Father."

Eru nodded and continued"My son, for now I want you too go guide House of Dayne and the people, who follow him to the south of Westros.Do what you must to help them?"

Surya nodded and disappeared in flash of light, while Eru watched the events happen.

So did Mandos, who disappeared to the underworld to do his duty.

Eru sighed in relief and muttered"Well now I don't have to watch and judge the dead."

Down in Westros Elden Dayne with his family and group were praying to the Ancient gods for guidance.They were in need of help, since they could not find a good place to settle every place was already claimed.

That's when in a flash of light a mysterious and enchanting figure appeared before them.Thre figure was otherworldly.

Elden Dayne and his family was in daze, while Surya spoke up"I am Surya God of the Sun and I sent there by my father, Eru."

Elden Dayne and everyone quickly knelt before Surya, who simply"I heard your prayers and I have solution for it...Go far south and you will find the answer for your troubles."

Elden and everyone nodded, they quickly borwe before Lord Surya and said"Thank you for your guidance My Lord."

Surya shook his head and replied"I will be there to guide you."

Elden and his family were happy with this and quickly ordered his men to make the journey.

It was a dangerous as this was known to be hottest region of Westeros. The region is rocky, mountainous, arid and dry, and features the only desert on the continent.

They are all walking across the golden dunes very tired all of them still walked towards the destination.Some were doubtful, but Elden refused to believe this ma walked forward.

Then one of his son asked"Father, I am thirsty."

Elden knew there water pouches were empty,so with sadness said"Don't worry we will find more water for you."

Then he heard the voice"I see you have arrived."

Elden and everyone was happy and turned to see Lord Surya floating in the air.He smiled at them and with a wave of his hand they felt there thirst and hunger vanish.

Surya smiled at them and said"I have bless your people with the ability to adapt to the desert.....Everyone of your decendants will have this blessing."

Elden was happy, while he was confused about how they were gonna live in the desert with no water or food.

But that was answered with Lord Surya simply waving his hand.

Suddenly, in a circle around him,lush green vegetation springs up out of the sand, then explodes out exponentially all over the place and even a giant lake appears.

It was amazing to watch, also Surya explained"The land is blessed with fertility and the water will never run out."

Elden and his family and everyone that followed him quickly bowed.This was all they wanted and they quickly thanked there patron god"Praise Lord Surya and Lord Eru."

Surya smiled and added"Your family bloodline is blessed to have mastery in any weapon they choose."

With that Surya disappeared as Elden was happy with these gifts, but he focused on the current tasks and quickly started to settle people in, also they found small houses already built there.It was everything they could ask for.

That night Elden was gazing up rapturously at the array of stars or gems glowing in the night sky and then saw shining gems shower overhead.

He noticed something flashing high in the sky. Another meteor, this one very close. Shooting stars. Heralds of great change are to come for anyone who witnessed them.

It fell as thudded to earth in a nearby,Elden ran to the place to find a small, smoking crater provided evidence of where precisely it had struck.

That's when he heard Lord Surya voice"Use the piece of sky stone(star) to create your sword.Let this be a gift and guide your people theough these treacherous times."

Elden quickly looking at the piece of sky stone muttered"I will not disappoint you my Lord."

This the house of Dayne symbol and sword were created.

Every great swordsman from the family is called

Sword of the Morning and all of wields the legendary greatsword Dawn, a blade said to be created from the heart of falling star. Their blazon is a white sword and a falling star, crossing on a lavender background.

Also they started building and praying to Ancient gods and among them Eru and Surya had the most followers in Dorne.