
Amidst the chaos, the air filled with the noise of roaring flames and the triumphant screeches of the fire drakes. They tore into the two-headed wolves with primal ferocity, their powerful jaws ripping through flesh and sinew. The wolves, once renowned for their formidable nature, now succumbed to the relentless assault of their fire-breathing adversaries.

"We can't say for certain if the incidents are connected, but we can say for sure that the fire drakes attack everything that they deem weaker than them," Louis said. "It has been a while since something of this scale happened in our country, and more enemies keep coming. We will have to act and deal with them. Tomorrow morning, an airplane will leave the city; it is up to you whether to accept the mission or not. We also decided that only the guilds that participated in the operation will have the chance to buy the materials and use the portal once the enemies on this side are dealt with."