chapter 107

Strategist Wang hurried through the bustling interior corridors of the fortress behind the Great Wall, his mind whirring. He dodged and weaved between the bodies of the injured and the exhausted; between soldiers with dented armour and haunted expressions; between those who were sitting against the wall or groaning in agony or lying down taking rest.

Wang knew if not for Merlin the number of dead would have been huge, maybe the Taotei would have crossed the first defense too.

He quickly went and found Shen, he was the imperial officer sent by the Emperor to watch over and report everything.

"Ah, Shen," he said, as if the man had appeared at his bidding, "I want you to do something for me. Could you go and tell Commander Chen to set up the Star rock arrows, we may need them sooner than we anticipated?"

Shen looked at first as if he was about to refuse, and then jerkily he nodded. "Thank you,"

While Lin Mae was in deep thought, she walked around and saw many of her friends or people she grew up and trained with were safe, she knew she should be thankful to Melisandre and Merlin for this.

Lin Mae muttered."I will talk to them."

As she rounded a bend in the Wall and halted at an unexpected sight. There, sitting cross-legged in the shadows, his back against a buttress, was the large, dark figure of a man, curls of steam shrouding his face. The steam was rising from a dainty china bowl that he held delicately in one huge, gnarled hand.

Lin Mae moved closer and the man looked up. Despite the shadows and the steam, she could see that his bearded face looked drawn, haggard.

"General Shao," Lin Mae said gently. "You should be resting." Shao took another sip of tea. "I've slept enough in my life."

He turned his attention back to the Gouwu Mountain glowing poisonously in the distance. "Strategist Wang was right. He told us the Tao Tei would change. His warnings went unheeded." Lin Mae sat beside him. She wondered about placing a hand on his arm, a touch of reassurance and support, but decided against it. "We were ready," she insisted. "You prepared us well."

"We were prepared—we are prepared—for the enemy of 200 year ago. Pray that that's enough." His eyes flickered towards her again.

After a moment he said, "You should know, Lin Mae, the Emperor's Council has done more than just doubt Strategist Wang. Forcing me to fight to keep him as my advisor… Sending Shen to spy on us…" His features hardened in distaste. Lin Mae's face hardened too, in sympathy with her commander's. Decisively she said, "We will prevail as we have always done."

Shao smiled at her spirit. Then his expression grew somber again."We have to thank Merlin and Melisandre for this, we have come out with very small death's in the first wave."

Lin Mae nodded.

At the time, Merlin entered the room. Shao seeing Merlin spoke up."We were just talking about you."

Shao got up and stood infront of Merlin, cupping his hands he said, "Thank you for helping us."

Merlin waves it off and said."You don't have to thank me. Also, the thunder Wall will stay up for atleast three weeks."

General Shao was thankful for Merlin efforts, also he noticed Lin Mae looking at Merlin with great interest, Shao knew her daughter figure finally found somone that peaked her curiosity.

General Shao gesturing to Lin Mae."Lin Mae here will escort you too your room, she will be your guide till your stay here."

Lin Mae was suprised, but agreed.