Guild's progress

Venom Strike Full Arm Guards - Lv 20 (56/200 EXP) (Uncommon)

Attack Power: 160

Defense: 160

Magic Defense: 160

Attack Speed: 100%

Mana: 600/600

Durability: 160/160

Attack Power Up increases attack Power by ten percent.

Defense Power Up: increases defense Power by ten percent.

Magic Defense Up: increases defense Power by ten percent.

Attack Speed Up: increases attack speed by ten percent.

Before long, the enemies realized that Terry was getting stronger, faster, and tougher… and then they realized that they couldn't win against him. It was only natural… even the scratches he was receiving weren't bleeding any more. It was almost like Terry was a monster himself.

Despite knowing the futility of their actions, the enemies fought on, driven by a deep sense of duty and the desire to protect their base. With a resolute determination, they charged toward Terry, their hearts filled with a mix of fear and unwavering loyalty.